Julie Nguyen: Founder & CEO of Methodology
Episode 292

What do you do when you learn through changing your own diet how easy it really is to fix those health issues that have stumped you for years? You start a company to bring your delicious creations to others. Julie Nguyen, Founder and CEO of the absolutely yummy company Methodology, shares her journey with us today. This luxury meal prep company delivers high-quality, fully cooked, sustainably packaged meals that are sure to get you excited. Julie is the story of a mission driven entrepreneur with a purpose. A mission to do good in the world. A former finance and tech exec changing course and using her determination and curiosity to help others get healthy through healthy and tasty food! So much inspiration here! You are going to love hearing her incredible start-up story and how she has scaled it to be the success it is today. Don’t miss listening to this fantastic episode. Today on #TheKaraGoldinShow.
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Kara Goldin 0:00
I am unwilling to give up that I will start over from scratch as many times as it takes to get where I want to be I want to be, you just want to make sure you will get knocked down. But just make sure you don’t get knocked down knocked out. So your only choice should be go focus on what you can control control control. Hi, everyone and welcome to the Kara Goldin show. Join me each week for inspiring conversations with some of the world’s greatest leaders. We’ll talk with founders, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and really some of the most interesting people of our time. Can’t wait to get started. Let’s go. Let’s go. Hi, everyone. It’s Kara Goldin from the Kara Goldin show. And I’m so thrilled to have my next guest. Here we have Julie Nguyen, who is the founder and CEO of Methodology. And what do you do when you learn that changing your diet can actually fix your health issues? Well, if you are Julie, you start a company. And that is exactly what she did when she started Methodology. So Methodology, I’ll let her get a lot more into this. But it’s a luxury meal prep service delivering high quality fully cooked sustainably packaged meals. This former finance and tech executive used her determination and curiosity to found methodology with the mission to help heal bodies and minds using food as medicine. I love it. So it’s doctor recommended and trusted by many celebrity fans who you will recognize their names Jessica Alba, Zed excetera. So I can’t wait for you to hear the story. Julie is actually traveling at the moment. And we were just talking about her travels, which I think she’s gonna get a little bit more into why she’s traveling. But I’m thrilled to have Julie here. So welcome.
Julie Nguyen 2:01
It’s so good to be here. Hi, Kara.
Kara Goldin 2:03
Hi, super excited to see you. So I’d love to hear right from you a little bit more about what is methodology.
Julie Nguyen 2:13
I started Methodology because I personally had a ton of autoimmune health issues that I discovered it turned out were actually caused by food. So as soon as I realized, hey, if I don’t eat gluten, if I don’t eat dairy, all of a sudden, I don’t need it inhaler anymore. Eczema that was all over my face and elbows went away, my acne cleared up, my panic attacks went away, my depression went away. So it was just so life changing for me, that I realized, like, Oh, my goodness, everyone needs to have access to the right kinds of foods on a regular basis that are going to help them feel their best and heal health issues that they probably thought they would have to live with the rest of their lives. Right. So I wanted to make it accessible for people but also really fun, high quality, sustainable, yummy. So there’s something that people could really stick with, because this is one of those things whereby the second I go off the methodology diet, my health issues come back, right. So I really need to stick with the program. And so I created this service with the hopes that you know, busy professionals, families, whether you have autoimmune, you know health issues or not can eat comforting food with the best ingredients, the most sustainable packaging, love it. And then really just feel our best and avoid getting these health issues that are caused if we eat too much of the wrong foods over an extended period of time. Now, what year did you start? It’s been I think it’s around 2014. We started prototyping in 2014 2015. But as far as being lied to the public just over seven years.
Kara Goldin 3:54
Wow. That’s incredible. And you started in San Francisco.
