Ripley Rader: Founder & CEO of Ripley Rader
Episode 553

On this episode of The Kara Goldin Show, Ripley Rader, Founder and CEO of Ripley Rader, shares the story of her journey and the brand she has built. An incredible force in the fashion world, Ripley, a self-made designer, started with just a jumpsuit and has transformed her vision into a multi-million-dollar fashion empire. Celebrated for her viral "magic pant" and timeless jumpsuits, her designs empower and include, worn globally by celebrities and everyday women alike. Operating from Los Angeles, Ripley champions American manufacturing and embodies the values of quality, fairness, and empowerment. Join us as Ripley shares the inspiring journey behind building her brand and how she continues to innovate and lead in the fashion industry. Have pen and paper ready—you don’t want to miss a minute of this inspiring episode! Now on The Kara Goldin Show.
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Kara Goldin 0:00
I am unwilling to give up that I will start over from scratch as many times as it takes to get where I want to be I want to be, you just want to make sure you will get knocked down. But just make sure you don’t get knocked down knocked out. So your only choice should be go focus on what you can control control control. Hi, everyone and welcome to the Kara Goldin show. Join me each week for inspiring conversations with some of the world’s greatest leaders. We’ll talk with founders, entrepreneurs, CEOs, and really some of the most interesting people of our time. Can’t wait to get started. Let’s go. Let’s go. Hi, everyone. Welcome back to the Kara Goldin show today, we have the very remarkable Ripley Rader, who is the dynamic force behind an incredible fashion brand that you hopefully have heard about. And if you haven’t, you’re going to be so excited to go and purchase lots and lots of her gorgeous designs, because they are really, really terrific. So she launched her business with just a jumpsuit years ago. And that has become kind of the transformational item that ended up becoming much more than just jumpsuits for sure until multimillion dollar incredible, incredible brand. So her viral magic pant to the timeless jumpsuits to the pieces that are celebrated across the globe and worn by celebrities and everyday women alike. So so, so great. They’re based in Los Angeles. But like I said, you can find her products inside of boutiques, at least across the US, if not across the world. And also, of course, in direct to consumer on their website, too. So really excited to have Ripley here to talk a little bit more about what makes this brand what she’s passionate about. And also really just the why behind the existence of the brand. So welcome, Ripley. So excited to have you here.
Ripley Rader 2:12
I’m so excited to be here. Kara. Thank you What I also want you to be my agent, because it was such a lovely, thank you, thank you.
Kara Goldin 2:22
Well, I always try to, to really kind of get to the ethos of the brand and when I’m describing it, so definitely, hopefully, I didn’t screw it up too badly. But it’s such a mean, what you guys have done in the fashion space is just really, really incredible. And really super lovely. So talk to me a little bit about this brand. When you I bet you didn’t snap your fingers and think, Okay, this is this is how it’s all going to. Or maybe you did snap your fingers. But it’s been way harder than that. How did you decide to come up with this brand and actually launch it?
Ripley Rader 3:02
You know, it’s it’s 10 years and overnight success. I think, I think that’s something that a lot of people and you hear that enacting a lot. Everyone’s like, she’s an overnight success. It’s like, well, I’ve been at it for 10 years. You know, I didn’t intend to launch a company, I was a Broadway singer and dancer that made my own clothes my whole life and, and I was so poor, making my own clothes and wearing them everywhere. It got scouted by a buyer from Fred Segal 10 years ago in my jumpsuit, and she said, If you Where did you get it? And I said, you know, I make my I make my own clothes. And she said, if you can make an America and you can retail it at a certain price point, I will launch your company and Fred Segal at my store and Fred Segal. And so oh my gosh, it was amazing. And then a week later, I happened to be at an at a party and the fashion editor at La mag was there as well saw me and I was in the same jumpsuit because it was more we thought and she said where did you get this? I said I made it funny story. I think I might be launching it at Fred Segal. And she goes when you do I will do a story on you. And and then the company just started from there. You know and then I’m on Craigslist looking at places I could get it. You know soon because I’m not going to so professionally obviously. So for myself but and so that is that is truly how the brand came to be 10 years ago. And so for two years, we just did jumpsuits and then after two years we expanded to a full ready to wear collection. So that’s that’s really an that’s a true origin story. You can’t make that up. Once the clothing started really picking up and it was clear that I wanted to do that. It was a cool idea because I was able to take the thing I used to do for money and do for fun and then the thing I did for fun was not with thing I did for money. And it just seemed like a natural progression. I didn’t fight it. I think that’s something that if you talk to many entrepreneurs, we, there’s this thing inside you that you just sort of listen to, and I don’t fight it. And that has been, I think the secret to our success. I really do listen to my gut. I don’t let that I’m not often swayed when something feels right to me. I usually go for
Kara Goldin 5:26
definitely. And you can and you can tell so So you were, were you exclusively in Fred Segal? Initially?
