Megan Reamer: Co-Founder of Jackson’s Chips
Episode 293

This mission-driven entrepreneur has had quite the journey building her incredible company. When Megan Reamer, Co-Founder of Jackson’s Chips, developed the first recipe for slow-cooked chips made from sweet potatoes with coconut oil, she wasn’t thinking about creating something that would scale to the success that Jackson’s Chips has today. Megan’s mission was to develop a great tasting snack that was nutrient dense and could help their son Jackson while they were managing his rare autoimmune disease. Tragically, he passed away at age 16 from complications of the disease, but his legacy lives on through the creation of Jackson’s Honest using the same all-natural recipe that she made for their son. It’s an incredible story from the heart and you can’t help but admire the journey she takes us through on this episode. You don’t want to miss listening to this incredible episode. Today on #TheKaraGoldinShow.
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Kara Goldin 0:00
I am unwilling to give up that I will start over from scratch as many times as it takes to get where I want to be I want to be, you just want to make sure you will get knocked down. But just make sure you don’t get knocked down knocked out. So your only choice should be go focus on what you can control control control. Hi, everyone and welcome to the Kara Goldin show. Join me each week for inspiring conversations with some of the world’s greatest leaders. We’ll talk with founders, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and really some of the most interesting people of our time. Can’t wait to get started. Let’s go. Let’s go. Hi, everyone, it’s Kara Goldin from the Kara Goldin show. And I am so excited to have our next guest. Here we have Megan Reamer, who is the co founder of Jackson’s chips. And you may have seen she and her husband on Shark Tank A couple of years ago, you may have seen her products on the shelves of many stores that are out there. But you definitely need to hear a little bit more about her incredible, so inspiring story. And this is definitely a great example of a founder who has a mission and is a mission driven entrepreneur with just an incredible reason for doing what she’s doing every single day. So when she and her husband Scott developed their first recipe for slow cooked chips made from sweet potatoes. with coconut oil and avocado oil. I want to understand if the avocado came later or learn a little bit more about that they weren’t thinking about creating the snack foods success that they have today. They were on a mission to help their son Jackson get a great tasting snack that was nutrient dense, and their son Jackson had a rare autoimmune disease and tragically passed away at age 16, from complications of the disease. His legacy lives on, though, through the creation of Jackson’s honest using the same all natural recipe that Scott and Megan made for him. And it is just such an incredible story and such a great product to so honored to have you here, Megan.
Megan Reamer 2:26
Thank you, Kara. That’s quite an intro. So thanks for having me. I’m really happy to be here to talk with you today.
Kara Goldin 2:32
Absolutely. Well, I’d love to start at the beginning. If someone hasn’t actually tasted your product or doesn’t know what Jackson’s honest is, can you share a little bit more about what your company does and what your products are?
Megan Reamer 2:47
Yeah, sure. So we make nutritious snack foods, we make sweet potato chips cooked in both coconut oil and avocado oil. We have different skews for different oils and so different products for different oils. And really it is this you know kind of a healthy, feel good guilty, not guilty pleasure of eating snack foods that we all enjoy. So you know something crispy, something fried, but, but really simple ingredients that individually are very nutrient dense. And then collectively, you know, make this great tasting chip.
Kara Goldin 3:25
Amazing. And so I want to back up a bit and get a little bit of the backstory. I mentioned a bit about Jackson, can you share a bit about how this product came to be?