Julie Nguyen 3:58
Yes, I was working in tech at the time working crazy hours. And that was one of the reasons why I needed to start the business. I was working. I’m not even kidding you probably 7080 hour work weeks and then Sunday came around and I would have to grocery shop, cook put everything into Tupperware, I would spend half my days doing that. Because I needed to eat that way. And that’s when I realized I needed a solution for myself. Plus, honestly, I looked around at my friends and Dec and they were not getting healthier every year those of us who are career driven. We were making trade offs. Yeah, it was career or health. And I just thought that there would be a large market of people who were busy and wanted high quality food that actually tasted good.
Kara Goldin 4:37
So you worked in finance and worked in tech. You hadn’t actually been an entrepreneur. Were there any signs early on that you were going to eventually go start your own company?
Julie Nguyen 4:49
Yeah, I think so. When I was a little kid, even from when I was a little kid. I would go around and pick flowers from all the neighbor’s yards and make bouquets and sell the bouquets back to him. My neighbor. So I’ve been very, and I didn’t realize as a kid, how nice it wasn’t for them to give me five bucks to get their own flowers. But since I was a little kid, I’ve been doing things like that. So like, I’m not surprised, I don’t think my parents are surprised that I’ve done it. I didn’t ever have the goal of I’m going to start a business. I’ve just never been like that in my career. I’ve always just done work that I found really interesting. And so in just in the case of methodology, it wasn’t that it wasn’t that, oh, I want to start a business. And I brainstormed all these ideas. It was just he there’s a very specific pain point that I think is very important. There’s no solution out there. I, you know, I think I can build a good one. I didn’t know at the time, will this be a tiny little lifestyle business? Or could this be something huge, but I just knew it was. It was a big problem that I wanted to solve. And I felt like, I could probably do
Kara Goldin 5:55
it. So obviously, you know, you had this problem, you found a solution and you wanted to bring it to other people. Did you feel like nutrition was something that was like on the top of your list of things that were important to you prior to actually making this discovery.
Julie Nguyen 6:14
I was introduced to the idea of nutrition, fortunately, in high school, because I took a nutrition class, but I didn’t really take nutrition seriously after that. I think that’s why I kept subsisting on fast food. And, you know, I was the person who would go to Trader Joe’s and eat chips, while I was grocery shopping were like the rest of the stop. Like, I just really didn’t pay attention to the health of my diet at all. I just only wanted to eat what was yummy. And eventually that caught up to me in my 20s to the point where I was just on so many prescription drugs, I was so overweight, that like I had to do something about it, because it’s just someone, someone that young shouldn’t be so sick,
Kara Goldin 6:56
for sure. I mean, that’s amazing that you figured it out, because how many people don’t figure it out. And then they go and try all these different diets and you know, spend a fortune when it doesn’t actually work for so many people that it’s just, you know, shocking to me that if you actually just really focused on how your body responds to something? And is there something that is in your diet that really isn’t working for you that, you know, you could actually do a lot of good for yourself. So I love that you figured that out, and you created a company that really helps people figure it out as well. So that’s just absolutely amazing. So what’s sort of the most surprising thing about starting your own company? I should say? I mean, was there anything in particular? What were the first steps? I mean, here you are, you quit your job? Did you actually leave your job prior to starting the company? Or were you trying to figure out exactly what you were going to do prior to actually leaving?