Ripley Rader 5:34
Yes. So we were at Fred Segal for about six months, before I went into other boutiques, and then very quickly, I was in a couple of 100, boutiques, primarily on the East Coast. And then, um, which, what was interesting to me, considering we’re in LA brand, but the boutique game is very big in the southeast. So that’s where we pretty much launched our wholesale department. And then we were just, we’re not a terribly I’m a self funded, non Trust Fund, kiddo. You know, and I, we were The Little Engine That Could and we and I brought my husband on three years after I’ve had the company because we needed a CFO at that point. And NCO, we just needed somebody who understood systems, and he’s a engineer with an MBA, and he was actually working in the fashion world anyway. So it just made sense to bring him over. And we watched all these companies get tons of funding, and then crash, and then tons of funding. And we were just always, I still consider myself this, just the little engine that could and I just kept on my path like I didn’t, I really don’t play the competition game. And I think that that has been a real secret to our success in my mental health. Really?
Kara Goldin 7:04
Yeah, no, I love that. So you launched initially with the jumpsuit? At what, like, how many skews? Did you have? How did you know what the heck you were doing? I
Ripley Rader 7:16
mean, much like you, I think there’s power in not knowing I didn’t know what I didn’t know. And I didn’t know what to be scared of. I didn’t know the game. And I think that’s powerful. Because because I don’t know the game. And I still don’t play the game that other fashion companies do. Because I don’t play that game, I was able to play my own game. And what I didn’t know was I know quality. And I know paying people and I know how to deliver on time. Those are the three things that I knew. And so as long as I could find people to make beautiful, beautiful pieces for me that I can put my name on, I could deliver on time, and I could pay I was eating Robin. We were driving cars, it would like break down as we were going to pay people to pick up pieces. I had like an old sob that not even NPR would take like it was just like, but we we kept with those pillars. We always wanted to be American made, even at our scale now, which is offering some really unique challenges. We are all American made. Downtown Los Angeles, I feel very passionate about putting money back into my community. But at the time, when we were starting, we were doing three versions of a jumpsuit, 20 units, maybe, you know, I mean, a week, maybe 20. If I just remember five years ago, even if we sold 10 jumpsuits a day or something, or pants or clothes or whatever. We weren’t known for pants yet. We celebrated. It was a really big thing. And now. Now I’d be I’d be freaking out if that were the case. But it’s interesting how the goalpost of success moves. And we celebrate those successes, those were really that’s something that I tell entrepreneurs, young entrepreneurs all the time. You can’t always compare yourself to Nike or even someone like me, who’s middle middle range, sales, but it’s your own successes or your own successes, and you sell that first pair of shoes, you sell that first pair of pants, that’s a huge success. And that should be celebrated. You know? Yeah. And then it moves and builds and grows. But that’s really what we did. We celebrated every little thing. And then about two and a half years ago, that company almost three years ago now the company just exploded.
Kara Goldin 9:43
just exploded. So you launched the magic pants, that was the big kind of boom, right that that went on. So can you talk a little bit about that and kind of why do you think that that really exploded the way that it did I
Ripley Rader 10:00
think coming out of the pandemic, women were wanting to feel strong and powerful, but they weren’t willing to sacrifice their comfort. And because I come from the dance world, all of my clothes are comfortable, because I move in them all the time I, I do all the photography for my company and the positions I’m in. I mean, I’m just like, I’m a mover and I, and I think about the lives of women that I know. And I knew that they probably wanted clothing that they could wear to work, but also wear it to like, bath time, when they’re like leaned over the bath, or making dinner, putting them into bed. I mean, these are, these are not clothes that are precious clothing, these are clothes that are sturdy clothing that you can wear a lot. And I think because of that, we answered the call that women wanted in their closets. And, and I think, really, that’s why we hit, I think I also was able to talk more directly to my clients, we decided that I should be more of the face of the company, not as a model, of course, but just my passion is so great, you know, I don’t have any desire to create art, I just want women to feel like that acids, and whatever role they’re playing in life. And, and as women, we wear a lot of hats, and I wanted to make clothing that all women, all sizes, all ages could feel great wearing. And I think when I could really get my my genuine passion across with that, it really helps the company as well. explode.
