Molly Fletcher: Former Top Sports Agent & CEO of Game Changer Performance Group
Episode 303

Molly Fletcher, Former Top Sports Agent and CEO of Game Changer Performance Group, is the real deal. She has been hailed the “female Jerry Maguire” and, prior to founding her company, was one of the first female sports agents. During her almost two-decade career, negotiating top contracts and representing over 300 of sports' biggest names, she has seen and learned a lot! Her wisdom is fierce and she shares with us all what is needed in any negotiation, how to unlock peak performance and so much more. We also discuss the ways that she is bringing her learnings to organizations through her company Game Changer Performance Group. Listen and learn on this inspiring episode of #TheKaraGoldinShow.
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Kara Goldin 0:00
I am unwilling to give up that I will start over from scratch as many times as it takes to get where I want to be I want to be, you just want to make sure you will get knocked down. But just make sure you don’t get knocked down knocked out. So your only choice should be go focus on what you can control control control. Hi, everyone and welcome to the Kara Goldin show. Join me each week for inspiring conversations with some of the world’s greatest leaders. We’ll talk with founders, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and really some of the most interesting people of our time. Can’t wait to get started. Let’s go. Let’s go. Hi, everyone, it’s Kara Goldin from the Kara Goldin show. And I’m so so thrilled to have our next guest. Here, we have Molly Fletcher, who is an amazing, amazing individual. She is a former top sports agent, and she is the CEO of Game Changer performance group. And I actually met Molly, when I was on her podcast, which is an amazing show called Molly’s game changers. And it was just a lot of fun. We hit it off right from the bat. And I was just really, really excited. The more our sort of lanes cross, I was like, you’ve got to come on and be great to have you on you have so many lessons to for people to learn. So as I mentioned, she was a former top sports agent. And she’s been hailed as the female Jerry Maguire. I hope you’re not tired of hearing that about yourself over the years. She was one of the first female sports agents out there. And during her almost two decade career, she negotiated all kinds of top contracts. And needless to say, she’s seen and done a lot. And she’s an expert negotiator. But she’s also recently fairly recently done a TEDx talk, which congratulations that is so so good. It’s called the secrets of a champion mindset, which has more than a million views. So if you haven’t seen that, you absolutely have to check it out as well. And she’s written five books, the most recent was the energy clock. And as I said, Molly’s game changers podcast, definitely check that out if you haven’t. And finally, her company, Game Changer performance group helps clients lock peak performance through training experiences. And you should definitely in the show notes, we’ll put all the information about that. So if you’re looking for somebody to come in, and really help your organization, your team, Molly’s it. So absolutely excited to talk more with you, Molly, welcome.
Molly Fletcher 2:48
Thank you. It’s awesome to be with you, Kara. This is fun,
Kara Goldin 2:50
super fun. So let’s start at the beginning. I’d love for you to share with our listeners who aren’t familiar with your story a bit more about your early days, you were a giant sports agent, and one of the first females What led you to this career.
Molly Fletcher 3:05
So I was a student athlete at Michigan State, I played tennis. And I was a tomboy growing up two older brothers, and just really wanted to stay in the business of sports. But I had no idea what that meant really at the time. And so I graduated, moved to Atlanta from East Lansing, Michigan, where I grew up and navigated all kinds of opportunities to try to get in front of people that were in sports. And I always had this philosophy as a young person that, you know, when you ask for advice, you get a job. And when you ask for a job, you get advice. And so here I negotiated a deal to teach tennis at an apartment complex in exchange for my rent, which made my two grand that I had saved up to go to Atlanta to pursue my dream job last a little bit longer, because I didn’t have rent. And I just had to teach tennis one day a week. And so you know, over some odds and ends jobs and different things. I started with a small agency, and we had, you know, a handful of clients, NBA coaches and a baseball player. And and after the Olympics ended, I said, How are we going to grow? How are we to get more clients? And you know, the CEO said, We’ll referrals. I mean, we’ve gotten most of our guys, which was primarily what our clientele was through referrals. And I kind of have probably standing there carrying a pair of pink pants and I said, Well, how do we get let’s go get more, let’s get aggressive. And so I put a business plan together to start with baseball and go get baseball players and he blasted fortunately, and I was off to the races. So about 18 years later, I had a team of agents, 300 athletes, coaches and broadcasters helping us as a team of agents and then serving all of our, you know, athletes, coaches and broadcasters. So that’s a quick snapshot of the of the journey of the agent journey.
