Sara Dietschy – YouTuber and Content Creator
Episode 10

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Kara Goldin: Hi everybody. It’s Kara at Unstoppable, and we’re so excited to have my friend Sarah Dietschy here.
Sarah Dietschy: I’m so excited to be here.
Kara Goldin: So round two.
Sarah Dietschy: Yes.
Kara Goldin: We talked to you back in 2018.
Sarah Dietschy: Yes. Oh gosh, that seems like so far away ago for some reason.
Kara Goldin: I know. So going back to 2018 you were one of our favorites-
Sarah Dietschy: Thanks.
Kara Goldin: And we asked you to come back and sort of hear what is going on with Sarah overall. So just to give you a little bit of background. So Sarah is, so again, she was on the Unstoppable, but Sara Dietschy is this incredible, I say that you’re this incredible YouTube star, but to me, you are so much more than that.
Sarah Dietschy: Thank you.
Kara Goldin: I mean you just give such great advice and a lot of your content is super awesome and you ask all these terrific questions. Over 555,000-
Sarah Dietschy: Exactly.
Kara Goldin: Subscribers on her YouTube channel. And basically if you go onto her YouTube channel, she has lots of uploads of docuseries, tech reviews, blogs.
Sarah Dietschy: All the things.
Kara Goldin: I’ve learned so much through her and learning every single day. But she’s also partnered with lots of incredible brands like AT&T and Honda and Visa and Squarespace, et cetera. She has a weekly podcast called The Creative Life, which is on every Monday, which is terrific if you have not heard it. And while her YouTube channel really started with tech reviews, I feel like again, you’re doing so much more when I go on there, and you’re talking about lots of things that people really want to know or they didn’t know that they wanted to know. She was born in Dallas.
Sarah Dietschy: Yep. Southerner. Southerner at heart.
Kara Goldin: She loves peaches, which we’ll talk about in a little bit. And she has this incredible relationship with her parents, which I so love that you highlight that as well. So take us back a little bit. I know a little bit about you, but, so you left, for those of you who have not heard about Sarah’s story, so tell us a little bit. So Dallas.
Sarah Dietschy: Yeah, so born and raised in Dallas, Texas in a burb, Grapevine. Which if you’ve ever flown into DFW, five minutes away from the airport. So it was definitely I grew up in a nice little bubble. But because of the bubble nature of the suburb, I really felt like there has to be something more when I started thinking about college.
So there really wasn’t a ton of options just because I knew college was so expensive. So I worked pretty hard in high school, and I got a scholarship to go to a local college. I stayed at home. And so doing electrical engineering for three years, staying at home in my childhood home in Grapevine really got me thinking and kind of buzzing of, “Okay, what do I actually like in life?” And I was always involved with music and video, so I really started poring into video and making more YouTube videos.
And I posted my first YouTube video in 2011, but no one was a YouTuber. No one was doing that as their profession. So when I kind of acted on, “Hey, I want to pursue my dreams,” my parents were still like, “Well, you should probably finish college if you want to move to Nashville, Tennessee.” And I was like, “Fine. Okay.” And then I went to Nashville. I loved it, made a lot of cool music friends. Really started with video and making music videos, and I was working at a production company, but one year at this private college in Nashville wiped out everything that I had saved in one semester. It was $15,000 for one semester. And that’s when I really stepped back and I was like, “Okay, wait, does this make sense? Is what I’m receiving, does that equate to $15,000 for a semester?”
Kara Goldin: And you were an electrical engineer and then computer science?
Sarah Dietschy: Exactly. So if I had switched my major from EE to computer science, and I was still miserable after three years. And I was like, “You know what, I cannot be living my life for my plan B when I’m only 20 years old. I’m not doing this.” So I was, “You know, guys, I can always go back, but right now I just cannot do this.” I was telling my parents and my grandparents, of course, “I can always come back,” but in my head I was done. I was like, “Screw this, this is awful. I hate this.” And I really went full force into video. And again, I linked up with a production company there, and I was doing these just boring corporate videos. So I didn’t drop out to necessarily be a YouTuber, but I was doing YouTube on the side, and then I was doing these random corporate boring videos.
And I was like, “One day, if it’s five years or whatever, I’ll do my own thing one day. This is better than studying something that I hate.” And so the month after I dropped out, I basically had a super viral video. It was actually probably three or four months because it was gearing up to this. So I had a viral video, and I also applied for something called the Adobe Residency, and I got it. So in the span of one month, I basically had a steady income from Adobe to just pursue my passion projects, which is crazy. It’s called the Adobe Creative Residency. If you’re wondering what it is, they basically pay you to pursue your passions.