Julie Nguyen 7:57
That’s a really good question. I am very grateful that at the tech company I was working at, at the time, I had a really good relationship with the CEO, he was my mentor. He was the first investor and methodology. And so I was prototyping methodology, part time, on evenings and weekends while still working for him in tech. And I didn’t quit my job full time. Until I had a lot of competence. That methodology could acquire enough customers to pay me like a living salary. It wasn’t like, Oh, I think I’ll get rich or even Oh, I think I’ll make as much as I’m making now in tech, it was just, I think that I can make enough to like, at least paper, you know, myself, my co founder, I have the most amazing co founders, Stephen Liu. So I decided to go all in full time on it and just give it the proper attention. Because we were enjoying the work even though it was frankly, the hardest work I’ve ever done in my life. I don’t think I’ve ever year one of methodology was the most I’ve cried in my life, you can add up all the other years of my life. And it’s like a small fraction of how much I cried in year one, because I just was so shocked by how hard it was to start a company and I was new to the food industry. I didn’t realize how lucky I was to work in banking and Tech where there are things like, you know, my coworkers don’t steal from me. Like things like that. Were just the culinary supply chain warehouse world. It’s a rough and tumble environment. Yeah, totally different kinds of workforce. And so I just when things would happen at first, I would cry because I wasn’t used to the idea of crime at work, for example. Yeah, so it just took a lot of getting used to for me that coupled with the fact that you know, I was used to my whole career when I get stumped on a problem. I have all of these people above me more senior who I can ask for help. Like, hey, I’m stuck here helped me with this. And then all of a sudden everyone was looking to me when they were stuck and when I was stuck I had no one to look to. And so getting used to the idea of oh, I have to figure it out now the thing that’s unsolvable Stephen, and I have to figure it out that duck. I mean, that took years of adjusting to have, you know, just not being able to run and ask for help anymore.
Kara Goldin 10:16
Yeah, no, definitely. It’s when it when the buck stops with you. It’s a whole different situation. I was in tech for years prior to starting hands. And it’s, yeah, it’s a really different situation when you’re responsible for payroll, and you know, everything. Exactly. You I didn’t
Julie Nguyen 10:36
realize how many random issues popped up behind the scenes that of course, you know, are normally kept a secret and accompany, right, if I was doing marketing. I didn’t know any kind of random legal or HR issues, right. But yeah, we ended up as founders having to deal with every problem that happens.
Kara Goldin 10:53
Well, and I think the thing that a lot of people don’t understand is actually scaling from zero to even $10,000 is like a, it’s a huge deal, right? And especially, I’ve talked to many entrepreneurs who have worked in billion dollar companies, but they can’t even believe how hard it is to get to, you know, that stage and then to a million and then two more, right? It’s just it every step along the way, has its own pain points, which I’m sure you’ve experienced some of those along the way. So did your co founder have experience in the food industry?
Julie Nguyen 11:32
Yes, he did. He is such an interesting character. He was one of my best friends. When we started the business. I had approached him with the idea because of the fact that I knew he had worked in foods since he was 13 years old. And we were just we would always get together. And we met at Burning Man through friends and could just talk about food for six to 10 hours straight when everyone else stopped paying attention. So he was on board from day one when I broached the idea to him. And he’s great, because he’s, even though he’s a food industry vet, he worked in finance. So yeah, he was working at Merrill and different banks, and then would work on weeknights at weekends in fine dining restaurants, because he was so passionate about food, which, you know, I just, like really respect that so much. Yeah. So he’s the one who manages our supply chain and designs are menus, like, I help with creative ideas on the menu at a high level, but he’s the one with the immense food knowledge because he even spent seven years traveling the world, eating his way around the world starting in different kitchens. So you know, he’s an encyclopedia of food. And so he’s kind of like the food background founder. I’m the one with the background in like branding, design, and you know, tech engineering, those kinds of things.
Kara Goldin 12:52
Very cool. Well, speaking of being around the world, you and I were briefly talking about your travels at the moment, which I’m sure hopefully you’re having a little bit of fun with them as well, but it’s very much about the business. Can you talk a little bit more about that of how you decided to embark on going to all these different countries?