Kara Goldin 11:43
I’ve seen you as not only the CEO of the company, but also somebody who’s actually storytelling around the brand and how everything that you just described, and I think that it definitely makes a ton of sense. You’re you’re able to really share with this consumer, this potential consumer, why, you know, makes sense for them to try your product and purchase your product for sure. So how has that changed over the past few years? I mean, initially, when you’re designing, are you designing for somebody who maybe is just like you, who wants to jumpsuit, right? But then as time goes on, you’ve got people saying like, I don’t know, plus sizes, or we want children’s sizes, or whatever it is, how do you stay? How do you design for your consumer, the right consumer, but also stay focused?
Ripley Rader 12:48
You know, I, I really listen to I listen to what my clients want, and what they need. And I listened to my sales reps across the country, I don’t have a lot of in regards to the design, there’s probably I mean, I’m an entrepreneur and a founder. So there’s definitely ego in here like let’s not fool ourselves, but I try not to have a lot of ego around it. I designed clothes that I want to wear and and I think that when I combined what I want to wear the ethos of of how I want to feel in my clothes, plus the notes that are given to me by our clients and our our sales reps, for example. Every we have a shirt that is a classic, we call it the classic top, but it stops right at the waistline. Well, I had good notes from from women that were that said, you know, if you could bring that down three or four inches, that would give me more of an opportunity to wear it. So I don’t feel like I’m wearing a crop top even though it’s not actually a crop, but it’s higher. And it gives more women more wear. And I would be dumb not to listen to that, right, because of something I want to create. It’s just as cool a tarp. It’s just extended right? So then we have the classic tarp. And then we have the extended tarp that goes along with the entire mission statement of my company, which is to dress and make all women feel fabulous. So in effect, a blind spot of mine when I was dressing just for myself or designing just for myself, was that it was that was this example of the shirt, very small thing and then once we added it, I absolutely loved it. It was totally in line with everything but it was the marriage of my ethos, how I always remember how I want to feel plus the notes and then it’s just a perfect marriage. But that is now that we are a bigger company I design based on what we’ve already created. Right? So we have this beautiful capsule collection. So when I create something wild, I’ll take a piece from that an idea from that and make it in there You know, a mesh fabric or something crazy, but it’s very, we still my company because we don’t have outside funding. We are a narrow and deep company. I don’t we, I mean, I say this and we have like 100 skews a season. But for the for ready to wear brands like mine, most, most of my competition or our contemporaries have three times the collection size that I have. So I feel very, that we keep it small, small
Kara Goldin 15:34
and tight. So another decision that you’ve made, you and I were chatting about this, before we hit record was to not actually build stores. So I’m so curious, I’m sure you get asked all the time, you know, why aren’t you building a store? But can you talk a little bit about that strategy?
Ripley Rader 15:55
I think this strategy comes not. I mean, we’ve, at this point, it seems intentional, is intentional. However, until recently, it was just not, it was not financially a viable thing, you know, now that it is we still don’t have a desire to do it. Because very transparently because of the management and the bandwidth that that would take and, and, and to be honest, a lot of people, a lot of founders say You know, it’s the ultimate branding experience, they get exactly who you are when they come into your boutique. But my, my understanding and my hope is that if through our storytelling of our ads, our website, anything you see of me in the company, you know our ethos, and my greater hope is that a woman puts on the clothes and doesn’t need to know whether I have a forefoot disco ball in my Michael store. I have like some cool chrome fly that that’s, you know, like, I don’t I don’t need all of that. I don’t I’m not, I just genuinely want to dress women. And if that and I can scale more if I don’t have to put my energy into brick and mortars. Definitely.
Kara Goldin 17:22
So what are some of your Ripley Rader’s most popular items today? Pants,
Ripley Rader 17:30
I mean, the pants are. It’s funny, we launched the pants with our marketing company, all run by a kid like people, women and men under the age of 28. I mean, young and fresh. And outside the box thinking my whole company is, is run by young people. I think there’s unbelievable power and youth and outside the box thinking. And so we came up with this idea. Because I love the pants, I wear them all the time. My whole team wears them all the time. I mean, we all just wear them. And we came up with this concept. And I my DP which is director of photography was shooting something and caught me off hand saying to someone in the room, someone said to me that they were Ripley Rader when you want to get a job or get laid, which sounds so that’s like, was edgy. And she said, Can I use that in an app? And I I called my mom. I mean, I’m 43 and I still call my mother and I said, you know, can we do you think we can go with this? Is it too crass? You know, though? And my my mother is also an entrepreneur? And she said, will it sell clothes? Yes, go do it. And, um, and so that went that sort of went viral for the pants. And then the pants just became a huge, huge percentage of our company and our sales so it probably goes pants, our turtle pants and then the tops that go with it. Our turtle necks are Blazers that’s an but it’s all versions of the pant we have a long we have a cropped we have a straight The pants are where the company lives right now. And everything else is there really to support that.