Kara Goldin 4:41
And how did you decide then that it was time to sign off?
Molly Fletcher 4:45
Sure. I loved every minute of it. But I felt as I as I grew in that lane, and I had three young kids and I started to get asked to speak because I’ve written two books. And you know when you write about people Okay, come talk about your book. And so I was speaking to organizations and then companies started calling and say, Hey, will you come and talk about your, your, your book and performance and mindset. And so as I stepped into that space and did it, it was so rewarding. And I felt like the message was landing I was a woman who, you know, been in a male dominated industry, I was talking about performance and sports, and I was able to pull in men and women connect, and support them. And I thought, why, and then the phone candidly, it just kept ringing. And I thought, Man, I’m at a point where I’m gonna have to make a decision. Am I going to stay in this business? Where I didn’t own it? He would not give me a piece of the business. And or am I going to step over here and build a business build? Build something substantive? That probably and certainly I can, you know, that will align with my vision on my purpose and make an impact on people’s lives. And it was, was asking myself tough questions. I mean, do I want to go to my grave and negotiate a billion dollars in contracts for for athletes and coaches? Or do I want to go to my grave and know that I’ve changed lots of people’s lives, and I was seeing just the beginning feeling of that as a speaker and, and so I, you know, it made no financial sense, Carol, whatsoever, probably like so many of the people listening when you step into a new venture, or when you start a business and, and then as you said, earlier, we took several of my books and turn them into, into programs into experiences where we come into organizations and help help really bridge the gap between people and performance inside of the lens of, of all the things that I saw the best athletes and coaches do to play and compete at the highest level, sort of that corporate athlete mindset.
Kara Goldin 6:41
That’s awesome. I mean, it must have taken a lot of courage, right? You sort of, as I always say, part of being a founder, and you clearly are a founder as well, you founded this organization, you’ve got to, you know, figure out how to build the puzzle without a picture, right? I mean, that is typically what goes on, especially the people that you you were interacting with, they probably thought you were crazy, right? To sort of jump off the train and go and do this. Why would you do that?
Molly Fletcher 7:14
Sure. Well, and when so many people think that you know, being an agent, because word Satan is this dream job, and you’re stepping away from that, to go do this, to do this other thing, but, you know, at some level when you’re working 24/7 and I loved every minute of it, but there was no, there was no pot of gold at the end of that rainbow. There was no opportunity I felt to I felt like you know, I think we all have a purpose in life a mission and, and being an agent was absolutely amazing. And I love in my, in my the athletes that I represented, and the guys still talk to so many of them all the time. I mean, I love them, they were there. When my kids were born, they were at my wedding. I mean, we are so close, but I feel like I’m living even more of my mission. Now. I feel like I’m gonna go to my grave and know that, that through our training programs, and and our other products that I’m changing people’s lives for the better beyond, you know, 300 athletes and coaches. So yes, people thought I was crazy. But now it has been for 510 x what I ever thought it would be
Kara Goldin 8:23
no, and I love the idea that you’re actually teaching people what you learned in the sports industry, because so often, I was just on a interview a little while ago, and I was talking about this, I was a athlete growing up as well, I didn’t actually play in college, or wasn’t I was a gymnast. And what I’ve learned is that definitely athletes really understand the mindset, and how to compete and how to not be afraid to actually have people that are better than you, surrounding you. And so so many lessons, I think, apply to actually building a company and running a company that you can definitely speak to you for sure. So I’ve heard you talking about how you’ve worked with some huge egos I can only imagine. Right? Show me the money. Everyone’s seen the movie, for sure. So any founder has had to work with big, big egos, whether it’s investors or team members, or lots of different examples of that. What have you learned as the most powerful skill to possess when kind of guiding talent or even people who you’re working with, with those big egos, you know, how do you work with those people so that you feel like they’re winning? I guess, and you’re winning in some way?