Megan Reamer 3:37
Yeah, sure. So Jackson, as you mentioned, had a rare autoimmune disease. And it started when when he was very young when he was two years old. So until that point, he was you know, healthy toddler walking, talking, doing all the things toddlers do and then started to develop some muscle weakness in his legs that over the next three years spread up his body. So it looked very much like you know, Lou Gehrig’s disease or multiple sclerosis something that was an autoimmune global issue. And so we were taking him around the country, we live in Colorado, we were taking him around the country trying to find a diagnosis and and not finding any answers. And so in that timeframe of you know, watching this regression, this neurological regression and and really a lot of discomfort and pain. So his central nervous system was malfunctioning and you know, he was in significant distress on a daily level and it was this neurological distress but it was also this GI distress and so we were feeding him this this wonderful diet, you know, organic, gluten free anything that could really be easy for him to digest and easy to assimilate, and he still wasn’t getting these noodles. GRANT study needed. And so we really started to think about, you know, what, what can we control, we didn’t have a diagnosis, no one was giving him any, you know, medicine, nothing pharmaceutical to try to address anything, but we were watching this significant regression and significant pain. And so we just started to play around with his diet. And in doing that, you know, that was in 2005 2004. And really kind of reverse engineer this keto diet for him and, and keto was something that, you know, gi doctors were prescribing at that point in time, but it was really for the management of a seizure disorder, primarily and so, and there wasn’t a lot of real concern or insight into where some of these foods were coming from. So like, you needed a certain ratio of fats, for instance, per day in your diet, if you’re on a keto diet, but there wasn’t a lot of intention around what type of fats those were. And so for us, you know, we were eating this healthy diet, we really, you know, focused on, on shifting that food pyramid. So if we give him more fats and protein and significantly fewer carbs, you know, what does that look like? Does it manage some of his symptoms, and we found out that it did. And so we became very intentional and and, you know, focused on what type of fats we were giving him in particular, and recognizing for ourselves and educating ourselves around the idea that there are good fats and bad fats just like good proteins and bad good carbs and bad. So that’s really the root of how this business started. Because we were making everything from scratch at that point in time, right. And in 2005, you couldn’t buy bone broth on the shelf and burned by fermented foods, and you shouldn’t buy like, all these very, you know, nutritious foods that are easy right now. And, and these chips were one of the things we made because we were eating a pretty strict keto and paleo diet and like, just craving, I particularly was craving something salty, and crunchy and chewy, and probably would have eaten the bark off of a tree, if that had solved this, like, you know, sort of me that I had and, and we just started fooling around making sweet potato chips, in particular, because they were a root vegetable, and they weren’t a nightshade and cooking them in, you know, saturated fats we were using. So coconut oil, lard, to answer your question, avocado oil came later, but it was something we were certainly using in our kitchen, and just, you know, trying to feed our family and in doing so, the response that we had, I think it’s just kind of a typical founder story where it’s like, people said, oh, my gosh, these are the best chips I’ve ever had. Have you guys ever thought of starting a business? And have you ever thought of, you know, trying to sell these and at that point in time until sort of 2012 2013, when we really did start to think about it more seriously, we just laughed it off. And you know, and I had my hands full with four kids, and my husband was commuting back and forth from Colorado to New York for a job and so it wasn’t in the cards, but but the root of, of this business is, you know, making these in our home for our family and then deciding, you know, maybe there were other people who fit into this sort of autoimmune or this, this category of reading ingredients, specifically for the type of fats that were being cooked their foods were being cooked in.
Kara Goldin 8:37
It’s amazing what you did when you were thinking about this. I mean, obviously, you you talked about being a nobody was really doing this. Were you actually creating the category of chips from I mean, I I’m just thinking back at that time, because it was 2005. Right, when you were making this in your kitchen. I mean, no. Was anyone doing this?
Megan Reamer 8:59
I mean, not that I’m not that I’m aware of even when we launched in 2013 we were the only company making chips in coconut oil. Yeah. And so we really, you know, we really created that segment of that said in that category of coconut oil based foods and snack foods. And so you know, there’s a reason they were really hard and they continue to be really hard to cook in coconut oil, right? It’s a fussy oil, it requires a certain temperature requires a certain process. It’s different than avocado oil, just because of the you know, the fry temperature and so there are all these idiosyncrasies and unique I think characteristics of the coconut oil because it is such a saturated fat and so when we, you know we’re making these in our kitchen, we were doing it we live in this tiny town in Colorado. So it’s it’s Crested Butte. It’s like at 9000 feet. We have about 2500 full time people who live here We had a little commercial kitchen. And so you know, we were cooking them every night, my end bagging them and sealing them and shipping them, we just had a little like, website open that we were taking orders. And kind of I think about nine or 10 months into it, my husband said, you know, I’m getting tendinitis in my elbow, like he was slicing over the mandolin, these potatoes with mandolin every night. And, you know, our kids were like throwing potatoes into the, into the pans that we had fabricated for it. And so he said, I think we need to scale this up. And I’m really going to, you know, look into this and think about whether it makes sense to try to go from small scale to large scale and how we do that, and the economics around that. And so, we found a co Packer in Denver, who just, you know, loved our story, loved what we were doing, believed in sort of the root of this business, and us as a mom and pop and said, alright, you know, come up and bring some potatoes with you. And we’ll and we’ll do some test batches. And we’ll, we’ll check it out. And so they became our first co packer and really grew with us from 2013 through 2016 17, like, really, were deep partners with us and helped us grow our business in a way that we could never have done on our own. And I’d say like we had, you know, partners like that along all aspects of our supply chain, who really, you know, I think they liked this David versus Goliath story and and recognize that, that there was some traction there that there was something that consumers could hold on to and grab on to and align with, because what we found when we opened up this story, and very intentionally had to think about sharing our son’s story widely was that, you know, people really identified with it. And while he was at one end of the spectrum of the autoimmune disease and the severity of it, that he was experiencing, you know, there were so many people who could associate with his story in, in trying to navigate a disease that they weren’t finding answers for, or that pharmaceuticals weren’t working for anymore. And they knew they had to start looking at their diet, to try to, to try to resolve some of their symptoms or alleviate some of their symptoms.
