Jesse Stanley: Co-Founder of Charlotte’s Web & CEO of Stanley Brothers USA
Episode 370

Jesse Stanley, the Co-Founder of Charlotte's Web and CEO of Stanley Brothers USA, shares his journey of starting and scaling a company in the then-little-known industry of CBD – with his six brothers! In 2013, the world was introduced to the Stanley Brothers' mission when CNN’s Dr. Sanjay Gupta featured the life-changing story of a brave little girl, Charlotte Figi, who struggled with catastrophic epilepsy. The broadcast became the tipping point CBD as Charlotte’s story challenged public perception, changed laws, ignited research, and accelerated the CBD industry both in the United States and across the world. Jesse is clearly guided by the benefits of what he has brought to market. He’s taken an idea that he believed filled a need and turned it into an excellent business with products that are awesome. You are going to love hearing all about his journey, his new partnership with Major League Baseball and all of the stories and lessons. This episode is filled with so much inspiration and takeaways you won’t want to miss! On this episode of #TheKaraGoldinShow.
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To learn more about Jesse Stanley, Charlotte’s Web and Stanley Brothers USA:
Kara Goldin 0:00
I am unwilling to give up that I will start over from scratch as many times as it takes to get where I want to be I want to be, you just want to make sure you will get knocked down but just make sure you don’t get knocked down knocked out. So your only choice should be go focus on what you can control control control. Hi, everyone and welcome to the Kara Goldin show. Join me each week for inspiring conversations with some of the world’s greatest leaders. We’ll talk with founders, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and really some of the most interesting people of our time. Can’t wait to get started. Let’s go. Let’s go. Hey, everyone, it’s Kara Goldin from the Kara Goldin show. And I’m so thrilled to have my next guest here. We have Jesse Stanley, who is the co founder of Charlotte’s Web and also the CEO of Stanley brothers, USA. You may have seen a segment that Sanjay Gupta did back in 2013. I certainly did. And it was such a great great story where the Stanley brothers, the brothers of Jesse actually were interviewed by Sanjay Gupta when they featured the life changing story of a brave little girl, Charlotte Figgy, who struggled with a catastrophic epilepsy and the broadcast became the tipping point for 1000s of medical refugees to move to Colorado to acquire their brothers tincture and Charlot story challenged public perception, change laws ignited research, and accelerated the CBD industry both in the United States and frankly, across the world. As the world took notice, the company rapidly expanded. And today even in the crowded market of over 4000 brands, Charlotte’s Web is still the global leader in hemp based CBD products. Jessie is clearly guided by the benefits of these functional plants to help those who want to gain health and, and keep well and balance driving their daily lives. Overall, he is also as I mentioned, the CEO of Stanley brothers, which is the Stanley brothers USA, actually, which is the holding company for not only Charlotte’s Web, but many other products. So I’m super excited to interview Jesse today. As I know, he’s taken this idea and created it into and created an incredible business out of it. So very excited. Oh, and by the way, he also has a brand new partnership with Major League Baseball. So that is a major, major milestone for not only his company, but also for Major League Baseball too. So I’m certain that there’s going to be plenty of great stories and lessons. So without further ado, welcome, Jesse.
Jesse Stanley 3:00
Thank you so much for having me. That was a really great introduction. And you said the story really well. So yeah, this could be short. I don’t know.
Kara Goldin 3:10
Awesome. Well, I’m, you know, when I’m passionate about my guests and what they’re, they’re doing, I guess it shows. So I love it. I think you’ve got an amazing story, amazing products and a real purpose for doing what you do every single day. So really, really terrific. So I want to get into so there’s seven brothers and three sisters. Is that right?
Jesse Stanley 3:36
Four Sisters, or sisters? Wow. Allow 11 of us total.
Kara Goldin 3:42
Holy moly. I mean, that’s wild. So but the seven brothers decided to come together to start to start Charlotte’s Web and using the power of science, nature, and curiosity, I guess. So tell me a little bit more of how this all came about?
