Brittany Fuisz: Founder & CEO of Malibu Mylk
Episode 324

Brittany Fuisz, Founder and CEO of Malibu Mylk, grew up on the beaches of Malibu eating local produce and appreciating starting at a very young age that food is fuel. Little did she know that she would create the world’s first organic flax milk AND create a new category in the natural food industry. We hear all about what it takes to create a tasty, allergen-free product (dairy free, gluten free, nut free, soy free), full of fiber and omega-3s that is good for our bodies and our planet. Hear all about the founding story, how she has scaled a new category and brand plus so much more! The lessons she has learned through her journey and how she has overcome challenges will leave you so inspired. Don’t miss this episode of #TheKaraGoldinShow.
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To learn more about Brittany Fuisz and Malibu Mylk:
Kara Goldin 0:00
I am unwilling to give up that I will start over from scratch as many times as it takes to get where I want to be I want to be, you just want to make sure you will get knocked down. But just make sure you don’t get knocked down knocked out. So your only choice should be go focus on what you can control control control. Hi, everyone and welcome to the Kara Goldin show. Join me each week for inspiring conversations with some of the world’s greatest leaders. We’ll talk with founders, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and really some of the most interesting people of our time. Can’t wait to get started. Let’s go. Let’s go. Hi, everybody. It’s Kara Goldin from the Kara Goldin show. And I’m super, super excited to have my next guest here. I actually met Brittany a few years ago, and I was just so impressed with everything that she’s done. Brittany Fuisz the founder and CEO of Malibu milk. And if you have not tried Malibu milk, you need to go out and find it right now because we’ll after the podcast because you will be so so excited. It is absolutely tasty. It is the world’s first organic flax milk. It’s allergen free, dairy free, gluten free, nut free, soy free, and full of fiber and omega threes. And like I said, plus, it’s super, super tasty. Brittany grew up on the beaches of Malibu, maybe not exactly on the beach, but in Malibu pretty pretty part of the world, eating lots of local produce, and I’m sure going to some farmers markets here and there. And really appreciating at a very young age that Food is fuel. And after graduating from Georgetown, and then Le Cordon Bleu, she trained at the three Michelin star restaurant, I’m not going to pronounce this la burden or learn it, yes, there you go. And the Food Network in New York where she studied the finest techniques in the culinary world. So it was when she was trying to get pregnant. And I can’t even wait to talk about this, because I’m sure there’s probably some people who are trying to get pregnant or their families are trying to get pregnant. And maybe we’ll learn a lot more from her story. But when she was trying to get pregnant, she went to a fertility doctor. And she’ll probably share a lot more about that. But that was when she got the idea ultimately, for her product. And what I really really admire about Brittany is the fact that she not only started a product, but it started an entire category. And I’ve talked about this a lot how that is really hard. And it takes a long time and a lot of doubters around you coming out of the woodwork at times but dealing with buyers and producers as she wants to do things differently. They are the first to say no. And she has continued on and scale their companies. So I’m really, really excited to have you here. Brittany, thank you so much. Yeah, really, really excited. So let’s start at the beginning. I’d love for you to share with people. What is Malibu melt?
Brittany Fuisz 3:16
Yeah, so, Malibu milk is the world’s first organic flax milk. It’s made from the whole ground flaxseed. So it’s very different. We like to say it’s a whole plant milk. Most plant milks are a blend of say almonds and water, but then you strain on the almonds out. So you’re essentially left with almond flavored water, no real nutrients. All of those are lost in the almond pulp which is thrown away. We’re using the whole ground flaxseed for grinding it up really tiny, or blending it with water, we don’t throw anything out. So that’s why you end up with all of that nutrition that these other plant milk flax, so fiber, protein, omega threes, magnesium, lots of vitamins and minerals, and whole ground flaxseed. Flaxseed is an ancient superfood. It’s been around for 1000s of years. You know, health nuts like to add it to smoothies, baked goods. A lot of vegans use it in place of eggs and baking. And now you can have it in no quorum, so you can add it to your latte to your smoothies mac and cheese mashed potatoes. The uses are endless with Malibu milk, and it tastes incredible
Kara Goldin 4:24
as well. It is so so good. So did you know that you wanted to start your own company eventually?