Kara Goldin 19:23
I love that. So when you think about color decisions, so it’s always a you know, are you just the black and white or just black or black and navies or are you bright color like how do you think about those kinds of decisions? And has that changed over the last few years as well?
Ripley Rader 19:45
Oh yeah, definitely. When I think when I started the company we did like sequence and I still do a few sequence but we were just a party company. Now I always say we’re like Donna Karan meets Holsten like we’re very chic now like we’ve we’ve streamlined and that happens when you learn who you are over the course of 10 years. That’s why I’m very grateful I’m not an overnight success, because we are a house built on rock I in regards to that, but my rainbow is just all black like that personally, because that’s all I wear. I’m from a small town. So I always said that I would like I knew I was going to live in a big city where black all the time, like I knew that was going to be me. And it is, and but in regards to the brand’s choice of colors, every season, we have a couple of hero colors that we bring on. And we always have black, navy, and ivory or off white. Those are our core pieces, we always have them unless we’re sold out, which is currently constantly happening. But in regards to the hero colors for the seasons, I have a designer that I’ve brought on and she’s she’s got an incredible eye, and she and I will powwow on colors. I also pitch it to my sales teams across the country, every season, I go, Okay, this is the world I think that we’re living in. And we have these big sales shows, they’re cold markets, and I was at one in New York with my entire national sales team, we were there. And there’s a picture of us looking at all the fabric samples. And it was it was it was a rep from all of my, all of my parts of the country, you know, regions. And it’s all of us just looking at a table picking colors. And that’s really what how we do it now because it is I’m not just designing for myself, you know, I don’t want to do a color that I love it. Everyone else hates no one wins. Yeah. So listen, I would be so dumb to not listen to the people around me. I just don’t. I don’t know how people don’t listen, it seems so dumb, because everybody, like everyone chose a color that I would have never chosen in a million years like royal blue. Never, never would have chosen it. And I sort of dragged my feet on it. And I have to tell you, we’re now in sampling for SS 25 It is the most beautiful, it is so unbelievably beautiful in, in practice in clothing, that I thought, Man, I’m so glad that I’m not dumb. Like, I’m so glad to have these women around me. And to make these choices. So I felt that’s so that’s how we do it. Now it’s really a group decision.
Kara Goldin 22:39
So a strong and loyal community is, is so key to every brand, obviously getting your product out there and getting people to try it is one thing, but you want them to keep coming back, you want to basically own their closet, I think in a perfect world, right? So how do you get the word out? How do you build this loyal consumer, especially when there’s so many choices out there for for the consumer? How do you find this consumer that and keep them coming back?
Ripley Rader 23:17
Finding them is good marketing. And I think that’s good storytelling, and it’s the brand has to connect with. Since we’re founder based brand, I think the brands are the buyers and clients have to connect to me and my passion and the story we tell around the company, that’s how to find them to keep them it is it is only my product. Like I have to make good clothes. And that is the end of it. Like I am always saying to our factories because I see them every day. We’re not celebrity driven. I can’t lean on anything else, but quality. And they have to be paid. And of course there are times where we’ll have an entire set of let’s say an entire run of pants that a needle was broken on it or something and there was a bunch of there was one run of pants we had that the same there were holes in the same and it was simply because someone had used an old needle. I mean this is a tiny thing, right and so of course we went back we made it right for everyone we could make it right with that you know and actually everyone and you live in you learn but for me, the only way to keep a client is to continually make good clothing. That’s all it is because the rest is glitter and bullshit, right the rest, tap dance around, but to keep a client everyone works very hard for their money like I’m not gonna I’m not going to smoke and mirrors that like that. It has to be solid. I want them to wear the clothes out and then want them in every color for years. You know, that’s it. That’s how to keep them. Absolutely.
