Liz Theresa – Fierce Business Mentor, Copywriter, and Website Creator
Episode 120

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Kara Goldin 00:00
Hi everyone, it’s Kara Goldin from the Kara Golden Show. And I’m so excited to have my next guest here. I was on her podcast a little while ago. Liz Theresa. She’s a business mentor. She is just such a badass podcaster copywriter, website creator, mom as well, and super, super lovely. And I said, Liz, you have to come on my podcast when you can. I know how busy you are. But her podcast, by the way, is called Liz on biz, which is just such a fun name to but she’s really the jack of all trades and just knows so much. And like I said, I always want people that are motivating and inspirational. And that we can learn lots from and so that is why I brought Liz on today. So welcome, Liz.
Liz Theresa 00:53
I’m like jumping out of my skin excited. So thank you so much for having me here with you. Absolutely. So
Kara Goldin 01:00
let’s start with your story. So how did you back up even before podcasting? Like what who was Liz who was kid Liz?
Liz Theresa 01:10
Oh, kid Liz, she was her nickname was pretty. So in my family, my grandma and my aunt, everybody called me pretty. And I would actually answer to that, which I know sounds quite egotistical. But like that was my nickname when I was living. I love it though, I was very sassy. And I was definitely the challenging one between me and my brother. Like my brother is like this. My brother is a very soft, spoken, dry, funny, wonderfully brilliant guy, very sensitive and sweet. And then I was like I’m rebellious. And which I thought was cool. So I was like, I’m very cool. But my mom was probably like you’re very, you’re very difficult. But I eventually know me and my mom are super tight. I was a theater kid, for sure. I was in a bunch of plays, I was actually the president of the theater company in college. My background was also in lit and writing. And so I was definitely a person that I knew what I wanted to do when I grew up. And what’s funny is I’m not doing what I wanted to do when I grew up, because I realized I didn’t want to do it after I kind of almost did. But I was desperate to work on days of our lives. And I really wanted to be an actor in our lives. Yeah, specifically because I was like, well, you work every day, you get a salary. And for an actor, that’s a really big deal is you’re always like that we’re always working, I was really good at memorizing my lines, and I kind of had it
Kara Goldin 02:33
all worked out. Had you written yourself into the script? Did you actually know what part you were gonna play?
Liz Theresa 02:39
I figured that they’d have to write me in. Because everybody on the show is very blonde. And so I didn’t know if I could fit unless I colored my hair and really tried to get away with it. So I think about that. Well, I worked at a casting studio, this is how far I got. And then when I worked there, I didn’t like that. There was a girl that was auditioning for a part. And I remember, as I would I was working in a studio. So I would see the directors, you know, in like with the clients and all this and they would make decisions about who gets the commercial, who doesn’t. And they deleted this woman’s audition and made fun of her for wearing orange or something like she’d like an orange bracelet. And they were like an orange bracelet, delete. And then they like deleted it and laughed about it. And I was like, Oh my gosh, I don’t want to work in any profession where your worth is determined by another person. And so I was like, Yeah, and I was only 19. And it like, then I knew I didn’t want to be an actor anymore. changed my whole thing. So
Kara Goldin 03:40
what so what did you do then?