Kara Goldin 12:20
Plus your product just tastes good, right. So as I have always said to people that, you know, it’s great to have a story, it’s great to, you know, have a reason for doing something. But at the end of the day, if the product doesn’t taste good, then the consumer is not going to come back. Right? They’re just, you know, even if it makes them feel better for a moment. I mean, they just won’t they expecially when they need to go purchase it. So I mean, that’s something that I learned with hints as well. But it’s there are many people who still don’t even know that it doesn’t have any sweeteners in it right? And or don’t really think about, you know, the fact that they just liked the taste of it. And I think that that’s really what I see in your product, too, that yes, it’s healthier and better for you. But you can also even if that’s not really what your focus is, you want something that tastes great. That’s Jackson’s for sure. Every 28 seconds, an entrepreneur makes their first sale on Shopify, that’s over 3000 sales every day. One of those sales could be you. Shopify is more than an online store. It is a subscription based software that allows you to sell your product, reach your consumers, and drive sales, all from one place. Shopify also gives you detailed reports of your conversion rates, profit margins, and traffic to your page. You can then generate traffic by using Shopify integrations and third party apps from On Demand Printing to accounting to advanced chat bots, and everything in between. Plus, Shopify instantly lets you accept all major payment methods. Shopify has everything you need to scale your business, whether you’re a brand new startup or a seasoned entrepreneur. I personally love how Shopify has the tools and resources that make it easy for any business to succeed from down the street to around the globe. Supercharge your knowledge, your sales and your success with Shopify, go to all lowercase for a free 14 day trial and get full access to Shopify an entire suite of features. Grow your business with Shopify today go to right now, that’s Jackson was clearly your inspiration for you and your husband and your company. What would you say to people who have a product idea that stems from a mission? I mean, do you hear it back a lot from consumers who you know are talking about your story and and the mission And I mean, do a lot of people come back to you and, you know, share their stories with you,
Megan Reamer 15:05
I would say they do. I think that, you know, there are consumers, like you’ve mentioned, who really don’t care at all, and they just want something that tastes great and, and seems possibly a healthier option for them or their family. And that’s, that’s great as well, not everybody needs to lean in and understand why we do what we do. For the folks that do though, we do hear a lot of feedback, because a lot of them are on very restrictive diets or trying to navigate something within their home within themselves within child, a spouse, partner, whatever. And so they’re really reading the labels, they’re really reading the ingredients. And they’re finding that even though there are a lot of options out there, you know, only certain products line up with where their focus is, right. And so when you’re taking a lot out of your diet, and trying to line up, you know, something that’s convenient, where you’re not having to make everything from scratch, what we hear is, you know, your your products and your chips, really check that box for me. So, you know, I can only something that has these three ingredients in it. Okay, well, what I find is, your sweet potato chips with organic coconut oil and sea salt, they really check that box for me. So that’s at least one, one product that I can buy off the shelf, and make it easy for my family or make it easy for myself. So, you know, we do hear a lot of feedback, because there’s a lot of gratitude in people, maybe they don’t just understand why we started and that we were in that same situation. But they understand that, you know, our products meet a need that they have, and something that they haven’t found any other solution for, like folks who are coming off of a whole 30, you know, a January reset, and they’re trying to bring foods back into their diet, because they’ve been, you know, cooking from scratch the entire month of January, where they’re only eating certain products, or, you know, they’re trying to figure out what lines up with that particular diet. And that particular approach. We hear from them a lot in February, where they’re like, Oh, this is great, you know, a snack that really kind of aligns with what I’ve been doing for the last 30 days and keeps me on track and moving forward. So it is fulfilling to hear from people who who are in the same situation because it’s a difficult position to be in. And so if we’re making their lives easier, because we offer a great product that’s very fulfilling for us and for us as founders and for our team, for sure.