Brittany Fuisz 4:30
Yeah, I come from a family of entrepreneurs, my husband’s and entrepreneurs. So I got the bug early on. I worked at Yelp before starting Malibu mill and I had been kind of, you know, I ideating with different things for a while and it was just never the right fit or the right idea. And then when I decided I wanted to do Malibu milk and flax milk, it was just like, I had this Guiding Light it felt like this is this is the path this is Is what I’m supposed to do. It was very clear to me in my, in my mind that this was the next move.
Kara Goldin 5:05
I touched on the founding the origins, I should say. But I’d love to back up if you wouldn’t mind sharing and talk about the founding story, I understand that the idea started when you were visiting a fertility doctor. So share a little bit more about that, if you would, yeah,
Brittany Fuisz 5:22
I, you know, we thought it was going to be easy to get pregnant when we decided we were ready. And it wasn’t it took years, and I ended up going to see a fertility doctor here in LA. And she actually recommended that I go to a functional medicine doctor, she said that I might be dealing with some inflammation in my body, and that eliminating certain allergens could be helpful. So I eliminated all major allergens, dairy, nuts, gluten, soy, and eggs. And on that journey, there was no milk that I could drink. Because if you think of dairy, nuts, and soy, that’s the majority of the milk and plant milks that exist. So I was really frustrated. And at this time, I was also looking for a really clean product. You know, I dove deep into understanding ingredients and nutrition. And I realized that I wanted to be consuming the cleanest products possible to give my body the best chance at, you know, carrying a baby. So I had this idea. And I thought, what if I make milk from flax seed? Again, it’s this ancient superfood, it’s known for its healing properties in seed cycling. So women will use heavy amounts of seed when they’re trying to improve their menstrual cycles. And it just seemed like a really natural source from which to get milk. And so I went home, I pulled up my blender, and I started playing with a few very simple ingredients, the organic flaxseed, Himalayan salt, a little bit of vanilla extract, and I was getting this incredibly creamy milky drink, because flaxseed is a natural emulsifier. So it lends itself to this creamy texture all on its own without any additives. So at that point, I did what any aspiring entrepreneur would do. And I decided to reach out to Whole Foods and pitch them on this idea that I had. And I was really unprepared. You know, I had no experience in consumer packaged goods. My background was marketing at a tech company and, and I figured it would take six months to get a meeting with whole foods. In the meantime, I could do my homework, I could learn about the CPG industry. And to my delight and surprise, the buyer responded and said, yeah, why don’t you come in next week. So I panicked, I called on a friend. And you know, I said, you know, I think I need to cancel this meeting. And he said, do not cancel this meeting, you might not get this opportunity again. So I went in with little bottles from my kitchen, I had mock packaging made up at this plant in Texas. And I took my friend out to lunch the day before he worked at a beverage company. And I just grilled him on margins, distribution, all things beverage related. And I took the meeting and she tasted the milk. And she said, I’d love to get this in stores in the coming weeks. And I said well, I can’t do the next couple of weeks, but I can do the next couple of months. And I got to go into my first production run, knowing that Whole Foods is going to be
Kara Goldin 8:28
a customer, which is amazing. I mean, that’s that’s why it’s so it wasn’t the LA region region or what was
Brittany Fuisz 8:35
then California. So pack as it’s called with whole foods. So they started us out in a 10 store test. And it was pretty, pretty cool because the products hit the shelves on my birthday. Just randomly. And and so it all felt very, you know, I don’t know if you believe in serendipity or faith or, you know, those energies, but it felt like it was all really meant to be. So yeah, product stores. On my birthday, we did a 10 store test. And then, three weeks later, she rolled me out to the entire region because it was doing well.