Liz Theresa 03:43
Well, I finished my degree. And then when they told me I remember being a senior in college, and they said, Well if you don’t know what you want to do with your life, you’re already too late. And what a terrifying thing by the way to say to somebody that’s like a senior in college because you’re still a kid like you’re very young. And so I went to my advisor. And I was like, Well, I don’t want to be a teacher with like an English degree in a theater degree. No offense to teachers, but I because I think you have to be a saint to be a teacher like that’s like a whole thing. And I was like, and I thought maybe publishing I could go into but I wasn’t quite sure. So my advisor suggested I get a graduate degree for free and not pay for it. By applying for an assistantship, it’s called at the university. So I applied for this assistantship, and I got a free master’s degree to postpone making any big decisions right about my career, what I was going to be, and to give you an idea, like this was like 2009 is when I got into grad school, I graduated 2011. And what’s remarkable is that this was near the end of the recession, right, so the recession that was 2007 until about 2012. And so during that time, my parents owned a business and my parents what they did, is they actually my dad made diving equipment like the hardhat, heavy stuff like in the movie men of honor. My dad made the helmets for that movie. Wow. Just like yeah, so cool. That’s awesome. It is my dad, but my dad is quite talented and very cool. And so they said, Liz, we need your help with marketing. And I was just I was a grad student, I was working at the college television studio because of my background and in theater, that that that was why they hired me. But I knew nothing of marketing. I remember googling what is marketing? Like, I remember buying Twitter for dummies, like I really did all these things. But it was because I was such a voracious reader, I just sought to learn everything I could because I wanted to help my parents, you know, it meant a lot to me. And like I came from entrepreneurs. And so I wanted to do everything I could to help them succeed. And then I realized I was like, Ooh, this online stuff, this marketing, I was like, this is kind of creative. This is kind of interesting. And then I got very, like, addicted to it. So I tried to get a job actually. And I applied for jobs. But they all required three to five years of experience in digital marketing, even though it was like a year old. Because Twitter was only invented in 2009. So it’s like digital marketing was like a baby at the time. And yeah, so it was kind of like my parents got me into it accidentally. And here I am now, which is wild.
Kara Goldin 06:23
And so you were doing so you started doing online marketing for them.
Liz Theresa 06:27
Yeah, and tourism.
Kara Goldin 06:29
And what was kind of your first stop? What did you try? And it was SEO, was it? You know, what, what was it
Liz Theresa 06:37
social media? Definitely. Although I will have to add here that I used to make websites for fun as a kid. So like, when I was a kid, I knew how to do HTML and stuff. And then I realized as I was becoming an adult, that it was actually a skill you could like make money with. So it was like something that kind of fused into the social media is that I could also fix the websites that I was marketing to or promoting. So that helps for sure. But I remember specifically with my parent’s diving company, I remember reaching out to like, people that owned diving destinations. So I looked up places like there was a place in Thailand where you can go and you can have like private diving lessons and go deep sea and do all this stuff. And they became like Twitter friends with me. And then they were like, you should come and stay and I didn’t get to go but they were like gonna give me like they’re sweet. Because we became Twitter friends because back then it wasn’t as um, it’s hard. It’s so hard to imagine. But you remember it used to be so much cooler to be on Twitter. Yeah, back then.
Kara Goldin 07:38
I still love Twitter. Twitter’s me, although I recently got on tik to about three weeks ago and I look out world look. Wow. Wow. I one of my videos. One of my 20 that I’ve posted went viral. And my and my 15-year-old is was he didn’t know whether to laugh or cry because his mom is on video and are on tik tok. Anyway, it was just it was rough. But you know what it was actually, it’s really it’s interesting. I think I’m finding this new segment. And I’ve been getting traction from tik to because I’m older than the demographic that is typically on Tick Tock. But I’m also the stuff that I’m actually putting on there is a lot of my talks that I’m giving, whether they’re, you know, webinars, or video podcasts, or whatever, or talks that I’ve done in the past about my story about founding can’t and so I’m slicing and dicing it down to a few segments, and then the one that actually has over 90,000 views on it. What went pretty, you know, viral over a couple of days, was the one that told the story of getting my first product on the shelf at Whole Foods. And it’s interesting because the audience, knew about the hint, but they