Molly Fletcher 9:48
Yeah, I mean, I think initially at the onset of those relationships, you’ve got to know things that they don’t expect you to know. Uh huh. You know, when I when I was an agent, I would often come in and sit down to pitch a baseball or player, or pitch a college coach or an NBA coach. And, and, you know, they didn’t think that maybe because I never played at that level, right that I maybe knew what it was really like to be them and to be that guy and, and so I always had something up my sleeve that would surprise them. That would be natural, that would be authentic, that would be all those things, but that would make them pause and go, Hmm, maybe this, this lady can help me, maybe she can make my world better. And, you know, when you’re when you’re sitting in front of a baseball player, and, you know, you look at them and say, at the appropriate time, by the way, man, that one two count and the bottom of the seventh that that, that that hit the pain. I mean, I hit the bottom right. I mean, that was a, they all of a sudden are like, Wait, she knew it was a one to count she knew was the bottom of the seven, she knew that was a slider, she watched the game. Like she gets me a little bit. And so because I think at the end of the day, when they respect that you can come into their role and add value, that ego can drop a little bit because they feel a connection and they feel wow, maybe this person can help me so and then I think as time progresses inside of those relationships, and as a woman, I had to do that all the time, was to sort of sneak in something that would surprise them. And then and then consistency, right? I mean, at what I saw with great athletes and coaches is, I mean, they have to wake up and get better every day, or they lose their job, literally. And they can see the guy in AAA, they can see the goal for this right behind them, they can see the coach, that’s two chairs over there wants their job, they can see it all. And so they have to get better every single day. And so when when I can be a part of helping them up their game, if you will consistently and show up for them consistently, they want and expect that from me as their agent, no different than they expect it from themselves. And they’re the kind of people that they have to do what they say they’re going to do, they have to perform consistently, they have to execute on the highest level with the world often watching. And so when you can walk that line with them and add value to them with them. But do it consistently do what you’re say you’re going to do show up, add value, that all helps bridge that connection and at some level dial back. The ego inside of that, but it and I think the other thing is Kara, you know, once you build that respect that mutual respect, be real with them. Yeah. Right. Because everybody around them is up there. You know what? Yeah. And so, you know, the more that you can, I mean, I’d have guys walk into an appearance and I go dude, where did you get that sweater you’re not wearing that? Don’t change, right? Or like listen, man, you want to call games on the air and you got your your you got white hair, and they need you to look young, like let’s go, bro, I’m going to take you to my era. So when you’re that person that because I felt like my job as an agent was to be somebody who told the truth with love to them. Because the world around those guys and gals, very few people tell them the truth, sometimes not even their spouses. And so my role was to build such a strong relationship, dial that ego down and then tell them the truth with love. And and then they begin to really appreciate you and know that you’ve got their best interests at heart.
Kara Goldin 13:17
Yeah, definitely. And just being real. I think that what you’re talking about too, is really applicable to somebody who’s trying to get a partnership in sales. I mean, it applies so much of the time because sometimes it’s just the chit chat, right? It has nothing to do with sports that actually gets you making them want to work with you want to believe. Sure. I think that that is so so key. So I often talk about passion and curiosity as super key drivers for success. I guess the sports industry is so representative of this to where experience doesn’t necessarily make you the best player, right? That’s not the person. It’s the people that are behind you that are coming up that you have to look out for and way more important than experience from what I’ve seen in your amazing TEDx talk, you talk about drive and how that can be more important than talent, which maybe equates to experience and in some ways, but what can you share about this?