Jesse Stanley 4:01
Well, I mean, the science and nature and curiosity, Curiosity was you know, killed the cat as they say, but that was kind of came natural to us. You know, the brothers didn’t come to get we’ve always just been really close. We were raised by a single mom. My dad left whenever my youngest sister was born. So we’ve always really been a strong team. We had to to bind, you know, my mom worked four jobs and it was really hard, you know, to obviously you know, living in America where the costs are extremely high and having couple kids is difficult enough but having 11 Out of those challenges. So if we didn’t join together at a young age and become you know, best friends and confidants, it would have been really difficult for my mom to keep it together. So let’s come in together just made sense. We had worked together in the past, whether it was throwing papers, you know, paper outs as kids or playing on basketball teams together. We’ve always been very close. So I guess it was 2008 a little bit before when my brother older brother Joel, we’re all J’s, by the way. So anybody listening, if we go through them and you hear a J name, I’m Jesse. But if you miss confused who’s on, I don’t blame you. But Jill, asked us brothers, if it was something we were interested in at that time, it was medical marijuana only. And I grew up in a pretty Christian home. So I wasn’t really against cannabis. But the idea of medical cannabis, the the, you know, that to me was like, Sure, Joe, whatever. But he did his research and really opened all of our eyes and gave us like, alright, yeah, this is something we can get behind. And, you know, at the time, we didn’t know what CBD was, nobody really did know. And it was so that they hadn’t really been introduced to us for wouldn’t be introduced to us for a couple of years. And at that point, we were really just working with people that had cancer. And we’re dealing with the adverse effects of chemotherapy or radiation, loss of taste, loss of sleep. And that was really what got us propelled into the cannabis industry and really sparked a curiosity beyond cannabis and other plants.
Kara Goldin 6:19
So there wasn’t a specific person that you knew that you wanted to grow it for you
Jesse Stanley 6:25
there actually was, interestingly enough, my Uncle Ron had been diagnosed and he had stage four cancer, and they’d given him months to live. And I grew up with Ron. You know, seeing him three, four times a year when we moved to Colorado, we saw him a little bit more, because he lived in southern Colorado, but is really, maybe one of the second people in my life that had, you know, had cancer, we have been relatively lucky. Most people unfortunately know somebody that has passed away from cancer, but my family is one of the first instances and so it hit us pretty hard. And he was our first quote unquote, patient. And so we actually bought our first pound of cannabis. It’s amazing how much we bought it for back then I can I can say the price, it may not be relevant to people, but those in
Kara Goldin 7:14
the end, what how much was it.
Jesse Stanley 7:16
So back then we bought bought a pound for $4,400. And today, masks grow. I mean, you could buy it for 500, in some states, less during harvest. So it that’s a considerable change. But we insist that we turn that into an oil, that concentrated oil gave it to him and what was amazing, I think what helped us even jump deeper in and it really worked. He, he gained a lot of weight, slept better. And actually, that three months turned into a little over a year. And he ended up ended up passing away. But in that time, there was a quality of life that you were able to see his daughter had had his first grandchild, which he got to experience you wouldn’t have gotten to experience that without this, I don’t think. And then, you know, because of how many siblings are there so many of us, we cast a pretty wide net. And when we told that story that started going out. And so pretty soon, you know, it wasn’t just random people that had a master cancer, these things, it was our friends, their grandmothers and their aunts and uncles and moms and parents and stuff. So that started building and then Colorado at the time was medical only. And so we started building a vertically integrated business where we would grow it, build it grow, and then have a dispensary. And they called us at the time of the Robin Hood’s marijuana because we we gave oil the medicine away to patients for free at the time because it was expensive. And you know, we always wanted to have philanthropic aspect of our business and it change the world so to speak from our eyes because we really saw someone’s like a change to my Uncle Ron where like this can change the world. So that was kind of our mission was to to heal people while selling cannabis to the medical people that did have ailments but some of them just stubbed toes and back pain so they could get access to cannabis.
Kara Goldin 9:17
So lots of confusion around the CBD industry. It’s getting better, but there’s still quite a bit of education that needs to be done in order to scale though, you know, you do need to educate those people, more and more people and it just takes time as you and I were talking before the podcast started a little bit different but we definitely had to talk to a lot of people about what is unsweetened flavored water because no one was doing what we were doing when we started our category within the beverage industry. But can you share the difference between marijuana hemp and CBD and what what is it You know, what, what are sort of the the main points of each of them? I guess? Yeah.