didn’t know my story. And so I think it’s fascinating because these are people, whatever, 14 to 24, generally, are the people that are, at least have gone on to my site, whose parents were buying them hint over the years because they enjoyed it. And so they’ve grown up with it, and it’s been in their schools, whatever. And so all of a sudden, there maybe they’re having questions about how the heck do I start? What do I really want to do with my life? And then you’ve got this chicky like me, who’s on saying, I had no idea what I wanted to do. And so I just started a beverage company, because I was passionate about it. And I just went to Whole Foods and asked to tap the guy on the shoulder. I said, hey, how do I get a product on the shelf and Whole Foods and that ends up? You don’t have to be funny on tik tok. Funny Videos work. But I think inspiring videos also can work. And I think there have been people like over the holidays that I’ve been watching that are putting these crafts together that are doing him like really fast and they’ll give directions. I mean, they’re kind of interesting. And again, I think that it’s sort of it’s a, it’s still trying to get figured out, but I don’t think there’s a hard and fast, it’s evolving. And I don’t think there’s hard and fast for what Tick Tock is, I used to think it was
Liz Theresa 10:30
only the funny meme
Kara Goldin 10:32
stuff, right? And much younger and whatever. But again, I’ve seen plenty of people who are saying, oh, okay, here’s how to make that bow on a package for your holiday presents. And people actually want to see that. Yeah, I think it’s really interesting. And here’s how you do it really fast. And you’re like, Oh, dude, actually, I found out I get, do you know, this company? bark box. Yeah, my dogs get barkbox treats every month, then there’s like a whole production. We just got ours yesterday. And they’re Snoopy and like, all these different great characters in there. Anyway, my son came to me and gave me or showed me this Tiktok where they showed that there are toys on the inside of every one of the backbox toys. And I was like, get out of here. And so we were especially the toys that were sort of gross. And we cut them open had a little surgery. And we found all these new toys and my dogs were going crazy. Because they were like, Oh my God, we have we now have hundreds of some of them back. So we figured it out on tik tok. Again, No, it wasn’t. And, you know, there was probably some other way to find it. Maybe it was on the tag, but nobody reads anyway. Right. But I saw it. We saw it on a tic tac reading
Liz Theresa 11:56
anyway. So I know that though, and I noticed I feel like I know stuff. And I didn’t know that.
Kara Goldin 12:01
Yeah, yeah, no, exactly. And I was like, willing. So that’s what I mean. tic Tock is not just for the funny means, or, you know, whatever, sexy photos or whatever you however, I really do think that there are an inspiration and an educational component. And I’m just trying to figure that whole platform out for now. Oh, yeah. Okay, so you’re the first stop was building the website? And then what did you I mean, what you do from there? Where did you? Look? Obviously, you enjoyed it, because you were getting traction on it. But how did you start thinking about it then? And how, like, how did you think, okay, I could, I’m helping them. How do I ultimately expand this?
Liz Theresa 12:42
Well, I actually didn’t know I was being entrepreneurial yet. So I still was applying to get jobs. And I remember my mom said, you don’t need permission to do the thing you want to do. Like if you want to help businesses. I love thought to businesses. And I was like, Whoa, but a simple, but like the powerful message. And then I did I mean, I was like, I mean, wow. Thanks, Mom. I mean, I remember walking on interviews and being like, was that a good interview? Because it just didn’t feel anything? Right? I didn’t fit in anywhere, even with a grad degree. But yeah, and then I did I started going after people that I just knew I could help. That’s huge.
Kara Goldin 13:20
So that was your focus, then after helping your parents then when did how did you get your second gig? Yeah, I
Liz Theresa 13:28
started in my building. So actually, I had, I was working in a commercial building as an insurance agent, which I used as a side gig to like, learn a little bit about the business. But also it was like, the guy that owned the agency was a friend of my mom’s. And so that’s where I was kind of working. Anyway, but there were other businesses in this commercial building. So I just started helping. I started being like, how’s your Facebook page doing? Like, how’s your Twitter and they’re like, I don’t tweet and I’m like, that’s where I come in, hopefully. And then I, I educated them. Honestly, it starts with education, I kind of had at that point, you really had to show the value of digital marketing, to get people to kind of go, Oh, wait, this sounds different and interesting. And so that was kind of part of it. So I definitely sought out the people that were in my immediate network. And then after that, I honestly went to a networking event and got my, my first random client, through networking.