Julie Nguyen 13:11
Yes, well, the methodology, as I mentioned, is kind of split up, my co founder runs a supply chain, my manage what’s called the corporate team, and this team has always been remote. So when the pandemic hit, and I was stuck at home, I realized, Oh, my team is remote. I don’t have to just be in my house in Los Angeles every day. And plus, I’ve always dreamt of living in a different city for at least a couple months at a time to really understand the local culture. And you know, I’m single, I have no kids. So I thought, Well, why not do this now? Totally. So in June of 2021, I put all my stuff in storage in LA and I went to eat go to Yeah, which is a an island in Greece, that’s known as a blue zone, because it hasn’t one of the largest percentage of population of people who live past 100. So I basically moved to Korea, and studied their diet and made friends with the world and added a ton of Ecuadorian recipes to our menu, which our customers love. And so I’ve just found this flow, this work flow and this niche within methodology that the customers really enjoy that I enjoy where you’re my dreams are coming true. I’m doing what I love. And I’m also putting things on the menu that are, I believe, like, really innovative and new because, you know, when I was in LA, or when I was in San Francisco, one thing that ends up happening is those of us who are designing menus in these local markets we’re eating and all the local restaurants and so the menus end up becoming very similar within a geographic region. And even though we can see on Instagram, what other chefs are doing, I think that’s great as well. I like going off the beaten path for menu inspiration. Like no one’s traveling to a Galleria to learn about food, even Greek people don’t go there. When I don’t like Greek friends. I’m like, Oh, I you know I live in Korea, they’re like what Greek people don’t even go there. So I really like going off the beaten path for recipe inspiration, because then I know that something that I’m putting on the menu is something really new that our customers haven’t been exposed to before. And it’s just more fun for them that way. So that was, that was how it all started. And then my next trip coming up next week, I’m moving to Sardinia for a bit. It’s an island in Italy, it’s another blue zone where people are known for living past 100. And I’m gonna go there and learn about their cuisine, learn about their culture, and hopefully add a bunch of Sardinian recipes to our menu after that,
Kara Goldin 15:36
oh, my gosh, I can’t wait. So how fast once you actually figure out some of these new recipes? How fast you bring it back then to your menu for methodology?
Julie Nguyen 15:49
That is a great question. We we’re fast. We’re like the Zara food. I think that the typical turnaround time, we can usually get it on the menu within four to six weeks, which is very fast in our industry.
Kara Goldin 16:04
Definitely. Now that’s, that’s amazing. So how did you make the decision to do a direct to consumer model versus actually going into stores? For
Julie Nguyen 16:14
me, I ended up designing the product as direct to consumer subscription just because I personally in the way that I’ve structured my own life relied on systems to help me with productivity, health and all of that. And so when I thought about how can I have the largest impact on people’s health, I wanted them to be able to really set it and forget it and keep their fridges always stocked. So the vision for the company and the product was everyone should be able to open their fridge and see food they’re excited to eat that’s perfectly personalized for what they need to eat to feel their best, and should be able to put those meals on the table and eat them within five minutes or less. And so when I designed methodology, it was set up as direct to consumer subscription so that we can personalize. So they would have control over what they could get over time. And also just so they can set it and forget it. And it’s amazing how many of our customers trust us, like they don’t even edit their orders at all, Kara, they’re just like, Okay, I’ve told you all my preferences, you know, my goals, send me what I need to eat, and I’ll just eat it. And the vast majority of them just go with the box that we send them. And they say it feels like Christmas, every time the box comes. Because they don’t know what’s gonna be in it literally because they haven’t checked in, they haven’t edited. And yeah, so they just set it and forget it. And I think that’s why our customers have such good results. Because there’s no relying on their willpower, right or discipline, it’s just, they’re going to eat what comes every week. And if they just eat that, and then they have their weekends to do what they want. They’re ahead of 99% of busy professionals out there.
Kara Goldin 17:51
Definitely. And I think what you’re talking about too, is building a brand and building trust. And, you know, it takes time, but once you actually get the consumers trust, they trust you to make those decisions for them. And I think that that’s an incredible, it must be an incredible feeling, actually to think about that. What are some of the comments that are that you’ve heard back from consumers?