Jesse Stanley 10:07
Well, there is no Donley difference in CBD and THC specifically is a very small molecule. They’re actually very similar from a from a chemistry standpoint. The effects however, are very different. CBD and THC are probably the most prominent not probably definitely the most prominent molecules in cannabis to be classified as marijuana. The only thing that needs to be is higher than point 3% thc. So it’s still hemp still cannabis, but the name of them and how we would call them that would be just how much the quantity of THC is in there. CBD has been around for just as long, just relatively unknown, because whenever we make cannabis illegal, obviously when you make things illegal people you know, in the black market, they breed it higher to get higher contents of that, because that’s what people were purchasing for. So CBD stands for cannabidiol. And it is similar effects to THC minus the one big one, which is the euphoric aspect. It doesn’t doesn’t get you high, which was very important for us. As I told you, in that time, we were dealing with elderly people that maybe didn’t want to try THC to battle their ailments. And certainly, a little girl with epilepsy wouldn’t have probably gone as well if we were getting her quote unquote, stoned. So the fact that CBD had a non euphoric effect was was huge. And fate, the universe, God, whatever you believe in, I think that the stars aligned with that for Charlotte Figi, to change the world, and to being in to have actually a category. I mean, Charlotte and my brothers really did create a category. And that’s it’s exciting to talk about, it’s unique to talk about, but with that, as you said, comes to the, the the need to educate, you have to have a voice in the space. And as the pioneers and as the leader of the category, we feel like, you know, we have to educate people correctly, our content needs to be right, the story needs to be told more and why coming on podcasts such as yours. It’s very important for listeners to hear, you know from from the guys that started it, firsthand of what it is.
Kara Goldin 12:32
So Charlotte Figi. How did she end up coming to you? Can you share a little bit more about the story for those who might not have heard it before?
Jesse Stanley 12:41
Yeah, so Charlotte’s mom page, like a sister us and the Figgy family is an extension of our family that continues to grow. But Paige had done a lot of research. back early when we had started before we had met them on the potential of CBD as related to epilepsy. And interestingly enough, there have been studies done on this in the past. So the information was out there, she just had to search it. So she found us because of that network of people that we had, that we had grown for. CBD was not something that we’d started for epilepsy. It started for people that cancer that didn’t want to have the euphoria didn’t want die because they had to take so much of it. They wanted the anti inflammation and the potential beneficial properties of CBD without that high. So she found us at the time, obviously it wasn’t called Charlotte’s Web. We called it the future. The plant was actually called the future. And she talked my older brother Joel, into giving Scarlett who at the time was five, her first dose of what is now known as Charlotte’s Web. And in that time she went you know, it’s important to know that Charlotte suffered from a very rare form of epilepsy called Gervais syndrome. Kid over 300 seizures a week and I mean serious teachers. And the doctors had sent her mom home page on a do not resuscitate did build all pharmaceutical drugs. Those approved for epilepsy though was not approved some only approved for veterinary cases, she bailed all of them. So the doctors basically told her mom take her home and let her pass. And that’s when she found us. And so she took our our product, and she went a week free without a seizure, which is incredible. Obviously, it’s important to know that in that there are things called honeymoon phases with drugs or products where it works for a little bit and then it stops working because your body the disease ends up, you know, beating that. In this case, she took it again another week. And so we knew we were onto something and Sanjay Gupta who you referenced Did an expo say on it. And when that happened, our company exploded. People started moving to Colorado because it was only legal in certain states hemp, which America imported more hemp than anywhere in the world, he still does. It was illegal, it was illegal to cultivate in the US up until 2014, which is insane. It’s utterly insane. But he helped steer that conversation. And the story of a little girl changed the minds and the hearts of Americans in the world. And it’s why we see such so much movement in cannabis, whether it be CBD or THC in the plant world, in my opinion. So Sanjay, we attribute it as our first CMO. And we joke about that that often, what a powerful voice to have for your your yourselves as a company.
Kara Goldin 15:51
That’s incredible. So you started out from medical use? And then you obviously grew from there actually selling the product? What was the point when you decided that it’s time to go big with what you’re doing and bring it to more people than just people that were using it for medical use?