Kara Goldin 17:36
Well, that’s what I share with people a lot when I decided to start hint, it was all I saw on the I never went down the beverage aisle, I always used to drink my diet, soda Diet Coke in particular. And it was for me, it was just this trickery going on. But it was healthy perception versus healthy reality was what I called it. And then finally I just said, I gotta give up this diet soda. And I couldn’t believe that there wasn’t a product like him. And so that’s, you know why I decided to create it. But you know, when I think about your category, it’s the same thing. I mean, there are many people who, you know, are frustrated, I mean, to actually live healthy is hard. And it’s very confusing for consumers. And you have to read labels, you have to do research and having a great story, having a great mission and reason for creating something out of your own need, I think is something that really helps people to understand why they might need it, and it might help them as well. So I love that about your story. So you were on Shark Tank, I’d love to hear about the experience. And we’ve had a bunch of people from who had been on Shark Tank, some people who took offers some people who didn’t get offers, but I’d love to hear about your experience.
Megan Reamer 19:05
We had a great time on Shark Tank. I mean, ours was very positive. And I’d say pretty easy, seamless. You know, it started in early 2017, where there was this wonderful article in the Denver Post about our business about our son. Why we were doing like the whole mission around Jackson’s and the team from Shark Tank, saw that article and reached out to us and asked if we’d be interested in talking with them if we’d ever considered being on Shark Tank. And I think when you have you know when you have a product that’s great when you have a story when you have something that has some teeth in it, people ask you all the time or I was getting this question all the time of whether we’d ever go on Shark Tank or have you thought about Shark Tank not from the Shark Tank crew but just yeah consumers and and friends and family and it always scared me a little bit like they seemed so Ruff and mean, and, and dip, you know, just like a very difficult process that I didn’t necessarily want to expose myself to or our business right our intention around how we started and why was so personal and meaningful to us that I just wasn’t sure I wanted to open that up to something larger or a criticism that negative. So when they asked us if we considered it, we decided, well, sure, well, we’ll entertain this conversation and throughout the course of the next several months, so I’d say until kind of late May, early June, we spoke with that producing team, we spoke with different folks who’d been on Shark Tank, just trying to understand what the process was like. It’s very, not secret is not the right word. I don’t know if other people have this experience, but it’s very hard to understand it feels a little bit of smoke and mirrors, because, you know, they’ll ask you for questions to answer. So they’ll ask you for some video that’s answering certain questions. And then it’s very non committal, right, you don’t hear anything for a little while, and then they’ll come back to you. So you’re kind of making it through these cuts, without necessarily realizing that you’re doing that. And then it finally got to this place where they invited us to come in late June. So this was early June, they invited us to come in late June and pitch to the sharks and, you know, share our business and share our story. And so, you know, in parallel to doing that sort of television interviews that they were asking us to do for several months, they were vetting out our business, you know, going through making sure what we were saying was accurate. And so, you know, we got to this place, we decided to do it, we went in late June of 2017, did our pitch, did this deal, like a handshake deal with Rohan Oza, who is part of Kavu, which is a venture capital firm that has a lot of CPG investments. And so he’s called the brand Father, that is his nickname. And he is still part of our business. He’s been fantastic to work with. He’s just a really great guy. And, you know, once we did this handshake deal with him, we took his deal, it was $1,250,000. And for seven and a half percent stake in our business. And once we did that, then kind of behind the scenes, the ABC team sort of leaves and we start working directly with his team and doing more due diligence and just having those conversations to get to the actual signing of the deal. And, you know, the difficult part for us with Shark Tank. So that process was easy and fun and very positive. Even the pitch was something that I was really nervous about walking out there and pitching and we had great reception from all of the sharks who were very supportive. In fact, at one point they were trying to help us negotiate with and against Rohan. And so, you know, became this like team effort a little bit. And, and so, you know, for us the, the I think appearance on Shark Tank, we appeared in early October, it was on the season premiere. And, you know, that really just catapulted our business in certain ways. I mean, at that point, we had national distribution with some pretty large retailers like Whole Foods, we were a national brand. We were working regionally with some really fantastic retailers as well like Wegmans and, and King Soopers. And, you know, some, some really great natural and organic accounts like natural grocers and mother’s market and gem bows and Erawan. And you know, all of these really, T accounts, fresh market sprouts, you know, some key natural and organic, some tea, conventional Publix was another one we were working with. So we had this distribution, it didn’t necessarily elevate that for us. But what it really did was launch our E commerce channel, like a rocket, you know, one of the really interesting things for us to watch that night of the airing was to see you know, the East Coast, the Midwest, Mountain West, the Pacific, right. And so there was this staggered appearance that you could really track online through our website and through Amazon orders. And so it just, you know, skyrocketed and, and launched it in a way that we could never have done without Shark Tank.