Julie Nguyen 18:15
Oh, I mean, they, they joke that I’m like the fun and tiger mom, you know, who takes care of them and make sure that they’re eating healthy, like the crazy aunt slash Tiger Balm, which I think is pretty accurate, because they know I’m bouncing around the world. But I’m also like very uptight, because I want the best ingredients. I want it to be super healthy. I think there are a lot of health foods out there that like market themselves as healthy, but they’re not really and like, I pay attention to all the macronutrient ratios and the meals, I want everything to have tons of fiber, tons of protein, low sugar. So I care deeply about all these details. And our customers know like when I’m in California, I live on methodology, I’m fine to not go out. And I stand behind the food. And I stand behind the promise of it is going to heal your body and mind. And I love the feedback. And actually the feedback I love most in addition to the health stuff is people are so surprised by how good food days I get this because I’m always trying competitor foods and I’m always trying health food brands from around the world. And so much health food really does taste like cardboard, like especially baked goods for example. They’re so bad and we never put anything on our menu until like you can taste the difference between this version versus the version at the bakery around the corner. And it can taste that good because at least for our brand, we’re using expensive ingredients like almond flour, honey, yeah, it’s gonna taste really good. They’re using refined flour and a white sugar. Right So Todd, so our stuff should taste better. And so the thing that I love would love the most is just how shocked they are and then and then when their husbands are shocked a lot of times the woman runs the account. They’re like, Oh my God, even my hug Ben will eat it. Yes, this is great, right? Because it’s like, a lot of times a women are, it’s easier for them to eat healthy, they’re committed. They’re already wanting to do that. And it’s just getting the husband on board as well, so that they’re not eating two different meals at dinner every night. Like I love hearing that as well.
Kara Goldin 20:15
I love it. Do you see geographical differences? And I’m so curious, because you’re shipping nationwide.
Julie Nguyen 20:20
Yeah, well, right now, we’re only in California. But we’re launching West Coast shipping before the end of the year. Awesome on. Yeah, no, there are definitely geographic. Even within California. There are geographic cultural differences. Because I feel like you know, in in SoCal, which makes a lot of sense. It’s the entertainment industry. So everyone there, they want their diets very dialed in for the right aesthetics, right. And in the Bay Area, it’s more just like, give me that good farm to table food wholesome. I don’t want to do anything so extreme. So it’s just like a little bit more in those two directions. And la likes more of like, the trendy things like give me, you know, I want the Keto pancake or something, right. So they like the trendier stuff a little bit more as well. But we end up having both kinds of things on our menu and customers pretty much try everything. But yeah, there are there are subtle differences in the culture, which makes sense like tech versus entertainment industry, like there’s a reason why Soylent came out of the Bay Area.
Kara Goldin 21:22
Versus versus the entertainment industry. So interesting. So you mentioned keto. And you guys were recently selected for a Stanford University nutrition study comparing the Keto versus Mediterranean diet, we’re all dying to know who won. There were, I guess, which diet controls blood sugar better Mediterranean? Or the Keto? I’d love to hear a little bit more.
Julie Nguyen 21:49
Yeah, I was so happy to be chosen as the food delivery service for this study. Because Because I, well, I went to Stanford. So being able to do this with Stanford researchers with Dr. Christopher Gardner was literally a dream come true. What the study basically ended up finding as a nutshell is that both diets are effective, right in basically roughly similar levels of effectiveness. But the keto diet is a lot harder to stick with long term and is way more restricted. So the overall takeaway from the study is, hey, you can do either, so pick the one that’s easiest for you, right? Because they can both be great. But you may be more likely to find the Mediterranean diet to be easier because you can eat such a wider variety of food. And that’s basically the takeaway of this study, which I think is great news.