Kara Goldin 14:23
I feel like over the last 10 years, in particular, I mean, I didn’t have the money to actually go out and market and buy advertising and do all the things that I knew that I was supposed to do. So actually the first thing I did was actually got a PR person to help me get the word out and storyteller and little I didn’t call it to your point about you didn’t call it being entrepreneurial. I didn’t call it marketing. I just said, okay, people are responding to my story because I’m telling the story about me dropping Diet Coke and drinking water and It’s relatable. There’s a lot of people who have that they just didn’t know that they could actually fix a problem by getting off of something. And most people think if I go do something, if I go exercise if I go, like on a diet, or whatever it is, but I just had this thing in my life that was actually getting in the way of me ultimately getting healthy. And then once I figured that out, then I anyway, I wanted to go tell that story. So I think marketing today is, I think, more and more it’s becoming about the person who started the company, and what is there why what I’d love to hear your perspective on it?
Liz Theresa 15:39
Well, I would say that every time I’m thinking of a client of mine, in particular, and she’s a photographer, and so when you’re a photographer, a lot of times you’ll think about social media, and you think, well, I should post my work, I should post my photos. And that’s true. You want people to see what you do and how it looks and how it feels and all that. And then in the course of working with her, I was like, Well, people also want to know, like, what makes you different? Like, what’re the nuances that make in the tiny details that actually make working with you a different experience and working with like that person over there? So we’ve started to weave in personal stories, like we’re gonna be sharing, like, how she met her husband and like, like, what new things she’s learning right now like learning how to cook, and how is that going like, and these kinds of pieces of people, because personal brands, I think all brands are personal. And then when you have a personal brand, it’s crazy to not use your personality. To me.
Kara Goldin 16:35
Yeah, totally. Well, and I also think it’s about kind of answering people’s problems ahead of time. Like, I’ve never been a huge believer in focus groups, because I feel like you set people up in a room. And you say, okay, we’re gonna, we’re gonna show you this, and they got to come up with an answer. It’s sort of like a multiple choice. You can’t leave the room, especially if you’re getting paid in a focus group without saying something. Right, they’ll pull that they’ll pull your, the info out of you. Right. And I think it’s the same. Anyway, I think it’s the same way when I think about why people are doing that, and getting back to why it can be delivered through an individual. But I also think it can be delivered by actually saying, Have you ever received photos that didn’t have the right lighting? Do you know if you had the right lighting? What, whatever it is, I mean, like actually identifying the problem,
Liz Theresa 17:35
like, have you ever felt like your posing super awkward, or that your smile looks very forced? You know, here’s
Kara Goldin 17:41
why. Here’s why you do it. Yeah. And I think it’s, I think so often, those are the really, really engaging ones where you’re thinking, Okay, this person really gets it. And so this is what we’re gonna do. What’s the strangest project that you’ve ever worked on? You don’t have to say the name but oh, I baby. Oh, yeah.
Liz Theresa 18:01
Yeah. So I I have this is one of my clients now in her business is lice, like head lice and removing it. And that’s, that’s the whole thing. And so we’re branding it. I mean, like, it was already branded, but we’re creating a branded website around it. And the copy, I have to say, I’m having way too much fun with that, like, don’t bug out. We got you those kinds of things. Like, like every What is it sugar and spice and everything’s lace, like we’re having some fun with the copy. But that’s got to be one of the most unusual businesses that I’ve got to help. I love it.
Kara Goldin 18:38
I love it. So you What year did you start your podcast? 2016 Wow. So you’ve been doing it for a little
Liz Theresa 18:45
while? There’s,
Kara Goldin 18:47
yeah, lots, how many episodes do you have? No.
Liz Theresa 18:50
So you were Episode 200. So now we’re, we’re gonna be at about 208. And the irony is I started my podcast on Election Day, which I don’t recommend starting anything on Election Day, because I was never a political person. And so I was like, oh, November, whatever it was, let’s just do that. Like, I didn’t even think about it. And then I was like, Oh, this was a weird decision. And I’m lucky people listened and found it.
Kara Goldin 19:16
Do you feel like just starting your own podcasts that that got the word out about what you do, as well?