Kara Goldin 9:07
Wow. That’s amazing. And so when you look back on those days, I mean, you just thought oh my god, this was so easy. You just go to Whole Foods and like just say, Hey, I’ve got this idea. Here we go. You’re getting early success. What was like the hardest thing that happened that you were like, oh my god the thing
Brittany Fuisz 9:28
of course this story sounds easy, right? Sounds like I’m gonna go pitch. It was not easy. It is still not easy. I am pulling my hair out every other day. I mean, they’re the stress that comes with a business like this. The highs and the lows are are very stressful. Yeah, but you know, for example, I knew that whole foods one of the product, so now I had to go out and find a manufacturer that can produce this product easier. said than done. Where does one find a manufacturer? Can you Google beverage manufacturers? No, you cannot like that is not there’s no like, you know, online index where you can find these people. So I started going to networking events in LA. And this was obviously pre COVID. This was 2018 2019. And I started talking to other beverage owners like yourself, and I found a co Packer in the LA area, but they wouldn’t respond to me. I sent phone calls, emails, could not get these people to respond. Finally, I sent a gift. That’s what it took to get one of these guys on the phone. And then they scheduled me, and then the production run was canceled again and again and again. So it was scheduled, and then it was pushed to two weeks later, then a month later than and here I am panicking, that I have, you know, this order from Whole Foods and they’re going to drop me if I can’t even get my first production run, you know, off the ground, and at Whole Foods had ordered three flavors. I had three flavors, I was starting with an unsweetened an original, which is now our slightly sweetened, and a barista version. So I finally got slated into this production run. And it started at 10pm. And I was there, my husband came with me but then you know, he has his own company. So around 11pm He said, Okay, I’m gonna go, you know, you’ve got this and I’m sitting in this plant with a hairnet on, like, Oh, I was so freaked out. And they first they ran the, the unsweetened, and you know, it came off, and it was looking great and tasting great. And then they did the original, it came off, and it was looking great and tasting great. And then they did the barista. And I, you know, they get the first couple of bottles off the line, and I taste it. And I’m like, Oh, my God, this is terrible. It smelled and tasted like rotten eggs. And I was beside myself. And they’re like, Well, what do you want to do? You know, do you want us to bottle it? And I’m thinking, I can’t bottle that no one’s gonna drink this. And so they said, well, at least if we dump it, you’ll save the bottles, you’re not going to waste all of this packaging, you know, and I’m paying for this myself. And it’s all this money that I’ve saved up to buy a house and oh, it was awful. So here I decide to dump this product. And it’s at this point, it’s 430. In the morning, I’m exhausted, I haven’t slept. I’m at this, you know, production facility that’s in the middle of nowhere, it’s freezing cold. And I just remember getting in the car, and I had my unsweetened and my original, and the barista we had dumped and I bawled the whole way home because I felt like it was such a failure. Because the barista was going to be how people found out about me, it was going to be the only it was going to go into coffee shops, and it was going to make beautiful lattes. And, and you know, it was sweeter and thicker, and it frothed more, and it completely failed. And I couldn’t do another production run because I didn’t have the money. This was it. This was my one shot. and I were still gonna charge you for this too. Of course, I had to pay for the whole run. You know?
Kara Goldin 13:00
Did you ever figure out what happened? Like why less?
Brittany Fuisz 13:03
Yes, that’s the best part of the story. Later that day, I get a call from the production facility and it’s you know, we had our retains they they keep a few bottles of each flavor. And so they had the retains of the barista. And they said, Oh, great news, the sulfur flavor that you’re smelling tasting. It goes away after six hours. So those bottles were actually totally fine. And I had dumped all of it. And it was totally fine. And and I was devastated. I mean, words can’t describe how destroyed I felt that I had thrown all this product away. That was actually totally fine. And so that’s just you know, one little glimpse of a challenge that I’ve been faced with so I had in an ended up shifting, you know, the whole business because I wasn’t able to launch with this barista. And then you know, we ended up not even doing a barista to this day there is no barista. The products do work well with coffee, but barista, that’s not our focus. Oatley works really well with coffee because it’s mostly canola oil. That is not what we are focused on. We are focused on the whole ground flaxseed. Our products have no oils, they have no refined sugars, they have no preservatives. It is a very clean product, if you are looking for something that’s going to taste as sweet and frothy as well as Oatly. Stick to that, but that’s not the sort of products that I want to consume on a daily basis that I want to give my children. We are all about healthy guts, healthy bodies, whole food ingredients. And so you know, it did like I said it changed the trajectory of the company. And there have been so many things like that, that we’ve had to deal with. We’re dealing with one right now, and I still don’t have the answer. Our manufacturer for our shelf state able product, we are completely sold out, and their equipment is down and they cannot run us. And we’ve tried to find a new co Packer for our shelf stable product, and everybody is full. And so we are considering going into little pockets, where you would put the packet in your blender, you would add water and you’d have your milk, voila. And it eliminates waste from plastic bottles or tetrapack bottles. It eliminates emissions of shipping large cartons of milk that are heavy and expensive to ship. And so it’s a much more sustainable product. And this is something I mean, I literally had a manufacturer call this morning. And we might be shifting gears, but it is you constantly have to be able to pivot as a founder, as an entrepreneur, and you got to be able to dust yourself off, you know, brush yourself off and keep going. And this happens again, and again. And again. My last fundraising round I was you know, more than out of money, I had not taken a salary for oh my god months. And that’s not easy to do when you have little kids and you have real bills to pay and you’ve rent like I don’t own a house yet, because all my money has been going into Malibu milk, and I don’t have a great salary. And you know, and it’s been really, really hard and you’re working, you know, 10 times as hard as your friends who are at these great companies where they’re salaried, and, you know, they get maternity leave for three to six months, and that doesn’t exist winner, you know, it is really hard. So while the founding story sounds really peachy and and you know, it’s all been great. Like, this is a total roller coaster ride? Yeah,