Kara Goldin 22:39
So in terms of controlling the blood sugar, which did they find was better? No, they’re both equally good for blood sugar. Really, really interesting. So what have you enjoyed most about being an entrepreneur? So there’s, you know, definitely you talked about the first year, there were a lot of, you know, things that you were just pulling your hair out, or maybe not pulling your hair out? Hopefully not. But I mean, you know, stressed out about, uh, gosh, why am I doing this, but there has to be a lot of, you know, really good reasons why you’ve stuck to it. And what do you enjoy about being an entrepreneur. I mean,
Julie Nguyen 23:19
one of the things that I love most is, I feel like, as an entrepreneur, I get to be this professional manifester, where I dream up an idea. And then I have this amazing team, that brings it to reality. And then customers experience it and when they love it, it’s just so satisfying to me. So I’m like, very involved in the menu design, for example. So you know, I might come up with a concept like, Okay, we’re gonna do a better than Botox, chia pudding, and I’m going to put, you know, all the ingredients in it that I know are really good for skin. And we’re going to make it you know, really pretty, it’ll be pink and gray. And so I’ll just dream it up. I’ll sketch it out. And then you know, when customers get it, and they love it, it’s yeah, it’s just so satisfying. So just getting to be hyper creative. I feel like I get to be an artist. It’s crazy. Yeah, I’m a businesswoman. But I’m equally like an artist and creator and manifester. And that’s just so fun to me. Because when I wasn’t working for myself, I might have ideas, but you just have end up so many of them get killed at different points. And, and so now it’s like, I get to choose which things get to come to life. And so I think that that kind of like power and control, frankly, is also really, really nice. So, so I love it, because no one would have hired me to be a creative director or a menu designer, right? Like so I get to do the things that no one would have hired me to do, and then I ramp up really quickly and become very good at it. But I get to just throw projects at myself and master them and I don’t have to like interview for them and fight for them. I just get to do the things, solve the problems that I want. It’s all recruit the things I want to create. And I just, I love that aspect of the job.
Kara Goldin 25:04
No, and you’re good at it as well, I always tell people that what I’ve learned is coming from a totally different industry, and to this industry that I was really interested and curious about and passionate about. And every day I was learning, it actually benefited, like, it was a huge benefit to me being able to get the company going, because I thought differently about it. I mean, so often, you’ll have people who are starting, you know, food companies who used to be chefs, for example, and, you know, they’ve been doing this for a while, it’s hard for them to think differently, it’s not that they aren’t great chefs, it’s just that thinking outside of the box. And being creative isn’t always something that they can do. Because they’ve, you know, learned how to be a great chef, so why, you know, break the mold, right and in their mind, but I think, you know, what you guys have done is, you know, create incredible recipes. Obviously, you’re traveling all over the place to find even more for people, which is just absolutely a beautiful thing. And you want to learn to which I think is just a really, really powerful reason for, you know, the success of your company. So it’s, it’s really incredible. One other question I was thinking about as I was doing research, obviously, COVID hit in the last couple of years, I think one good thing about COVID is that people are more focused on their health right now and trying to, you know, take control of what they’re going to feel like, and, you know, no matter what they feel about vaccines, or masks or anything else, I feel like no matter where I’ve gone in the world, everybody really, really wants to stay healthy. And what is your perspective on that? And how has, you know, maybe that changed since the beginning of 2020? Yeah, I
Julie Nguyen 26:59
think there’s the business side of the COVID story. And there’s, and then there’s my personal side. But yeah, we’ve definitely seen as a business, just through interacting with so many of our customers and 1000s of customers that yeah, there’s the full spectrum of how people responded during COVID, there are people who became the most unhealthy they had ever become, and then you hit rock bottom, and then wanted to bounce back in a lot of cases, thank goodness. And there are people who use the opportunity because they’ve had so much more free time, like working from home and not commuting to start eating healthier and working out. So we’ve seen everything across the spectrum over the past few years. And then it’s been fun seeing it because our menu has had to evolve also, because when good COVID birthday, and people want tons of comfort food knew we had to shift our menu rapidly to get more of the, you know, the pastas and the stews and things like that on the menu. And then there was definitely like a shift later where people were ready the light again, and they’re, you know, they’re like, Okay, well, now I want more salads and things and they want things that are more spa like and light and almost have that like detox tea feel. So it’s been fun, kind of like staying within our vision for what we believe is healthy, but uh, you know, making the minor tweaks to keep our customers happy, you know, and then and then for me personally, I was one of the ones who you who was really unhealthy for the first year and then use your due to where I was like, Oh, my God, I can’t fit my clothes anymore. So it’s time to like, come up with a plan and, and get in shape. And so I really I was in that bucket,
Kara Goldin 28:33
it’s good to realize how important that you know, is. And I agree. I mean, I think the beginning of the pandemic for many was like, Hey, we’re working from home, everything’s great. Let’s see whatever we want. But I really feel like people started to wake up and say, Wait a minute, we got to take a little bit of control here. So what keeps you motivated? I mean, you are obviously super high energy and really excited about what you’re doing. You’ve got an incredible co founder and brand that you’ve developed, what keeps you motivated.