Jesse Stanley 16:13
That’s a great question. Actually. I don’t get asked that that often. But it’s such a big part of the story. So people were moving to Colorado, and to access this, this product. And the problem with that is that most people that were moving had little children that had very rare forms of epilepsy or autism are these other other disease states. So they’re moving to Colorado to access because we could not ship it, we couldn’t ship it. And we’re the only ones that had the genetic and that was important for us to maintain the quality. And not just hand this out. So that people can, you know, not make it the way that we do, and so on and so forth, which is very important from from a product that helped a little girl, you do not want that to change. If this is what works this is you do not want to deviate from that. So the family started moving to Colorado, they call them refugees, medical marijuana, refugees, cannabis refugees, which is really sad that in America of all places, but that that had to happen, but it’s a part of what created the story. And so people started moving into my brothers and I and I attribute the success to this companies to my brothers, for sure. I mean, their work ethic. And what they did to do this is if people really got into the weeds, no pun intended, would see some remarkable men that I get to stand side by side. So I want to make sure I shout that out to them. But what happened was, we decided that we were going to ship we were like, You know what these these families need to these families with these, they need their support systems, they need their family, they need the people that they left that help them and in a beautiful way, they came to Colorado and created this beautiful network of a group that took care of care of each other but they’ve still without their family and the help and you know, some of them built homes that had you know, special access and, and were built for their children. So leaving was difficult. And a lot of those families actually helped us grow. They came out and they helped us hand plant because nobody had ever done this. Nobody had ever cultivated hemp the way that we had, which was not industrial, we had to do it by hand and we planted in acres and acres and acres in eastern Colorado and a lot of the families I remember the dads knees in the dirt hands in the dirt pan planting these plants that would later revolutionized what the CBD industry is today. So that little girl and many, many other other children launched what we have today and it’s not perfect by any means it’ll get there. As education comes the FDA steps up and and further regulates this. But I mean, when I get to tell the story, I am moved somewhat to tears because of how personal it is and how powerful not just my brothers, but the families that came that helped make this accessible for so many people that many don’t know the story, but those that have some debilitating disease in some state where they never would have legalized cannabis. It’s legalized today because of that little girl and the family story. So it’s pretty, pretty awesome.
Kara Goldin 19:25
So, obviously you’ve been you were, I guess the first really to to bring this to market and you’re still the market leader. There’s lots of competition out there as I always share with people you know, we’ve had competition as well over the years and but you know, competition can actually be a good thing because when more and more people are becoming aware and there’s marketing dollars going towards CBD, it just kind of helps you get the word out about what you’re doing, but what are what are the legal issues still that are kind of a pain and our challenge?
Jesse Stanley 20:08
Yeah, I remember to your point, I remember when other people started getting into this I’m like, These people don’t have CBD What the hell is wrong with them? You know, like, and my brother mentioned these, like Jesse high tide floats all ships, which is important for people to get in and educate them. The problem was, is that not many people knew what it was. So they would get hemp oil or other things that don’t want to confuse people, and it wouldn’t even have CBD in it. And that’s kind of the problems we’re dealing with today. But I think the challenges that we had was educating not just people, the consumers, but educating, you know, the places where you could spend advertising dollars, whether that’d be radio, podcasts, you know, digital assets, digital media, like all of these things just were slammed door in our face. So I go back to that important thing. For any entrepreneur listening out there, like you got to get gritty, you got to you got to you got to figure out how to do it. And if you believe in your product, which is why you should be doing what you’re doing, not just for money. But if you believe in your product, you know, we were very lucky. And having Sanjay Gupta, but word of mouth was everything. Parents talking about this, Hey, did you hear about this? Do you hear about this, and it spread and spread? And we went out and we you know, we’re on the road tirelessly talking about this, and going to the expo less than and trying to get invitations that are meeting with medical professionals and talking about it. So it was for us, the challenges were immense today. They’ve dropped a little bit. Recently, I believe Twitter announced that you can stop, you know, put your shopping cart on your tweets and stuff like that which wasn’t available, you could obviously have a Twitter account, but you couldn’t put a link to buy Instagram and some of these others digital ads are starting to open up for people, then it’s navigating that how do you target the audience? What is the right audience? So for us, it’s been story, you know, we’ve really tried to, to create as much stories, I think people love to be educated, they may not want to be told what what but a story does a really good job of that. And so things like Major League Baseball partnership, very important to us that actually, you know, reach out of maybe what people use CBD for normally. And now we’re hitting athletes, and not just professional athletes, but those that go to the gym and the weekend warriors that run on a treadmill or run outside. So for us, it’s always trying to find creative ways to tell a story and interact with people so that we can educate people.