Liz Theresa 19:22
It forced me to be consistent about providing value to my audience. Because I think that blogging for me was extremely casual. Whereas like, with my clients, I’m like, Where’re your posts like, what’s going on? Like, they’re not I hold my people accountable, but I wasn’t holding myself to that same level of like excellence honestly, and, and my podcast because people expect an episode every single Monday. I remember the first time I realized it mattered is when one of my episodes didn’t publish like there was a glitch or something. And people were texting me like where’s the show? Instagram? Where is it people were like blowing me up being like, Where’s the episode? Where’s the app? And I was like, wait, you guys are listening? A little bit funny. And then I realized I’m like, I have a, it’s like I have a duty to my listeners to be there, you posted a certain time. Honestly, it drops it like the crack of dawn around like four or 430 in the morning, because that to me that I’m like It Will they can’t miss it. And then it and then in case there’s a lag in iTunes, it’ll be around for the morning rush hour. Really, really smart. Yeah.
Kara Goldin 20:31
You recently or fairly recently, right, got Forbes as one of the top small business podcasts that will help you sell more. Yeah, amazing.
Liz Theresa 20:45
I was so excited.
Kara Goldin 20:47
Yeah. That’s, that’s amazing. Amazing. And so what do you think are the biggest challenges for companies that you come in and help solve?
Liz Theresa 20:56
Well, honestly, I think that we all have the very bad habit of having like the comparison trap happen, whereas a company, you’re looking at your competitors, and you’re like, Oh, well, there, their website says stuff like this, where they’re doing, they’re doing webinars and funnels, should I be doing webinars and funnels? And I think, like, that’s the thing that I help solve as I can declutter the decision-making process. Because I think that we get like, shiny object syndrome with like, as you know, as people that are under syndrome, yeah, all of that. Yeah. And I can come in as the objective person to be like, Oh, you are interesting. Here are all the reasons why here’s actually what we should be doing.
Kara Goldin 21:36
Totally. No, I think that that’s true. You know, I think that the other thing that has really opened up this year, I was talking to a friend of mine, who has a local business, and I was talking to her about marketing. And I think it’s so interesting because it’s, it’s like this mind shift for local businesses to think why are you just marketing locally? Right? If all you have to do is ship something? Or if you’re a service, for example? I it’s just, I mean, it’s kind of mind-blowing, you don’t really, and that’s hard, right? But it’s not really that hard to kind of get the word out about your business. What do you think are the things, the key things that people need to think about? Like, I mean, when I guess the question is, when is a business? When does a business need to stay local, as compared to? I don’t know, maybe you’re a dry cleaner, for example, but even then, as I look at so so much of the time, if you’re a really great dry cleaner, I don’t know. And you, right? I mean, there are so many businesses that I think about constantly that are I mean, you look at even gold belly, are you familiar with those? Yeah, those guys, right? I mean, I was on the Tamron Hall show and the other there were a couple of other entrepreneurs. And one of them was, was the founder of, of the gold belly, a husband and wife team. And I was hearing their story as I was sitting there in the green room. And, and you know, it’s amazing. I mean, they have a huge business, and people are shipping these little products all over the world. And I’ve ordered from I’ve ordered bagels from New York, but I live in San Francisco, and I want like really good bagels, and unfortunately they sorry, San Francisco, but you just don’t make good bagels right now.
Liz Theresa 23:28
And Boston does not make good bagels either.
Kara Goldin 23:31
Right? And so I love cold belly. And so anyway, I think that there are businesses, there’s like a mind shift, though, but so often you have to think about Okay, maybe if I’m a hardware store, do I actually and I have really unique stuff, why do I think that I you have to think bigger and do I have to stay local? What do you think about that?
Liz Theresa 23:55
It’s permission in your head, I have to give myself permission to think differently about the stuff I’m so used to doing. And I think it’s like the older way of doing business really got sledgehammered this year. And people were forced to pivot and forced to kind of re-examine Okay, like, how am I showing up in the world? Does this still make sense? I mean, there was a woman that I spoke with yesterday and her business is like the Do It Yourself sign painting so like having signs in your house that say like home sweet home, it’s wine and love, you know, like that kind of cute?
Kara Goldin 24:28
I love that.