Kara Goldin: It’s amazing.
Sarah Dietschy: Which is insane.
Kara Goldin: And they still do it today?
Sarah Dietschy: And they still do it today.
Kara Goldin: That’s so great.
Sarah Dietschy: So all of a sudden I went from 4,000 YouTube subscribers to over 100,000, and I had a steady paycheck.
So for an entire year I was able to kind of just shape my brand, figure out what videos I really vibe with and I want to make. And it was kind of off to the races. And now I’ve been living in New York for over three years now.
Kara Goldin: That’s amazing.
Sarah Dietschy: And I love it here. Definitely a shout-out to meemaw in Texas. She bought me a trip to New York for my graduation present, and I had never experienced anything like it before. It was my first time in New York. And when I was walking the streets with meemaw and Jeannie, I just remember, “Oh my gosh, I don’t know when, but I have to live here one day.” And it happened.
Kara Goldin: And you did a brief stint in LA.
Sarah Dietschy: Yeah.
Kara Goldin: A couple years ago.
Sarah Dietschy: So that was more of kind of bouncing back and forth. So my boyfriend John, he lived in LA when I met him. And we were doing the long distance thing, and obviously I wanted to spend more time with him. So I was doing months at a time. I would come back to New York, and that’s when I lived in a rat-infested apartment. So I was going to LA quite often.
Kara Goldin: Yeah, you were like, “I got to get out of here.”
Sarah Dietschy: Exactly.
Kara Goldin: So that’s awesome. So the first video, take me back. So the focus, it went viral, what did you say to yourself like would be, Sarah. I mean this was before Peachy and sort of the branding and everything. How did you sort of think about that?
Sarah Dietschy: I mean, so I posted my very first video in 2011, and I didn’t go “viral” until February of 2016. I think the thing that a lot of people don’t talk about a lot is just, okay, I was doing years and years of prep before this moment actually happened. So, in 2015 when I dropped out, that was the first time I became really consistent on YouTube, and I was every week aiming for something that would reach beyond my audience. And then doing something for me. So there is kind of this balance where I was making sure I was making videos that I really loved, whether that was someone else’s story, like a docuseries and showing off their space and how they do what they do. And then I would do a video that was reviewing a camera, where I still love cameras and I love tech. That’s obviously a focus of my channel.
But maybe unboxing a camera and talking about the tech specs and going out and shooting with it isn’t the most, it probably wasn’t the most fulfilling, but it was still fun. And there was a need for that. I mean even in 2015, 2014 it wasn’t the saturated space. I mean I would do a video on the Canon 70D, and I would be maybe one of only 10 videos on all of YouTube that really showed it off and showed the video features and stuff. So I kind of found this niche where all of those videos were reaching beyond my audience.
So I was really every week trying to figure out, “Okay, how do I grab more people?” I would post literally a concert video of Taylor Swift. I went to the Taylor Swift concert in 2015 in Dallas, Texas. And that got 40,000 views, and I got 100 subscribers from that. Oh fun. So really in the beginning there was no focus but just the more eyes and more people.
Kara Goldin: Would you talk about the tech aspects of Taylor Swift-
Sarah Dietschy: No.
Kara Goldin: And what you were using?
Sarah Dietschy: I wasn’t even in that video. And so from 2011 to 2015 was just whatever I wanted to post, I would post. And so later 2015, 2016 is when I really narrowed my focus. And so when I made this viral video about a big vlogger, Casey Neistat, it was maybe one of four videos that I was literally planning and hoping to go viral. I kind of had a plan in my brain that, “Okay, this docuseries, this is for me, this is for my core audience. It might only get 500, 1000 views, but people are stoked. And the right people are watching that video. And then the next video, Camera Review, or this video about Casey Neistat, this is really to reach beyond my audience.
I want people to share it. I want people to find it on the YouTube suggestions in their homepage. So it’s funny because that wasn’t … The Casey video wasn’t the first video that I had the intention of wanting it to reach beyond my audience, but it exceeded my expectations of getting a million views in only a few days after he shouted it out. So what’s so funny about that is in that video, at the end I was like, “Hey guys, everyone tweet @Casey this video,” blah blah blah. So there’s definitely a call to action. And then in that same video I was like, “I have a new Creative Spaces TV series coming up.” It was my second season of the docuseries-
Kara Goldin: That’s awesome.