Molly Fletcher 14:25
Well, I think people overestimate talent and they underestimate drive. And you know what, what I saw with the with the guys and gals that got there and stayed there, what we teach in our training programs is we have to train ourselves to consistently show up and put in the work to be a better version of ourselves because talent I saw all the time it would get guys to the big leagues, but it’s gonna get on there just for a cup of coffee if they don’t unlock drive, right like it talent is gonna win you maybe a golf tournament that’s hard to do, but to win 2345 You You’ve got to have drive. And I think that the twist here though Cara is it’s not about the drive to achieve. It’s about the drive to get better every single day. In other words, if our drive is anchored in a single moment of peak moment of a winning X or getting to, I’m not suggesting that great athletes aren’t excited about winning a World Series or a Super Bowl they are, but what drives them is the journey. I had Geno REM on my podcast, and you know, Geno’s bend 22 Final Fours head coach it UConn Women’s Basketball 22 final Final Fours he spent, you know, 14 consecutive Final Fours. Like, that’s totally insane. He’s won 11 National Championships, he’s won more national championships than any other college coach. People don’t think they think it’s Coach K or, and I said to him, I said, dude, 14 consecutive final force 11 National Championships. I mean, talk to me. And he said, you know, my like, it’s not that the wins. It’s not all that that gets me up. It’s the journey. It’s the drive to get better. And when you think about what he did, and the environment that we’re in, and so many leaders are in is adaptability is the new currency. It’s not efficiency. It was efficiency years ago. We have to be willing to adapt. You know, Geno’s, a guy, and great leaders today are consistently adapting. I mean, Gino had different athletes, he was playing against different teams. He had, you know, changes injuries, you know, now in the transfer portal, so much change. And he still 14 consecutive final course, how do you do that? Well, you never stopped wanting to get better. I had, I had a coach once Kara, he won the national championship. And the next morning, I was on the phone with them at eight o’clock in the morning. And he said, Look, man, I gotta I gotta I gotta hop. He was getting ready to call an 18 year old kid. He just, you know, eight hours ago cutting that down after winning a championship. The next morning, he’s, he’s wanting to call a player to beg him to come play basketball for him. That’s Dr. Right, you just won a national championship. So there is such a significant difference. And I think, you know, it’s this healthy drive. Right, I think the opposite of drive is complacency, which, you know, we talked, everybody’s talking about quiet quitting right now. And, you know, at some level, that’s complacency, it’s, it’s settling in this place. And what I hope to do in the world is to create a place where people consistently want to wake up and get just a little bit better. And to me, to your point about passion, you know, passion will start your engines but purpose will keep it going. Right? In other words, we’ve got to know why we do what we do. And when we know why we do what we do, it changes what we do. Right? Yeah. So so to me, that passion piece, that purpose piece, is massive as as discipline, of course,
Kara Goldin 17:55
so can you find drive? I mean, can you create it?
Molly Fletcher 17:59
100%? I mean, I think, look, I think our environments, absolutely as kids can, can, can impact it some, but but we can 100% unlock it. And I believe people find themselves at different places in the drive journey and the journey of combat and complacency and, and maybe they need, you know, more discipline, maybe they need more resilience, maybe, maybe they’ve got to shift their mindset and believe in what’s possible, whatever. I mean, it’s sometimes it’s a mindset shift. You know, sometimes we need relationships and connection to help us do those things. But like you i to believe curiosity can unlock drive, right? When we ask ourselves some questions, when we ask the world questions that can help us unlock our purpose, our passionate can shift our mindset. So, you know, I believe there’s eight intrical keys to unlocking drive, everybody’s at a different place in that journey, as it relates to unlocking it, if you will combat in complacency. And going for more. It’s something that as I look back here at my own journey, as I look back at, you know, even hearing your story and other incredible guests I’ve had on my podcast and their journey, and seeing all the athletes that I was right beside, you know, there was a model that I began to see, I saw a model of unlocking drive with all the athletes that I worked with, with all these incredible people that I’ve interviewed on my podcast, and and there’s a there’s a roadmap for it, there’s a process for it, and absolutely, it can be cultivated. No question.