Liz Theresa 24:29
Yeah, and that’s her business and it used to be sort of like you would have to go to the studio, and then you would get the wood at the studio and paint the studio. Now let’s do it yourself kits in the mail. So she’s like completely turn the car around. You know, not that she’ll never do studio again. And I think it’s like for her she can’t wait to have people back for sure. But, but like to realize that yes, this same idea. It can be so much bigger, and you can allow it to be bigger. It doesn’t have to-it’s doesn’t mean you’re cheating on the way things used to be. And it is
Kara Goldin 25:03
true that I remember my kids are older now. But I remember when my oldest daughter got this gift, and it was a stool, it was like a little step stool, and it had a name puzzle in it. And I just thought it was the greatest thing. And the person was so smart, they put a little sticker on the bottom, and it had the phone number, and it was in Iowa. And I called when I had my second kid, I called them. And they said, oh, we’re just like this little store. Again, this is before the internet was just a boom. And I thought, I mean, how many people would just go on and just buy something like that? I mean, today, it’s you, we’re a business that you are no longer you might be based in Iowa. But you’re no longer just a mom-and-pop shop like you could be much bigger if you want to be that much bigger. I think like that’s the other piece of it. So what do you think are the key things? I mean, I think that that’s the other thing Do people have to have, you know, a CRM program? Do they have to have an SEO? I think sometimes these things are a little daunting to people. What do you think are the top things so you’ve got a business? Do you want to sell stuff? on online? What do you think are kind of the things that you that real people need to? I mean, obviously, you need to market and tell people, you’re there, you can’t just open a store and just hope for the best?
Liz Theresa 26:26
Unfortunately not.
Kara Goldin 26:29
Right? So what do you tell people like what are the things that they should really worry about today and tomorrow,
Liz Theresa 26:35
above all, you want to have a website or a landing page. And you want to have a way to capture people. So leads being through like an email list and opt-in. So for example, you could give away a free guide or a free coupon, and pardon my son, if you hear a crazy baby in the background. So you could have a free guide, a free gift, or a free opt-in, that people get in exchange for signing up. And if that even if all you did was have a lead capture page to start that describes who you are, what you do. And the problem you solve was a business-like with a way to get people’s info, then you’ve done your due diligence with getting the very, very basic pieces online. And then as far as the marketing, that’s sort of the foundational stuff that needs to exist. And then as far as the marketing goes, you should really be thinking about, okay, how can I provide value and solve this problem that I say that this product solves? Or that I solve? How do I show up and provide value and then the showing up part that can be done, it can be done through a podcast for sure? Like you can go on other shows, it could be done through blogging, um, wherever you’re going to get the consistency thing. That’s the thing that will change your business is when you force yourself to actually follow through and be consistent because like, my podcast doubled my traffic, it really did. And that’s not even an exaggeration. Like I had good traffic because I, you know, I make websites, I know SEO like I know basic things, and I had normal people traffic. And then when I had a podcast, it was like people had something to come for.
Kara Goldin 28:04
Right, you know, right. And then you were a friendly face to and friendly voice that was also talking about stuff that was kind of identifying their questions to that they were trying to answer. What do you think is the most important thing when people talk about SEO? Because maybe a lot of people, maybe they don’t really know what SEO is? Yeah, so.
Liz Theresa 28:26
So I’ll let me tell you guys, SEO is search engine optimization in a basic sense. And so kind of the best way to get started with SEO, I like to tell people is to start local. It’s sort of like how in businesses they businesses start local to. And then we were saying you need permission to think on an online scale. With search, it actually makes the most sense to start with local SEO-related activities. And then you can graduate to being a fancy pant, global SEO person. But the reason why I want you to start locally is that it’s definitely easier and it’s the thing you can do yourself. Whereas I think when you get you to know fancier with keywords and global SEO tactics, global meaning, like you’re aiming to rank all over the country, whereas local, meaning you’re aiming to rank near your house or something, or in your local region near your main city.