Kara Goldin 16:44
well, I think that the other piece of this, which I touched on is you decided not to just start a company that you were really passionate about that you felt like solved a problem for you, and you want to bring it to others. But you also started an entirely new category. So I mean, that’s really, really hard, because you have to not only educate the consumer, but also buyers who will take a shot right with you, but also co packers, and you have to find people who are willing to do this and when they don’t have linetime. Anyway, why take on, you know, new projects that are a little harder for them to do. So you have to find those people that will, you know, kind of take a risk on you too. And again, like me, people, you know, said no, to me many times as well, because I didn’t have the experience that they felt like I should have, like, you know, I should have been in manufacturing at Coca Cola or, you know, instead, I was starting a direct to consumer business at America Online and scaling it to a billion dollars. But that didn’t count, right? Like they wanted somebody who could actually who, you know, had done a beverage and created something new. So very, very similar. And many, many ways. So you touched on funding the company. So you obviously got it funded, like how did you think about that? Initially, obviously, you had your own money for the first run, and then you decided to go and raise money, female entrepreneurs, it can be as tricky as ever, but not impossible, as as you’ve shown. So I’d love to hear your experience of like, how did you initially raise money for
Brittany Fuisz 18:24
it? Yeah, I reached out to everybody that I know, well, not everybody I didn’t I did not do a friend, friends and family round. I know a lot of you know, small business owners will start that way. They’ll start with friends and family that made me uncomfortable. Frankly, I wanted to go out and find you know, real investors who number one could be helpful and add knowledge and their experience, I did not come from a beverage background. So I really wanted folks who understood the industry and could be helpful. So I reached out to a few different people within the industry contacts that I had. And I actually got an offer to do a joint venture from a very large beverage company. And I was working on that deal. When I randomly one evening met one of the largest, arguably He’s like one of the largest invest VCs in the world. I met him at a dinner. And he asked me about my company and asked if I’d raise money, and I mentioned that I was working on this joint venture with this other beverage company. And he said, you know, kind of asked about the terms and I kind of blew it off because I didn’t know who he was or what his background was. And, and then later, I was talking to my husband about who I had met and he said, you know, you should take that seriously, like this person really knows what they’re talking about. And so I ended up following up and taking a meeting with him. And he persuaded me that he could set up an angel round for me, and that he would, you know, find all these angels and to walk away from this joint venture. And it was a really hard decision because I really admired the brands that I was going to be During the joint venture with, and I admired what they had done and how they had built a beverage, but it didn’t feel like some of the terms I was being offered, were fair considering how hard I had worked to build this brand and everything I had done on my own. So I did ultimately, you know, move forward with this venture capitalist, and he brought in these angels. And that was just one of these random talks about being at the right place at the right time. I mean, total random meeting, you know, again, no, I had no idea who he was, it was just, and he was intrigued by what I was doing. And that was the that was the beginning. And he has invested in every subsequent round for the business, my lead investor, it still hasn’t been easy, though. It is not like this gentleman is just like, Sure, here’s more money anytime you need him. You know, he wants real financials and real data, and real proof of concept. And it has been really hard and COVID was really hard, right? I have the product, this brand new product. I launched in New York and Whole Foods in New York in February of 2020. I was nine, no, eight and a half months pregnant, it was the last like week I could fly my doctor was kind of like it rather you not but if you need to go go. I flew to New York, my husband was like, where I’m asking the plane, there’s this weird, you know, thing happening? And I’m like, no, no, what are you talking about? And we launched at Whole Foods in New York. And then you know, two weeks later, the world shuts down. And the ability to have your product in a grocery store like Whole Foods, and get in front of consumers is because the consumer is going to the grocery store, you’re demoing in the grocery store, your consumer is seeing your product on the shelf. Well, when COVID happened, guess what people stopped doing? Go into the grocery store, all of a sudden, everybody started ordering online. And so you know, as I mentioned to you a few minutes ago, what did I have to do, I had to pivot. That’s when I created my shelf stable product. Because all of a sudden, all of these consumers weren’t being exposed to my product, I needed a shelf stable product that I could market on Facebook and Instagram, because people were sitting at home, on social media shopping on Instacart shopping on platforms like Amazon. And so I wanted a product that I could sell online, that I could ship to people’s homes until I got the TETRA pack done, we started shipping out our cold paddocks, our cold products, total nightmare with ice packs and boxes, it was just a design from my garage. But then eventually we were able to launch this shelf stable product that was in November of 2020. And you know, it opened up a whole other part of the business for us.