Julie Nguyen 29:11
So I’ve been through enough cycles, where the motivation has gone up and down over the years to where point where it’s like, Come do I want to keep doing this? Do I want to sell the business or yes, I’ve been through enough of those cycles now. And I think that what keeps me motivated now is the way my co founder and I run the business we we get together every year and we share with each other our greens for our overall life for everything that we want to do with relationships, family, finances, just everything that we dream about doing for like my ideal life looks like this, you know, 135 years from now. And then we work backwards to figure out how do we make the business help us achieve all of that and like spend our time that way? And that was one of the reasons why I’m able to travel the world because my co founders okay with that, right like he because of the way what I just mentioned, he’s like, this is her dream, right? This is how she I’m going to introduce a happy, healthy co founder, and then she’s going to do a better job of running the business. Right? Yeah, there’s a trade off of, it can be easy to say, Oh, the CEO needs to be in the kitchen every day, right? Like he could have gone that route. But we’ve, we’ve chosen to run the different business differently. Because in the early years, we did it incorrectly, in my opinion, in a non sustainable way where we were mule to the business. Now we use the business as mules to ourselves and then our team, right. So that shift has been huge to the point where it’s now like, yeah, I feel motivated, because this business is helping me fulfill all of my dreams, like not just my career dreams. And so I owe so much to my business for that. And I’m so grateful for it. And because of the fact that I get to work from anywhere on there, I realize I’m, I’m living the life that probably millions of people dream about. And so I always keep that in mind. So whenever things are, like, hard or frustrating, like I come into it from a position of, you know, I’m one of the one in 10 million people getting to like, eat the best food in the world, see the world, run a business, be creative, make my art, whatever, you know, whatever D motivation or stress comes around, I’m like, whatever, it’s still worth it. It’s still worth it. I’m a lucky, lucky girl.
Kara Goldin 31:13
So great. Well, it was such a pleasure to talk with you, Julie, congratulations on everything with methodology and all the progress that you’ve made. I know how hard it is to scale a company. And definitely incredible insights. And best of luck with everything. And with all your travels as well. We’ll put everything in the show notes as well for how people connect with methodology. Also, follow you and see some of those new recipes that are coming up. As you mentioned, you will be going throughout all of California by the end of this year, hopefully, and hopefully, you’ll be a blessing. Yeah, on the west coast. And hopefully, you’ll be able to expand beyond the West Coast after 2022 as well. So thank you again, Julie.
Julie Nguyen 32:08
Thank you for having me on.
Kara Goldin 32:10
Thanks all for listening to this episode. We hope you enjoyed it. And I want to thank all of our guests and our sponsors. And finally our listeners keep the great comments coming in. And one final plug if you have not read or listened to my book undaunted, please do so you will hear all about my journey, including founding, scaling and building the company that I founded. Hint we are here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Thanks everyone for listening and goodbye for now. Before we sign off, I want to talk to you about fear. People like to talk about fearless leaders. But achieving big goals isn’t about fearlessness. Successful leaders recognize their fears and decide to deal with them head on in order to move forward. This is where my new book undaunted comes in. This book is designed for anyone who wants to succeed in the face of fear, overcome doubts and live a little undaunted. Order your copy today at undaunted, the book.com and learn how to look your doubts and doubters in the eye and achieve your dreams. For a limited time. You’ll also receive a free case of hint water. Do you have a question for me or want to nominate an innovator to spotlight send me a tweet at Kara Goldin and let me know. And if you liked what you heard, please leave me a review on Apple podcasts. You can also follow along with me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn at Kara Goldin. Thanks for listening