Kara Goldin 19:38
Yeah, I totally agree. You wrote a book called The Energy clock is so so good. Everybody has to pick up a copy of it. And I’ve heard you speak about this, but managing your energy. Can you share more about this?
Molly Fletcher 19:52
Yeah, you know, I in the world of sports, you know, what was so fascinating for me, Cara’s when I left the agent business where People are obsessed about performance. It’s all about performance. It’s not about time per se, right? They’re not, they’re not waking up every day, you know, staring at their calendars and navigating, that they’re navigating the things they need to do to train to perform at their best. And then I step out into the business world when I start speaking, and then launch my training company. And I thought, This is so interesting, like people are totally obsessed with their calendars and business. And I came from a world where that was really not relevant, per se. I mean, most of my guys knew that need to be ballpark it three, you know, my coaches, I mean, and, and, and so that became clear to me that the best athletes and coaches in the world are very intentional about where they put their energy. Whereas I often found that in business people were very intentional about where they put their time. And then I reflected on moments, right, so I remember Matt Kucha, one of my golfers, at the end of the season, he was on the PGA is on the PGA Tour, and we would sit with with Matt, and we knew the tournaments, of course, the previous season that he had played well that where he’d made the cut where he, where he competed where he top 10, where he top five, we knew the courses that played into his game. Well, we of course, you know, knew all those things. And so we would sit and we would do Matt schedule for the following season. We did this every season every year. And I remember sitting there and when we were doing his schedule, it was less time based. It was all about Wait, when’s the US Open? When’s the masters? When? When are the big tournaments that I need to perform well at? And how can I then back into my schedule, so I perform at my best in the moments that matter most. And then simultaneously, I’m watching the business world of people, accepting all these meetings, showing up on calls on zooms on all these things. And they’re like, why am I even here? Like maybe somebody on my team could be doing this? And they’re annoyed that they’re there. They accept this cocktail party, and they dread that they’re going and I’m like, This is amazing. Yeah. Right. Like they’re saying, Yes. And I thought, wow. And so then, you know, what, I remember a baseball player Jason Heyward, we weren’t we he was getting ready to get drafted. And, and he was a star top wrong guy. And we’re sitting in the office, and I remember, you know, he was gonna be a first round player was a kid who came in and, you know, he was having he was gonna have an opportunity to make and sign for a ton of money, and make a lot of money. And, and all these deals started coming in for him card signings, appearances, speaking engagements, endorsement, deals, appearances. And he said no to all of them. And I was like, wow, I mean, this kid could write a check for his parents mortgage. Yeah, he could get his mom and dad to stop working tomorrow. If he said yesterday, he said, No, he said, Look, man, like, here’s the deal. The faster I get to the big leagues, the faster I focus on the kinds of things I need to do as an athlete to hit like, I know, I need to, to get through the minors quickly, to feel like I need to, the quicker I’m gonna get to the show. And the quicker I get there, all this will be there in spades. And I thought, well, amazing. So to me, as business leaders, all of your listeners, we have to pull back and say, What is key to us performing at our best? What are the things that give us energy so that I can do those things that matter? Most? What are the things that deplete my energy, and we’ve got to get clear on those. And then I think we’ve got to be really intentional, particularly in the world we live in now, of scheduling the things that give us energy, of being incredibly intentional about delegating, removing, you know, minimizing the things that don’t give us energy that drain our energy, in fact, because those are integral to us being able to show up and perform at our best in the moments that matter most. So that we as business leaders, don’t get to those meetings, those moments, those calls where we’re, we’re not ready because we’ve been pointing to things that weren’t important. I mean, we know this as leaders that focus, it’s everything. But yet we live in a world where there’s so many distractions. So this level of intentionality around it is massive. And that was part we took this book, and we turned it into a training program around energy and performance. Yeah,
Kara Goldin 24:08