Sarah Dietschy: That I made. So every kind of video like that I had, I was almost, I wasn’t ready, but I was like, “Hey, I’m glad you came to my channel for this.” But this passion project of mine, Creative Spaces TV, watch out because the new episode is coming out next week. So what was so great about that is I was ready. I had this epic series lined up and then people had six years of content to go back and watch. So when they found my channel they were like, “Oh wow, I can just watch this stuff for days.” And it really resonated. We have very similar audiences. So it was kind of perfect how it worked out.
Kara Goldin: That’s awesome.
Sarah Dietschy: Blew my expectations.
Kara Goldin: Do you still do the same thing when you’re building? I mean it sounds like you sort of do the unexpected a little bit now and then. I mean, do you still feel like you-
Sarah Dietschy: Because every now and then if I … things have definitely evolved. I’m still doing a lot of tech reviews, but now I’ve found that, hey, people are kind of bored with phones and so am I. So a lot of these pivots that I do on YouTube usually are a result of kind of what I find fascinating. And then it kind of follows. I think what I’m interested in, what I’m bored with, I think kind of resonates with the larger audience. So I’m less focused on phones, but hey, laptops are really interesting right now. So I kind of pivot a lot of my videos to that. But then that just makes the random video visiting Texas with my family and goofing around. When I post one of those videos after 20 tech reviews, I think that’s kind of a fun present for my audience.
Kara Goldin: And they get to know you a little bit more.
Sarah Dietschy: Exactly.
Kara Goldin: And know that you’re real.
Sarah Dietschy: Exactly.
Kara Goldin: You’re not just about information more than anything else.
Sarah Dietschy: And even in tech reviews, I try to, hey, how can I incorporate this in my life? Or my friend’s life who’s a programmer or photographer? Because it can get kind of boring when it’s just me. I mean, I’m sure it’s not, but that’s how I started my channel was really focusing on other people. So I try to incorporate that as much as possible.
Kara Goldin: And do you think, I mean … what’s sort of your favorite things right now that you’re curious about? I mean, I feel like a lot of the stuff that you talk about too, that you haven’t sort of baked an idea, that you actually have an opinion on it. You’re sort of like, let me pull this person in and talk about something like TikTok or something.
Sarah Dietschy: Well, yeah, I think for my YouTube channel it’s probably more … what’s the word? It’s probably more focused than ever, and it kind of has a game plan. But I think with my podcast, That Creative Life is my passion side project where I can explore all these things that I’m interested in. So I get to talk to people like you. You’re on my podcast, I’m like oh, CEO of an epic water company. And there’s so many cool things to explore with that. And I’m so fascinated by it behind the scenes and process and, okay, well, and I’m currently starting a software company right now. So I’ve had two years of interviews with CEOs and practitioners and operators. So I’m a very curious learner. And so whenever I get to create content around that and I get to poke and prod and ask my questions and then to have an audience that is also curious about that is really exciting for me.
So even though my YouTube channel is pretty, I wouldn’t say predictable, but it’s just like, it’s on a flow. My podcast is where I kind of have more fun, and I get to just explore whatever I want to explore. The social media landscape, how do you run a business in 2020 and all of that stuff. Because I like meta things, but if you get too meta on YouTube, kind of ruins the, I wouldn’t say illusion of it all, but people expect a certain thing on YouTube.
Kara Goldin: They definitely do. And I think it’s just a matter of trying to figure out what that is. And if you’re going to change, then just announce that you are changing and this is something that you’re focused on. I totally agree. So do you feel like, I mean how big is your team now? I feel like you’ve grown from being just Sarah to, there has to be a lot more people.
Sarah Dietschy: Well that’s what I’ve been figuring out in the past year and I’ve kind of gone through people. And hiring is not a natural thing as a creative, I will say that. It’s been pretty tough because I mentioned operations and process. That’s where I think a lot of creatives lack. I mean we get numbers and we get noticed for not building a respectable team and process. I mean the biggest things that I’ve made are kind of, “Oh hey I have this idea at 2:00 a.m. How do I get this done in two days? And I’m just going to throw everything I have at it, and let’s hope it works.” So that’s been the biggest challenge, honestly recently is kind of building up a team. And I hired my first full-time person. Didn’t really work out. I’m learning that working with just a solid group of freelancers I think is way better for what I’m doing.