Kara Goldin 24:38
That’s incredible. And were you guys ready for that kind of business? Because I bet that that just went boom. I mean, all over the place. Everybody was just like, oh my god, this is amazing. Where you guys ready for? I mean, it’s hard to prepare for it. Yeah, to have that burst
Megan Reamer 24:54
on there. Yeah, you know, it’s hard to get the back end ready for what You might expect the front end to be and to sync those up. So like, just the bandwidth of what we’re able to not necessarily ship is orders, but just take on, like, bring in the orders and have the capacity technologically to do that we had to ramp that up. And in our case, and I think this is pretty typical Shark Tank gave us two weeks notice. And so we were really working hard in that window before airing to make sure that, you know, we could support what the traffic was going to be to our website, that we had inventory on Amazon, that that wasn’t just kind of inventory. But what we thought customers would want like a mixed variety pack of, you know, snack size, and a variety pack of five ounce. And so we really had to hustle to make sure that we were able to meet the man that we thought was going to be there.
Kara Goldin 25:55
So people always think that entrepreneurs just kind of snap their fingers and everything just kind of comes together, obviously, you know, you had a lot of really big stuff going on in your family as well as, you know, trying to build a company that’s that’s taking off, I’d love to hear if there was a challenge along the way, you know, or one that really stands out that you thought, Okay, we’re done. I’m not sure that we’re going to be able to go on. You know, it’s fascinating to me, when I talk to founders and founders in every single industry, they’re different stories, but there’s similarities, right? And it’s never easy. There’s always backstories and stuff that happens that the consumer doesn’t know about other founders don’t know about but I’d love to hear if there’s one in particular that you learned a lot of important lessons from along the way.
Megan Reamer 26:48
Yeah, there’s, there’s one big one actually, that affects, professionally and personally. And those things came together in this way that that I’m not sure, in the moment, I understood the significance of, because it was such a fog. But, but certainly in hindsight, I have learned a lot of lessons from it. But you know, at the same time that we were on Shark Tank, so in 2017, my son was part of an experimental drug trial, Jackson, and he was 16 years old. So we did this, you know, we’d been to shark tank in June, and to Los Angeles to the set, did our pitch had this deal, you know, riding really high on this feeling of accomplishment, and, you know, possibly on the on the, you know, Cliff on the verge of something even bigger, because we were at this inflection point in our business. And this was a, the timing of appearing on Shark Tank was significant. And so there was that happening, my son was part of this drug trial that was going really well. And so in July of 2017, we increased the dosage of his experimental drug and things looked good. And then in August, you know, we get this call from Shark Tank crew that they’d like to come to Crested Butte where we live and do this extended home segment and, you know, really share his story and talk about his disease and create awareness for that. So all these super positive things, which I think is, is part of living in this, this space of being an entrepreneur, right, like within a 24 hour period, you can go from a really big high to really big low and repeat it again the next day. And so, you know, all of this Shark Tank, fun stuff was happening, my son was moving forward and this drug trial, and then it really all came to this crashing halt in mid August, a few days after the Shark Tank crew had been there filming that my son passed away from this drug trial and completely unexpected
and blindsided us. And so we’re at this, this place of, you know, this story for our business is tied, so personally to him and his story, and how do we keep moving forward? Right, how do we, how do we talk about what happened kind of at a brand level while we’re personally grieving and, and just shattered? And try to you know, sync those things up? Right. And it was incredibly difficult to, to marry both of those things, right. My husband and I continued to run the business in the months and years after he passed away and tried to be this, you know, touchstone in this rock for consumers who heard this story for our own team. But but you know, really prioritizing our family and our other kids, right? I had three other children. who were 811 and 14 when he passed away? And so I like, you know, how do we keep all of this moving forward and, and we didn’t like we didn’t keep it moving forward with the business. And unfortunately, you know, some of the things that we had really needed to address in the business prior to this happening, really came to a head. So things like we had worked with a comb, man the whole time, the economics around