Kara Goldin 25:01
So what’s been some of the biggest challenges you faced? You had? You had not done an apparel company before. And and obviously, you’re a seasoned entrepreneur now, but what’s been some of the, the toughest challenges of growing your own company? I mean, it’s also your name, right? You’ve got, you know, it’s like, there’s a high bar there. So you don’t want to be embarrassed, you don’t want to create a product that is low quality, all of those things. But, but what’s been sort of the biggest challenge that obviously you’ve been able to overcome, but you know, where you just thought, wow, this is, this is a tough one. I
Ripley Rader 25:46
mean, overcoming is I think anyone would tell you this, it’s like, constant process of overcoming anything. I mean, anytime you, because the left things just move, you know, but I think the biggest challenge has been to meet right now, to meet the demand. So there’s so many cogs in a wheel, right. And, you know, you want to build an incredible team. So managing that team, and when you’re small and doing 20 pairs of pants a week, the team, everyone in it, get so much of your attention, because you have the bandwidth. But as you scale, and as we’ve been scaling, the constant meeting of the demand, whether it’s in size, like right now we’re knocking out walls, so we can take over the whole top floor of a building, which is two years ago, three years ago, I guess I was doing it out of my home. Right. You know, I mean, this is, this is quick. And so if it’s a matter of physical space of making sure that the quality stays good, even though we’re doing 100% or 1,000%, more a month, you know, it’s it’s it’s meeting the demand and keeping your integrity, keeping the mission, keeping the quality, all of that that is absolutely the biggest, the biggest struggle, and it is constant. I mean, I think because as entrepreneurs, we we love and hate ourselves, I think I think it’s just like, we’re all not. But I do think you know, you need a goal. And then you make a new goal. And then that entire next wave of challenges. And demand, I’m very, very grateful is our biggest meeting the demand in a way that like I have to send emails out, I just sent a bunch out last week, there’s a two to three week delay on our pants right now. You know, we we can’t, we’re making them, we’re buying America out of the fabric. I mean, this just scrambling. And so it’s a matter of being really honest with the buyers going. We are, you know, we doubled our workforce two weeks ago. I mean, we are while truly scaling to meet the demand, that every month, we’re even bigger. And I think that that is something that like, someone said to me, once very successful. Actress said to me, you know, there is a lot of struggle and failure. There is a lot of struggle and success as well. I, I think we we spend as entrepreneurs, we spend a lot of time we get tons of failure in our industry, right, which I’m grateful for, I’ve learned so much from each of my failings, they happen all the time. But something that I don’t think people talk about enough is the is the struggles and the challenges of success as well. And and that’s not saying that I’m not, you can sit in the gratitude of success and recognize the challenges that it’s offers as well. And that’s really something that I have tried to speak openly about, too, because I think that’s something that a lot of entrepreneurs don’t really get to talk about a lot. Because when you’re successful, you don’t want to say anything negative or challenging, because we all know everything is temporary failure is temporary success is temporary. If you’re hitting, it’s probably not going to last forever. And that’s a wonderful thing to recognize it’s humbling and it keeps you focused on the prize. But like I talk pretty openly about the challenges of this of the success as well. And is it an end giving your tyre self to something? Of course, there’s going to be challenges with that to have balance, if that exists for other people. It doesn’t quite this for me this one.
Kara Goldin 29:52
But well, yeah. And I think it’s interesting that you mentioned that because you know, it’s like when you have so Access. You’re also, you know, you don’t want to say, Oh, my life is so hard, right? Sorry for you right now, like,
Ripley Rader 30:11
I’m sorry, you know, you asshole, you know, whatever, but
Kara Goldin 30:14
Right, totally. And I think it’s it’s such a, it’s such a big challenge. I mean, I, you know, I’ve shared this with people as well that and I think when you’re when you’re the founder and you’re actually running the company too, I think people expect that you have all the answers. And you know whether, right?
Ripley Rader 30:37
Yeah, I mean, I mean, and you probably felt very similarly with the, with your company, this idea of everyone looks to you for answers that you’re still figuring out as well. And, and I have a phrase that I say that was actually said to me years ago by one of my mentors, but sometimes wrong, never in doubt, that’s me, like, I’m, I’m often wrong, actually, probably never in doubt. Because I just go forward, I make a decision, I make a choice, and I move on it. And, and that’s sort of a like, has been my mantra for many, many years now, where you just sort of go boldly and terrified and do something and hope that your gut and hope that obviously, there’s you do your you do recon and you do your due diligence, but But you hope that but your gut leads it, your gut makes the choices. And you and you have to believe that that is a good thing.