Kara Goldin 29:20
And what do people do to do that? They just go on Google and well yeah,
Liz Theresa 29:24
and forge your identity. To be listed in all of the basic directory listings, like get your Google Places page, dress that up? Throw on pictures, that people don’t people often create a Google page, and then they’ll be like, well, it’s there. I’m tired now and I’m like, No man like you got to add photos. Get testimonials, encourage your happy customers and clients to show you some love because happy people will want to angry people will want to too, but that’s gonna happen. What happens nationally. So get the focus on the happy ones, and get listed also, on obviously set up your Facebook page. And your social media profiles will also help your SEO because search is actually becoming increasingly social over time because Google acquired YouTube and now they care about how fancy you are and how many people like you.
Kara Goldin 30:14
That’s right. Do you spend your life trying to get to know all these platforms?
Liz Theresa 30:18
Honestly, I mean, a little bit? Well, I know, it’s sort of like, I know the things that I find to be the most important. And actually, for me, when I think about SEO, I think the coolest thing about it is like, is the PR component of SEO, which is like guest blogging and getting published and wicked cool places, being on fantastic shows like this one, like putting yourself out there. So other people are doing the work of talking about you, because the one that makes you feel good, and it makes you feel happy because people are talking about you. But then too, it kind of satisfies like the Google gods who decide if you’re important. If they see like Forbes saying you’re important, they’re gonna believe Forbes more than they’re gonna believe your mom’s face. Third-Party endorsements totally agree,
Kara Goldin 31:04
I think it makes such a huge, huge difference. So So what’s next for you? So be above and beyond being a small business entrepreneur operator and killing it, and Scott, you know, this awesome podcast as well, what is next for Liz,
Liz Theresa 31:23
I’m launching a group coaching membership. And January, February, I haven’t determined exactly what the launch dates going to be. But as an extension of my private coaching, because I want to help more people. And I also want to make coaching more accessible coaching can be whenever you hire a coach, I mean, I’m sure you’ve hired coaches in your time, too. It can be like a whole thing. And especially because I love to help people who are starting out, this is going to be really catering to the people that have never had a coach before but also to get that kind of mentorship and accountability. So that’s going to be coming out, it’s going to be called be the star of the membership. And people can learn more about it. Yeah, if they follow me,
Kara Goldin 32:04
I love it. That’s, that’s awesome. Okay, so understand SEO. Is there anything else people should really be thinking about?
Liz Theresa 32:13
Yeah, communicate in a way that’s clear and not clever. So like, Don’t try to be Trixie with fancy words, when you’re trying to talk to like the people in the audience that you want to reach, like, be yourself, and people gravitate to that much more naturally.
Kara Goldin 32:29
I love that and tell their story. I think that that’s key. And then what’s the one thing that people don’t think about when they’re putting their website together? Or just how do you Is there one thing in particular that people a lot of people miss?
Liz Theresa 32:45
Well, a website can be beautiful, but it’s not always telling people what they need to know, like, which is how you fit into their world, or how they might fit into yours. So being really, really clear about who you help. And the problem that you solve on every single page so that way, no matter where somebody lands, they’re not like disoriented or feeling like they landed on Mars like you want them to feel at home with you as much as possible.
Kara Goldin 33:09
So how can people find you hear more about Liz Teresa’s coaching program, but also just your journey? Yeah, well,
Liz Theresa 33:18
you guys, check me out. Anytime at Liz Theresa’s L I Z T H E R E S A. And it’s Liz, or the Liz on biz podcast, which is streaming wherever you podcast.
Kara Goldin 33:29
And it’s so good. It’s, I mean, not just my episode, of course, but all the other episodes that you’re talking about. I love it. It’s super, super, super great. So well, thank you for doing what you’re doing. And I think just I love your story of really just being authentic and kind of saying, look, I was going one direction. And that didn’t work out. And then I figured out what am I really good at? Where can I actually take what I know and just make it happen? And every day you just keep doing it more and more. So I love that. And it’s so, so great to have you on here. So if you all liked this episode, please give Liz five stars, lots of great remarks. subscribe to the podcast, all that kind of stuff. And we are so excited to close out our week with you and yeah, that’s it. That’s it. So well. Thanks again, Liz. super appreciate it and everybody has a great week.