Kara Goldin 22:43
So I want to talk about major league baseball in a second. But I so in terms of like legalities like so you can you can ship across state lines, that’s not an issue.
Jesse Stanley 22:55
Yeah, so the Farm Bill created the ability to ship across state lines again, being that it classifies as hemp, which all of our products do. And that really that was that was really what set our company off. I mean, obviously, it’d be very difficult to operate a company just out of Colorado. But we started growing and Kentucky growing in Oregon, so manufacturing in different places trying to perfect the product. It’s it’s it’s important to know from our products so that people out there that may not know anything about CBD like what questions to ask what do you know if I’m going to try CBD? What what do I what do I ask what you know, and I can only speak to our product, we’re vertically integrated, we, we control it from what we call seed to health, that means we don’t buy it from some other person that grew it. And we don’t know what the genetics are any of that we grow it ourselves. We test it, you know, over you know, 50 times from one product to batch we can literally on a lot of a bottle, whatever you get gummy bottle, we could go to that specific crop site, and know when we watered it, and when we put nutrients or whatever it is we did on it. So we’re very, very dialed in as it becomes to that. And I think that’s important for people to know where it comes from how you sourced that’s across the board, as you know, in a dietary supplement how you source is so very important. And I think that’s the next topic. But, you know, for us, it’s it the legality part of it’s great what we need is maybe further further approval from the FDA just to to regulate regulation will allow us to get rid of some of the bad players the people that are in it fly by night that just want to make a quick buck. And it’ll allow us to to open you know, more channels I’m currently we’re going to battle the knot in big box. So Whole Foods, and Costco goes and targets and all these big, big places, they’re not really carrying CBD products until the FDA makes that decision. So most of our businesses direct or direct to consumer. So the industry is still growing. And those are some of the leads, those are still some of the legal challenges that we deal with.
Kara Goldin 25:25
That’s interesting, I thought that I thought Whole Foods was carrying like CBD waters and some of those interests. So
Jesse Stanley 25:34
it’s, it’s interesting to carry. So the way brands have done it is, and we don’t really do this, because we want to work with the FDA, we don’t want to, you know, push or poke the bear, so to speak. But the way some have done it is they create a brand, they put CBD in it, and then they gain notoriety. And then they go to Whole Foods, Whole Foods says we’re not going to take that. So they sell the non CBD version of it. They’re in Whole Foods, and then they sell their CBD version online direct to consumer, and I won’t name some of the brands, but you know, we’re looking at the beverage space for sure, looking at new ways to innovate. But what we really want is that gold standard of a new dietary ingredient from the FDA to regulate so that we can go in and be really strong partners with whole foods, not just people that pay money to be in there, we want them to come to us and be like, You guys are the first, you’re the best. You’re the biggest we want you in here. So those are the relationships that we want to build long lasting relationships, not fly by night type of type of relationships, which can be very damaging, and especially in the dietary supplement space.
Kara Goldin 26:44
Do you think they’re close? To where do you think it is with the FDA at the state?
Jesse Stanley 26:49
I mean, I do think they’re close, I think, you know, for the listeners out there, I think reaching out to your your elected officials and putting pressure on them, it is very important. States want regulate this to be regulated, they don’t want the bad players. And so they’re there, they’re asking Congress, they’re asking them to regulate it. And if they don’t, then they’re going to regulate themselves. And that could be that that can be very difficult. It can be difficult for companies like ourselves, but going back to it can be really difficult for the people that rely on these products, because they can’t move back to Colorado, you know, like they’ve done that once they don’t need to do it again. And and we as a as a country need to move forward and progress in time. And we’ve done a lot of regressing through the last couple years and we need to we need to progress both people need to know the power of their voices going back to the the grassroots story and the ability to change the world just from the story. So our voices do matter. I don’t want to turn this a political or anything, but it is very important that people educate themselves on that.