well, it’s awesome. And I feel like, you know, a lot of what you’re talking about, too, is there’s this thinking that we have to look at bottom line results constantly. But I think often we forget about where we’re headed, right? And the vision behind that. And I think, you know, more than anything, what are we going towards is something that is just always important to sort of come back to and maybe that helps you to sort of figure out what you don’t need to be doing. So that’s, that’s just another piece of this as Yeah, I
Molly Fletcher 24:41
mean, I think you’re the question people can consider asking is, what am I chasing? Yeah. Right. Like, I remember I was out I was with a friend of mine. She has a really big job and she’d gotten his promotion. And you know, but she was miserable. She was exhausted. She’s like, my husband and I are connected at all right now. I’m not really connected with my children. I’m distracted. I’m traveling too much I got this promotion, but they’re not giving me a raise for another, however many. And I said, Well, what is it all for? And she goes, What do you mean? And I go, well, like what you’re exhausted your relationship with your husband is not good. Your kids? What are you chasing? And she was What the hell kind of question is that? Why are you asking me that? And I said, cuz I think it’s something you need to consider answering, ya know, what are you really chasing? And why? And to your point, we’ve got to have that Northstar, and stay true to it.
Kara Goldin 25:30
Yeah, no, definitely. And I think so often, you know, something that we teach you, you and I both have college kids, and I’m constantly preaching to them, that, you know, you have to start somewhere. But it’s also you can try something and then go into some other role as, as you did. It’s not just about climbing that ladder, and getting the next title and getting the next pay, raise all of those things, I think are really, really important for people to evaluate and what they ultimately care about. So such great lessons there for sure. Um, so one of the things that I always talk to people about is kind of the toughest moment and in building your career where you felt like, oh, wow, I’m really nervous. I’m stuck. I don’t know how to find my North Star. Can you share a story about that?
Molly Fletcher 26:23
Sure. I would say professionally, it would be, you know, when I was building the division, really, inside of the agency and building the client representation, vertical, which was really its own company in so many ways inside of the organization. I was the only woman at the time that was an agent, right? So I was the only woman really out there working to represent big league baseball players, Tour players all that. And there was so many moments Kara, where I would be on the range at a PGA Tour event. And I’d be standing behind my guys back when he was warming up. And manufacturers rep would look come up to my guys and be like, dude, Who’s That Chick stand behind your back? And they go, Hey, is my agent. And they go, what? Huh? Why? Right. And they thought, Well, I think your wife had brought Who is this lady, right? Like, because I think I was there. Why, yeah, why Yeah. Or when I would be standing behind home plate at Big League ballparks, you know, watching my guys during batting practice, and they’d come over to talk to me and their bodies would come talk to me, and then the managers would start yelling at them. You know, what do you do in talking to that chick, guys, let’s go. And it’s during batting practice. And so there was all these moments where, you know, where I was asked to leave the room where I would come into a country club, once a week, one of my tour players, and there wasn’t a room for women to sit in. And the player had my back, and we made a table just outside the kitchen. And we sat there and, and so there was those kinds of moments where you think maybe I’m not supposed to be doing this, nobody else is doing this. What makes me think I’m doing this. But what I found was I built really good relationships with my players. And they supported me and they had my back, and they posted up their managers, and they posted up the Country Club, and they posted up the manufacturer’s rep and said, Dude, relax. She’s on my team. She’s my, she’s my girl. And so, but those were moments where I had to shift my mindset, right, where I had to tell myself the right story in that moment to get me through it. And then, you know, when I built our training company, you know, I believe training at some level, in so many ways, is broken, and people don’t look forward to it. They don’t want to go to it. It’s not as if they’re not measuring it, it’s not sustainable. They’re not staying beside people, they’re coming in, and they’re coming out. And, you know, as we look to really put training on its head, and deliver programs to organizations in a way that we help mature and measure the change that we’re beside them making over time. That’s a heavy left and so scary left, but it’s an important one, because, like you I do the work that I do, in order to change people’s lives, not for five minutes, but forever.