Kara Goldin 22:37
That’s amazing. So how long did it take you to get it set up a direct to consumer business, then,
Brittany Fuisz 22:42
I mean, ultimately, I would say you know, 10 months, it took about 10 months to get that up and running. It’s the same exact formula. It was just finding a co packer who would give us linetime. And like you said, try a new ingredient like people were afraid of everybody’s run almond milk, everybody’s run oat milk. Nobody had run flax milk. So using this new ingredient freaked people out. And it was really hard to find line time and finding somebody willing to take that risk.
Kara Goldin 23:09
So how have people found out about your product? Like how have you gotten trial? Obviously, you had started just right before a COVID got traction, you mentioned, you know, things like sampling were shutting down. But we’ve had different entrepreneurs on here who have talked about like farmers markets and things like that. Were you doing that to kind of get the word out? Yeah,
Brittany Fuisz 23:31
all of the above. So I was before. I mean, I was literally eight months pregnant, demoing myself here at Whole Foods and Erawan in Southern California, by big belly. And I was doing farmers markets and I partnered with some influencers where I would, you know, give them free milk and ask them to talk about the product if they liked the product. But it’s been really hard because to this day, we don’t have a great, you know, marketing budget. We’re getting really expensive when you’re competing with these huge brands like the California almond milk or oat Lee’s and they’ve got billboards, and they’re doing Super Bowl commercials and like, you know, here’s little old me at the farmers market, like it’s not the same kind of megaphone. It’s been really, really hard marketing to this day is really hard. So it’s talking about the brand and the product any time that I have the opportunity. I do this thing to this day where every time I go grocery shopping, I buy a bottle and I give it to somebody in the grocery store. I go up I introduce myself, I say this is my product. I tried to give it to somebody who I see buying another plant based milk. I’ve met some really interesting people that way. But you know, every opportunity I get if I’m doing an event at my son’s school, I take a case in milk and I pass it out to the moms like I I am Guerilla Marketing at its finest over here because we do not have the budget to you know, blast it out to the world the ways that I would like to and and you know working with a Most of these influencers, it’s very expensive to do it. So it’s been really hard.
Kara Goldin 25:05
It’s definitely challenging for sure. But I also think like a lot of what you’re doing, too, is showing that there’s a person attached to it, and you’ve got a real story behind it. And, you know, definitely that’s how hint was built. And many other brands have been built by the founder stories, not just in food and beverage, but I think more and more people are, they’re looking for a person behind the brand. And they want to know what the story is, and what is the why and do they trust them? Do they, you know, believe them? Do they aspire to be down whatever the situation is. And I think it’s such a big, big part of you know, how you’ve grown your business overall. So when you talked about a lot of the hard stuff of being an entrepreneur, and I thank you for your honesty, and, you know, definitely I wrote about a lot of this and my book undaunted, when I launched it, it’s it’s definitely lots of ups and downs that that go along and in starting a company and scaling a company, but why do you do it? I mean, you could do a lot of other things. There’s choices that we all make, but why do you do this?
Brittany Fuisz 26:16
We are meeting a need. And it may be it’s a small need now, but I think that need is growing. People need a clean whole plant milk that actually adds nutrition. And there really aren’t a lot of options, particularly whole plant milks that are sustainable, that are good for our environment, and that are allergen free. And you know, Carol, when we met for the first time years ago, I hadn’t technically launched yet. And I was going to use coconut sugar in my original product. And I was like, oh, it’s allergen free, allergen free. And you said, Ah, wait a minute. Coconut is an allergy? Because you’re allergic to coconut. Yeah, that right? Yeah. And you’re like, that’s a nut allergy. And I said, Oh, my God, and I changed, you know, and now we’re using date sugar. So they are still allergen free. But, you know, you told me that I get emails from consumers all the time saying, Please don’t ever stop making this product. You know, this is the only product that I can take because of my this and that other health issue or so that’s really special. And knowing that, you know, like I said that it’s good for our environment. And, and I love being a builder. You know, it’s really exciting. And there is no boredom. Yeah, I know, I have a few people in my life. And I can tell that they’re kind of bored. There is no boredom here. There is no room for boredom. So it is a it is an adventure. My son who’s two and a half now will talk about mommy’s milk, you know, and, and it’s kind of funny, because I’m also nursing the daughter, My daughter, so it’s, but he’s referring to Malibu milk. And, you know, he’ll ask for some a mommy’s milk in the morning. And like, that’s really cool. And like, we’ll go to the grocery store. And he’ll point it out. And like, that’s really cool. There’s, there’s a lot of pride in creating something that you actually know is good for people, which I’m sure you know, you can relate to as well.