Just because people, creative types, I think really like creating their own hours and that’s what I’m figuring out. So when I had someone coming to my office from 9:00 to 5:00, it wasn’t good for either of us, and it almost became like an entirely new full-time job that I had. So since what I do is so project based, like right now, I have so many videos to do. And so the fact that I can have two editors kind of going at the same time and every project is different. I’m working on a video, like a vlog for Target right now. It’ll go on their YouTube channel, and there’s no me at all in it. I just help film them and I’m editing it. And so that’s a little bit more precious and there’s so many things going on so that I’ve sat down, edited that full thing over a week.
And then I hired a graphics person to help me with some visual effects. So it’s very project based, and I’ve gotten in a flow with two editors and then I’m trying to hire kind of like more of a project manager right now who can yes, help me film maybe a couple days a month. But I’m pretty good with filming on my own. So figuring out someone who can be that middle man and email and coordinate, “Hey, you need this keyboard and this computer for this video.” And letting me know that “Hey, all the parts or all this have come in for this video. We’re going to film it on Tuesday at 10:00 a.m.” And so that’s what I’m working on now.
Kara Goldin: But you still know how to do this stuff right? It’s more about … I think people, when I look at you in sort of scaling your business too, and I talk to lots of CEOs about this, that I think the best CEOs today are the ones that ultimately know how to do everything.
They may not do it, but you know enough to sort of get you in trouble. About all these different things. And I think it’s just that is so critical, and I love to hear that you actually-
Sarah Dietschy: I mean it’s a challenge, and I think what I’m learning right now too is when you are so attached to something, it’s so much harder to let go. And that’s why with editing and even I’ll say this, even with my podcast, it took me so long to hand that off to an editor. There is nothing creative about how you edit a podcast. You check off a few things and you’re good. But for some reason I was like, “Oh wait, but what if they don’t take out that time that I stammered? It didn’t make me look good.”
Or you can imagine how many things that go through my super obsessive editing self.
Kara Goldin: Yeah. But you do hand it off to somebody now.
Sarah Dietschy: Yes. It took me a week to sit down and write down every single thing. Not used to process. But it took me so many podcasts and books to realize, “Oh wait, when people talk about writing process down, they’re literally opening up a Word document and they are typing down every single thing.” It’s like the McDonald’s thing. They went to the freaking french fry factory and wrote down every single part of the process on how to make an amazing McDonald’s french fry. So now I’m approaching it differently, and it’s going well now because I have everything written down. So if I have to hire a new freelancer because that person is out of town, it’s not super stressful.
Kara Goldin: And I think that what you’re talking about is scaling. So you’ve never had to raise money though to do-
Sarah Dietschy: No. I definitely see Sarah Peachy YouTube that is full on lifestyle business, that is, I never, it’s too precious to me. I’m fully aware that it’ll probably max out at a million because there’s only so much you can do with your own audience and stuff. And you can always make more videos. You can also always grow your audience, but it’s not going to be this crazy multimillion dollar startup. And that’s actually why recently I’ve kind of started this AI content creation business with a programmer friend. And we are off to the races-
Kara Goldin: That’s awesome.
Sarah Dietschy: We definitely contemplated, “Oh, is this the right thing to raise money on? Should we do what everyone else is doing?” And luckily my cofounder, he has already a business in place that is going smoothly. And basically the two cofounders of that business are my two cofounders for this business. It’s called Switchboard. Hopefully you’ll see it out in the world in six months.
Kara Goldin: That’s awesome.
Sarah Dietschy: It was definitely a discussion we had to have, but we’re like, “Wait, a lot of people raise money for customer acquisition and you have me.” I have the exact audience who would love to use this product. And then they have a current business that is going to enable us to hire our first few round of programmers. And so I think when you don’t have to raise money, I think maybe it’s kind of one of those things that like, hey, maybe try going the other route of just bootstrapping.
Kara Goldin: I think that that is so true that it’s … I mean, we didn’t raise any money for our business, very different business, a physical goods business. But I always tell people that we waited for a few years because we also showed the value of the company and frankly, I didn’t want to borrow … not that it’s necessarily borrowing, but I looked at raising money as I wanted to make sure that it was successful first and that there was traction. And so exact-
Sarah Dietschy: Yeah, I don’t think there’s anything wrong, it’s just, I see all these companies that raised tens of millions of dollars for something that isn’t even a product yet. And it’s like-
Kara Goldin: And that’s not to say that you can’t do it. But I think it’s interesting. So I also feel like what you’re doing on YouTube too is from a gender standpoint. I mean I think you’re just a role model also for young women who are actually doing substantial information on there and sort of building. How do you view that? I mean, do you feel alone out there at times?