Kara Goldin 27:55
Yeah, no, absolutely. And and it’s, as I always said to consumers, the stores and the politicians listen to them more than you are especially when you’re selling something it’s it’s it’s a really really important thing for people to pay attention to. So CBD has become known for helping athletes I know I’ve had it in in different creams for different muscle joints and and lots of different things after a good hike or a run. What are you hearing from consumers and how they’re using it. And I guess you can also jump into the Major League Baseball. They obviously took took note of it and and you have a great partnership there now so maybe both of those things.
Jesse Stanley 28:49
Thank you. We’re very proud of it. We’re very excited. first of its kind, actually, I think we were nominated for sports business, Sports Business Journal, deal of the year, new started the year in sports, which is really cool. You know, not to get too much into the science of it. But you know, everybody, all mammals have an endocannabinoid system. It’s a relatively new discovery in modern science in western medicine, and the endocannabinoid system regulates the regulators. It’s kind of it hits a lot of our different systems, which is why it works for so many different things. And a lot of people cry snake oil, because it does help so many different things. But, you know, inflammation is probably the largest culprit of most diseases that we have and probably is not the word definitely is the word. So CBD showing the promise to reduce inflammation has been very, very, very big, not just in the communities that we’ve been talking about before, but in the communities of people that are the weekend warriors, the the guys that workout, whether you’re a professional athlete, or you’re someone that hits the gym three times a week or you’re someone that goes on a lot like the inflammation afterwards, especially As we get older, can be crippling and keep us from doing what we love to do, which is being healthy. So CBD has caught the attention of a lot of athletes, a lot of athletes have been taking it. Some for sleep, some for pain. Well, Major League Baseball is being such a great partnership, they’ve been looking at this for quite some time because they want to provide what is best for their athletes, and they’re not just going to choose any fly by night company. That’s not what they wanted to do. They wanted to gold standard, the best company and accompany that go could go through the process of NSF certification. NSF certification is very important for MLB or any professional athlete really any organization because it ensures that their that their athletes are not getting any banned substances. Because as a professional athlete, their body is their is their moneymaker. It’s their salary. If they’re not playing because they take a substance that’s banned, which we’ve seen in baseball, then baseball is not going to allow that product. So we went through that process relatively relatively smoothly because of the standardization of our product and all the studies that we’ve done on our product over the years that we demanded of ourselves because of who was taking our products like little Charlotte Figgy. So when we met Major League Baseball, it was a match made in heaven. Good education platform, fantastic group, forward thinking. And I’ve been able to chat with a lot of athletes, baseball players, football players and why they take CBD so we’re learning from them, how to perfect our product, how to make better products. So in the upcoming years, we’re hoping to create form factors in our in our product line that athletes are more, you know, going to grab, whether that be a beverage or mixin powder or roll on stick. But what we’re focusing on is everybody, everybody listen to this podcast, especially right now, I mean, the way the world is, I mean, you can look at whether it’s the stock market, jobs report, inflation, whatever, there’s anxiety, there’s depression, there’s this constant stress upon us today. To simplify that, the game played right here, six inches between the ears is the most important game that anybody plays any day, whether you’re hitting 450 foot home runs, or you’re running two miles, or you’re walking, walking a mile, or you’re walking 100 yards, like having having prepped for that focus, that beats the everyday anxieties of life is very important. And that’s where we hope to target and hit that audience.
Kara Goldin 32:32
That’s amazing. So being an entrepreneur is super tough. No matter what industry you’re in, I’m sure you’ve learned so much. And not only about your industry, but also just being an entrepreneur, overall, what’s been probably the most surprising or challenging aspect of of running this company.
Jesse Stanley 32:58
I mean, being an entrepreneur, kudos to anybody that’s on there, obviously, you have a lot of listeners that are keeping up, we need them. I would say the most, the most rewarding thing is bringing something to life. That is your vision is your dream. That obviously for us like creating a profitable business and a good business that actually helps people is like a massive bonus. And how many people get to get to steak that so that’s obviously a huge accomplishment. I think one of the My advice to people out there is whether you make it big or not. Many people will tell you what to do next, they will advise you on how to take money, how to grow your business, and all these other things. If you started the company for the right reason and the product, nobody cares about it more than you, nobody. And my big thing would be trust yourself as far as you can and take yourself, you don’t need to go out and think about hiring, you know, X CEOs from these fortune 500 companies that think they might know it better. There’ll be a time potentially for that as you grow where you need to you do you need to grow, you need to go into the next level. Don’t do it premature. You know, trust yourself, this is your baby. And I always kind of connotated to, I would never give my baby to a stranger ever. So if I had a baby, I don’t have the baby. But that is probably the most important thing is to trust yourself and grow this as best as you can until those problems arise when those problems do arise. There are answers for them out there and you can reach out but if you do it prematurely, nobody is going to care about your company the way that you do. And if you do it prematurely, you can go through some serious growing pains.