Kara Goldin 28:08
Yeah, absolutely. And I think it’s, you know, it’s a powerful thing. I was telling somebody this story the other day that I was on a on a ferry in Martha’s Vineyard, the summer and I was sitting next to these people, and they both had him. And, and of course, they had no idea who I was. And I didn’t have I had a bottle in my purse, but I didn’t take it out. And I’m still to this day. So curious what people say, right? Like I, you know, initially wondered if people would give me feedback, that would be hard, right? Like, they would say, Oh, this flavors terrible or whatever. And basically, they’re talking about their founding their, their discovery stories. And I’m sure you’ve had that as well. I mean, you talked about consumers talking to you about it. But I mean, the number of people who kind of in different ways tell me that this product is helping them. I mean, it’s a really powerful thing. And to know that I helped create something that actually helps people. It makes me really proud. I’m a, you know, I’m a builder. I don’t think I could ever not work on a mission based product and being a parent as well. I think like that’s another piece of this, that I’m really, really proud. And my son, as I mentioned, is in Australia for the semester, and he walked into his entrepreneurship class, and they were studying an article that was about me, and he and I know and he said, I said maybe now you have to read the book, Kenan and I know he was just he was cracking up anyway. It’s it’s a it’s a really, really good feeling. So I always ask entrepreneurs, one last question. So what is the worst advice that you received when maybe it was somebody doubting you or kind of like, what was something that is just so not true that you want to share with other entrepreneurs that sort of like maybe people said, Oh, you don’t have the right experience or whatever. It was there anything that kind of sticks out as being a showstopper,
Brittany Fuisz 30:22
I had someone say to me, like, Oh, you don’t need help. In the beginning, I was like, I need help. I need someone to help me, I need people to help me I needed a team I needed. And they said to someone said to me, you don’t need help, you can do this on your own. And it’s okay to ask for help. And it’s okay to need help. And it’s okay to bring in team members or a partner or you know, yeah, whatever. In my mind, two heads are better than one. And there was nothing wrong for me needing that help. And if you need help, and that’s the one thing that’s kind of standing in your way, find someone to help you. Whether you hire someone or give them equity or whatever, find the help that you need to keep going. And it’s okay to ask for help.
Kara Goldin 30:59
Yeah, no, I love that so much. So it was such a pleasure to talk to you and hear more about everything that you’re doing and the founding story. And if you haven’t picked up Malibu milk, everyone needs to get it right now you can get it online or in stores as well. And thank you so much for coming on, and sharing and good luck with everything very, very excited to see all of your growth and future growth as well. So thanks again, Brittany. Thank you. Thanks all for listening to this episode. We hope you enjoyed it. And I want to thank all of our guests and our sponsors. And finally, our listeners, keep the great comments coming in. And one final plug. If you have not read or listened to my book undaunted, please do so you will hear all about my journey, including founding, scaling and building the company that I founded. Hint we are here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Thanks everyone for listening, and goodbye for now. Before we sign off, I want to talk to you about fear. People like to talk about fearless leaders. But achieving big goals isn’t about fearlessness. Successful leaders recognize their fears and decide to deal with them head on in order to move forward. This is where my new book undaunted comes in. This book is designed for anyone who wants to succeed in the face of fear, overcome doubts and live a little undaunted. Order your copy today at undaunted, the and learn how to look your doubts and doubters in the eye and achieve your dreams. For a limited time. You’ll also receive a free case of hint water. Do you have a question for me or want to nominate an innovator to spotlight send me a tweet at Kara Goldin and let me know. And if you liked what you heard, please leave me a review on Apple podcasts. You can also follow along with me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn at Kara Goldin. Thanks for listening