Sarah Dietschy: Yeah. I mean, it was weird because as a young adult in high school, I would love watching iJustine’s channel, and she was really this powerful woman in this tech space. And you don’t see that a lot. And so it’s interesting to now kind of be on … I’m definitely not on her level. She’s amazing. But in that same space as she is and kind of looking around and being like, “Oh okay, I thought there was definitely going to be more women at this time.” I think there’s definitely more now, but I think there’s always so much more to do. So if I can be that role model and be the reason why girls get into tech or even what I failed at, computer science. I have a lot of really cool girls that I hang out with who are going to NYU for computer science and starting their career in coding.
And it’s so exciting to see and so cool to see.
Kara Goldin: Why do you think you failed? I don’t think you failed.
Sarah Dietschy: Maybe I didn’t fail. I just hated it.
Kara Goldin: You just decided to leave. But I think it’s your journey, which was obviously taking you to do this and inspire people and know that very smart people sometimes may not continue going to school or may switch careers or however you want to look at it. And I think that’s super inspiring.
Sarah Dietschy: It all kind of comes full circle too. Now that I’m working with a lot of programmers and interfacing with them everyday now, trying to build this thing it would be really cool to more understand programming right now. And I think it’s such a powerful tool. If you know how to do that, you can build really anything and it’s so powerful. And so I’m glad because I love making videos. That is my 100% true passion. I don’t think I would be where I am without that. So I think if you’re not coding, make content. If you’re not making content, code because you can do anything with those two things.
Kara Goldin: So a couple other questions affiliated with your brand. So favorite camera today?
Sarah Dietschy: Oh yes. Okay. I use so many different cameras, but I have say Sony A73 is such a amazing versatile photo video camera.
Kara Goldin: Specifically for videos-
Sarah Dietschy: Yeah.
Kara Goldin: Or like-
Sarah Dietschy: It’s like the perfect hybrid camera. So I shoot most of my YouTube videos on it, and all of my pictures are taken on that camera. And it’s in that $1500 to $2,000 price range. And Sony makes a lot of great glass now. So hands-down Sony A73. We’re all waiting for the Sony A7S3 three to come out, which is kind of like the Sony A7S2 was the first mirrorless video camera that really changed the game. I mean you could shoot 120 frames per second at 1080. That was unheard of in a tiny camera five years ago. So Sony is always doing some great stuff. The Blackmagic Pocket Cinema Camera. I’ve been getting really into lately shooting some of my bigger projects on that. I’m always about what can you get for the $2000 to $3,000 price range that’s still small.
You’re going to carry it with you. Because I think a lot of people think they need these massive cameras to get-
Kara Goldin: And you don’t.
Sarah Dietschy: And you don’t. You really don’t. And if you have that, you’re probably not going to bring it along with you for a lot of things. Usually you end up just using your iPhone because that super fancy camera that you spent $5,000 on is too big to bring. You just don’t want to haul it around. So finding that sweet spot is really good because then you actually use it.
Kara Goldin: Yeah, I think that that’s true. And a special lens? Or no, the lenses are all-
Sarah Dietschy: Okay, yeah. So the 35 1.4 Sony is my go-to for pictures.
Kara Goldin: Awesome.
Sarah Dietschy: And then the 16-35mm F4 with image stabilization is the best thing for video.
Kara Goldin: Software you can’t live without?
Sarah Dietschy: Adobe Premiere, even though it gives me a headache sometimes. It’s like-
Kara Goldin: And it’s for editing-
Sarah Dietschy: Yeah, so it’s for video editing. And recently I made a video editing in Davinci Resolve, which is a close second to it. And that’s a great program. That’s free too. So anyone who wants to start getting in video, I recommend just download Davinci Resolve. It’s free.
Kara Goldin: And just start playing with it.
Sarah Dietschy: And just start.
Kara Goldin: And just start seeing what-
Sarah Dietschy: I love Premiere, I love my Adobe Creative Cloud Suite. Even though it’s a little pricey, you get Photoshop Lightroom, you get all the things. I’m a Premiere gal.