Kara Goldin 34:45
Absolutely. I think that that is incredible advice for sure. So if people are going to your website and trying your products, what’s the first thing that people should do? If people want to try it is which product would you suggest?
Jesse Stanley 35:04
You know, I think it depends on what you’re looking for. We rolled out gummies a few years back those have far surpassed our in sales probably our sweet gummy is number one sell or that we have people swear by him I get constant athletes reaching out to me about them. If you’re looking for something that maybe to treat something a little more severe, the original formula is obviously what it has not changed from when Charlotte took that. It’s the most concentrated form of our product and probably the best bang for your buck. It is a tincture. But we have a lot of different products. We have a topical line that’s very good for people that are dealing with whether it’s you know, topical joint pain, arthritis or other things like that. But those sleep gummies are probably the ones that people rave about the most.
Kara Goldin 35:57
That’s awesome, and you have immunity as well. And the other one is
Jesse Stanley 36:01
we have immunity, we have recovery. We have daily wellness, we have calm and we’re building more, we’re building more, we’re partnering with other botanicals, we believe in other botanicals, we believe that Earth is our first pharmacy. So we are going back to the the earth ancient way to wellness is what we would call it so we want to bring in a weather whatever it might be canasta ashwagandha we want to bring those partners those partner that with cannabis and create better products for people that have natural alternatives as opposed to opiates and some of the other medicines that people are taking that can definitely help but can also harm their body.
Kara Goldin 36:41
So the future of Stanley brothers USA will be based but adding
Jesse Stanley 36:49
CBD thanks. I really view CBD as a pillar of you cannabis as a pillar. Mushrooms will be something that we do very soon. I can’t I’m not I can’t say too much about it. It’s a separate company, but it’ll be part of the Stanley brothers. We really believe in kind of a Stanley brothers house a wellness which hits whether it be you know, something that is frowned upon or misunderstood. Looking at potential drug development in plants like ayahuasca, San Pedro, things that people take ceremonially. There are medicines and those trying to bring what we did with Charlotte’s Web to science and nature, combining those educating people and creating a trusted source is going to be very important. So look for cannabis to continue to roll out mushrooms. And, you know, other products we are. Charlotte’s Web in little Charlotte opened the world to the earth and, and what is what is possible and what the Earth can offer us then there’s a lot of other compounds out there that we’re looking to explore.
Kara Goldin 37:54
That’s amazing. So we’ll have all the info in the show notes. But thank you so much, Jesse. And thanks, everyone for listening. Have a terrific rest of the week. Thank you. Thanks again for listening to the Kara Goldin show. If you would, please give us a review. And feel free to share this podcast with others who would benefit and of course, feel free to subscribe so you don’t miss a single episode of our podcast. Just a reminder that I can be found on all platforms at Kara Goldin. And if you want to hear more about my journey, I hope you will have a listen or pick up a copy of my book undaunted, which I share my journey, including founding and building hint. We are here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And thanks everyone for listening. Have a great rest of the week, and 2023 and good bye for now. Before we sign off, I want to talk to you about fear. People like to talk about fearless leaders. But achieving big goals isn’t about fearlessness. Successful leaders recognize their fears and decide to deal with them head on in order to move forward. This is where my new book undaunted comes in. This book is designed for anyone who wants to succeed in the face of fear, overcome doubts and live a little undaunted. Order your copy today at undaunted, the and learn how to look your doubts and doubters in the eye and achieve your dreams. For a limited time. You’ll also receive a free case of hint water. Do you have a question for me or want to nominate an innovator to spotlight send me a tweet at Kara Goldin and let me know. And if you liked what you heard, please leave me a review on Apple podcasts. You can also follow along with me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn at Kara Goldin. Thanks for listening