co packing did not line up for us, and we’re not shifting. And so we were in this situation where we needed to either find a new co packer, we needed to re set the CO packing relationship we had, or we needed to get our own manufacturing facility. And, you know, I’d say all of these variables came into play kind of 2018 2019 in a significant way, where we were trying to continue to move forward, lead this business, lead our family, and, you know, struggle with some of the growth that we’d had and having the right capital, you know, both financial and human capital in place to navigate this. And so, you know, where that left us was a business that couldn’t sustain where it was, we were over skewed, we needed to pull back and reassess what we had in the market, where our best sellers were, you know, what was our hero SKU? What were our core skews? Who were we as a brand, you know, how were consumers relating to us, and where were they aligning to our products, and our story, and, and really kind of reset, the pandemic for us was a great opportunity to do that, honestly. There was so much cover around everything that was happening and, and certainly products getting to shelves and the priority of which products needed to be on shelf with toiletries, for instance, versus snacks, even though snacks really grew a lot during the pandemic, and people enjoyed their comfort food and their comfort snacks. And so, you know, for us, we were able to do that do that reassessment of the business throughout 2020 and recapitalize the business, find the right partners who have the vision and the capital to invest in Jacksons and come back to market in 2021, as a stronger brand, with the right pieces in place, namely, and first and foremost, our own manufacturing facility. So you know, the, the challenge that you asked about is really pulling this entire business back, reassessing, reorganizing, and then re launching, and I’m not sure it’s something I would ever recommend, to the degree that we had to do it. It wasn’t just, you know, taking one or two skews out of the lineup and keeping placement on the shelf. It was pulling it all back, then doing the assessment over a six to 12 month period, and then re launching again, which we did starting last fall. So fall of 2021 About a year ago.
Kara Goldin 33:18
Now. That’s an incredible story. And I know how much. Yeah, but it was crazy. And I’m sure stressful. And so I had somebody on a few episodes ago. And you know, I think you described it perfectly what he was saying too, is that, you know, an entrepreneur in 24 hours, just the ups and downs. I mean, it’s like it’s, you know, there’s a lot of adrenaline and good stuff. But it’s also it’s a lot. I think a lot of people just don’t realize it. And I have a huge appreciation for entrepreneurs and founders in particular. It’s why I focus my podcast on them. Because I really think that there’s always these incredible stories of tenacity and resilience and maybe stupidity along the way, too, and I’ve met Jay exactly, and it’s and we all like live in this world where we appreciate the pieces of it so well such an incredible story. I loved that you shared all of this with us and we will have in the show notes all about Jackson’s and Jackson’s chips and do go more by Jackson’s chips or Jackson’s what I always call it Jackson so I just didn’t know Jackson’s Yeah, I always call it Jackson’s I think most people I know that are your consumers call it Jackson’s so such an incredible incredible interview. So Thank you Megan for doing what you’re doing and and your husband as well. And what a great story of legacy and really doing things for all the right reasons. Thanks all for listening to this episode. We hope you enjoyed it. And I want to thank all of our guests and our sponsors. And finally, our listeners, keep the great comments coming in. And one final plug. If you have not read or listened to my book undaunted, please do so you will hear all about my journey, including founding, scaling and building the company that I founded. Hint we are here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Thanks everyone for listening, and goodbye for now. Before we sign off, I want to talk to you about fear. People like to talk about fearless leaders. But achieving big goals isn’t about fearlessness. Successful leaders recognize their fears and decide to deal with them head on in order to move forward. This is where my new book undaunted comes in. This book is designed for anyone who wants to succeed in the face of fear, overcome doubts and live a little undaunted. Order your copy today at undaunted, the and learn how to look your doubts and doubters in the eye and achieve your dreams. For a limited time. You’ll also receive a free case of Pentwater Do you have a question for me or want to nominate an innovator to spotlight send me a tweet at Kara Goldin and let me know. And if you liked what you heard, please leave me a review on Apple podcasts. You can also follow along with me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn at Kara Goldin. Thanks for listening