Kara Goldin 29:11
I’m so curious, like, with so many people working totally remote or partially remote, do you find that the training is different? And some way I mean, like, do you feel like there’s, I would imagine you’re doing some hybrid formats?
Molly Fletcher 29:29
Absolutely. It is different. And we work with a lot of fortune 500 global brands, and so some of them are finding tremendous benefit in this because they can pull in three 5000 People from all over the globe and deliver training and you know, but people are zoomed out if you will, they’re they’re a little fatigue. And so what we do we want to meet organizations, right, where they are, how they are and and some people want it, you know, asynchronous some people want it just for an hour. Over six weeks, they want once all day they want it live. I mean, everybody’s model in their organization and for their people is a little bit different, no different than every keynote, I know it’s a little bit different. And I believe you have to meet people where they are, yeah. So they can consume it in a way that is impactful. And that truly drives the kind of behavior change that everybody’s going for.
Kara Goldin 30:24
So last question, worst piece of advice that you’ve ever received.
Molly Fletcher 30:29
The worst piece of advice I’ve ever received is, don’t don’t go into the sports business is way too competitive. You can’t do it. You know, and by the way, you’re a woman. So what are you doing? And that was the worst piece of advice I’ve ever received. And I got that care of over and over again, when I tried to get into this business. I mean, when I when I was in it, you know, right when I got down to Atlanta to try to try to find my lane. I mean, it was every corner I turned, it’s really hard. But like you as a former athlete, hard. That’s okay. I don’t mind hard. Right. You know, I think there are things that are an impossible I’m not gonna play in the NBA tomorrow. So you got to be realistic, but hard. No problem.
Kara Goldin 31:14
Yeah. And you’re used to it. And I think that that’s for sure that that’s the thing. It’s sometimes people think that having so much competition, they’ve already counted you out, before you even got started. So you don’t even need to actually be the best you actually just need to do well, right in order to surprise them. So you know, I think more than anything, sometimes when people don’t have huge expectations for you to be able to do something and they’re like, Heck, yeah, you know, yeah, Molly did it. Sure. You’re a super great role model for so many people. So I really appreciate you coming on and sharing so many great insights and lessons along the way. We’ll put everything into the show notes around Molly Fletcher, and Game Changer performance group. And also her podcast, as I mentioned, which I have been on Molly’s game changers, so definitely yes. And her book too, by the way, one of her books, her five books, but the latest book, The Energy clock is super, super terrific. So well. Thank you again, Molly. And thanks, everyone for listening. Goodbye for now.
Molly Fletcher 32:25
Thanks, Kara.
Kara Goldin 32:26
Thanks all for listening to this episode. We hope you enjoyed it. And I want to thank all of our guests and our sponsors. And finally, our listeners keep the great comments coming in. And one final plug if you have not read or listened to my book undaunted, please do so you will hear all about my journey, including founding, scaling and building the company that I founded. Hint we are here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Thanks everyone for listening and goodbye for now. Before we sign off, I want to talk to you about fear. People like to talk about fearless leaders. But achieving big goals isn’t about fearlessness. Successful leaders recognize their fears and decide to deal with them head on in order to move forward. This is where my new book undaunted comes in. This book is designed for anyone who wants to succeed in the face of fear, overcome doubts and live a little undaunted. Order your copy today at undaunted, the and learn how to look your doubts and doubters in the eye and achieve your dreams. For a limited time. You’ll also receive a free case of hint water. Do you have a question for me or want to nominate an innovator to spotlight send me a tweet at Kara Goldin and let me know. And if you liked what you heard, please leave me a review on Apple podcasts. You can also follow along with me on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn at Kara Goldin. Thanks for listening