Kara Goldin 31:35
Yeah. What are you most proud of? That’s, that’s another thing that I often share with people that I don’t think founders and CEOs of companies get a chance to really talk about this. But you know, we’re always, when you are talking about your company, you’re talking about times when things are really challenging, or maybe there’s a new product, or, you know, there’s a launch of something or the industry, but what do you think you guys have done really right inside of your company? When you think about? Like, maybe you’re talking to a friend who is thinking about starting their company, what do you think you guys have done just really right, that you’re super proud of that maybe you just don’t get a chance to talk about as much as you’d like. Kara,
Ripley Rader 32:23
that’s such a kind thing to ask. I think that I am very, very proud that we created this big thing from nothing. Really, I, I get such enjoyment going into my headquarters downtown. And every single thing that’s in that room, that space we created, we can’t we made it come to life. I’m really also very proud with the the the pillars the mission, the pillars that we have with the company, we are passionate about promoting from within, there’s everyone at our company pretty much was hired to like make boxes at the beginning. And truly and to like help out at a sample sale. And now they’re running our entire production department. I don’t even look at a resume when I hire I don’t think I’ve ever, ever looked at a resume. I really believe in people’s potential and capabilities. And I am very proud of putting money back into my community that is really, really important to me, and something that I grew up with entrepreneur, parents, and grandparents and parents. And every day, I know that my grandfather would be proud that I am like, being a great role model for young women. And I’m a I hopefully am a lighthouse to young women to be courageous and, and stand up for what they believe in. And I fight the good fight with that. And, and also that we’ve stayed true to putting money back into our community. Those are two real I try to use our platform for as much good as possible. Which is I’m really, I’m proud that that we’ve stayed true to that because everyone wants to Well, everyone wants to buy us but like everyone wants to like buy us and then like take take our stuff off shore and we’re not going to do them. We’re just not going to you know, I don’t think we ever will as long as I am the company.
Kara Goldin 34:39
And I think what you guys are doing locally I mean is is just incredible. So it’s it’s so easy to go and do it somewhere else and I think is hint has been the exact same way we don’t source anything from outside of the US and and we blow our own butt bottles, we do, you know everything as local as possible and multiple plants. And we’ve really cared about that. And I would say that, you know, that’s how that’s something that we don’t get a big chance to talk about it hint that I’ve had that is really hard to do that. And it’s, and it’s super geeky, as I always say, like, it’s, you know, train, we’ve done, you know, backhauls from, from figuring out, like how people are actually getting to the stores, and there’s empty trucks that ended up going to stores. Like, we figured a lot of that stuff out that nobody else likes figuring that. I love it,
Ripley Rader 35:44
you talk like this, and I’m like, Oh, this is my love language. Shocking.
Kara Goldin 35:48
Yeah, but all of that I think is, is stuff that, you know, ends up being a part of a business that, you know, you have to get right. And I think expecially in order to stick around even as long as you have, you can’t just be about the look, you can’t just be about the look and feel it has to be all the rest of it as well. And I think that the great founders, you know, you have other people who sort of focus on those things, but you understand it, as I always say enough to get you in trouble, right? Like you’re
Ripley Rader 36:25
just enough to like, at the other day, we were short on employees and I I was making boxes. I mean, I was I was on the line. I mean, we just are, we were in a bit of a pickle and I stepped in. And by the end, I had put everything in enough of the wrong place to just sort of scare me and I helped. I helped enough but I think the whole team was like you know what it is? It’s you know, just enough to get your to get you into trouble. Like that’s exactly
Kara Goldin 36:55
the best way to describe it. So Will Ripley Rader, thank you so much founder and CEO of Ripley Rader, everybody needs to purchase these products from their website. You’ll also see it in many, many stores, too, but super timeless items that are just absolutely beautiful. And the founder is beautiful as well. So thank you so much for coming on. Really appreciate it. We’ll have all the info in the show notes. Thank you. Thanks again for listening to the Kara Goldin show. If you would, please give us a review. And feel free to share this podcast with others who would benefit and of course, feel free to subscribe so you don’t miss a single episode of our podcast. Just a reminder that I can be found on all platforms at Kara Goldin. I would love to hear from you too, so feel free to DM me. And if you want to hear more about my journey, I hope you will have a listen or pick up a copy of my Wall Street Journal, best selling book undaunted, where I share more about my journey including founding and building hint. We are here every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Thanks for listening and good bye for now.