Kara Goldin: That’s awesome. So 2020 the company hopefully will get launched.
Sarah Dietschy: So we’re looking at hopefully six months from today, there’s going to be something out there. We’re working hard with two to three programmers.
Kara Goldin: That’s awesome.
Sarah Dietschy: Just coding all the time.
Kara Goldin: Here in New York?
Sarah Dietschy: Yeah. Here in New York.
Kara Goldin: That’s awesome. Well tell us if we can hydrate you guys as well with Hint.
Sarah Dietschy: Oh yes. Of course.
Kara Goldin: So what’s your favorite Hint flavor?
Sarah Dietschy: Oh watermelon. That’s so easy for me.
Kara Goldin: Not peach? What?
Sarah Dietschy: I know.
Kara Goldin: Sarah.
Sarah Dietschy: Sarah Dietschy rhymes with peachy [inaudible 00:28:16] watermelon. But I will say this blood orange is really good.
Kara Goldin: Maybe we should do a watermelon peach just for Sarah.
Sarah Dietschy: That would be interesting.
Kara Goldin: We’ll do the Sarah Dietschy-
Sarah Dietschy: Looks good. We can just have my face on it just super big on the label.
Kara Goldin: Wouldn’t that be awesome?
Sarah Dietschy: You walk into Walmart, there’s Sarah Peachy on a Hint bottle.
Kara Goldin: Yeah. Wouldn’t that be awesome? So that would be super, super great. So what makes you Unstoppable?
Sarah Dietschy: Oh gosh. Wow. You stumped me with that one.
Kara Goldin: I know. I mean I have a few ideas. I can start to jump in on it.
Sarah Dietschy: Okay, maybe you start.
Kara Goldin: Yeah, I’ll start. So the fact that you just started. I think that’s the biggest thing when I talk to people, and I’m actually, you and I started to talk about this earlier, so I’m writing a book and I’m finishing it up. It’ll be out next September.
Sarah Dietschy: That’s exciting.
Kara Goldin: Yeah.
Sarah Dietschy: You’ll have to come back on the podcast [inaudible 00:00:29:14].
Kara Goldin: It’s called Undaunted and it’s about the making of Hint, but it’s also about the journey of just going and doing it. Because I think that in every single industry, all genders, the consistent thread amongst people that can’t do it is their own bias and walls that say they can’t. And they can’t start. And so I always tell people, “You’ve got to just start.” Even if you weren’t successful, if you feel like you failed or whatever it is, just starting, just go and start doing something. Because you’ll probably do a lot of things wrong. But then you might do a couple of things right, and then you don’t know where that journey’s going to go. Like you started to go to school and you started to figure out whether or not you were going to do it and then you came and started your company.
Sarah Dietschy: Yeah. I think trusting your gut is so huge because whenever I was in college and hating it, I had to take a step back and really notice, “Okay wait, I’m editing videos from 10:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. And it’s like I’m doing this.” When no one else is telling you to do this one thing and then you’re spending so many hours on it and then you have a finished product and you’re so stoked and it like makes you feel alive. If you are lucky enough to ever experience that, finding a passion, I think it’s a total disservice to not just try and pursue that at all costs. And so what that looked like for me was dropping out of college and kind of going against the grain even in 2015 that was still kind of like, well, “Should you Sarah?” from the grandparents and my dad, “Just finish. It’s only a year. Just finish.”
And then really having, I think people need to have value conversations in terms of when going to college, what you are paying for that you will probably be paying off for the rest of your life, is that worth what you’re getting? Do you enjoy this? Do you see the relationships that you’re building as crazy valuable. That was the thing is I was never super social in college. I wasn’t doing the one thing that probably college is valuable at and that’s relationships and talking to your professors and talking to your colleagues. And I was so obsessed with video and just creating that I found this amazing community outside of college. So I took a step back and said, “Oh everything that I want to do in life I can do without college. And so why do I want to give them just money for something that I hate?”
So really having that conversation with yourself I think is so important.
Kara Goldin: Have you thought about teaching? As crazy as that may sound.
Sarah Dietschy: I mean, honestly, when I was in high school, I did a lot of tutoring because I really enjoyed math and science and that’s why I went into electrical engineering. And that’s why I teach a lot of my YouTube channel. I mean, I see having the abilities to edit videos and to just create content I think is so powerful. So if I can help people bridge that gap and learn how to use Premiere or learn how to use a camera, I mean that is so fulfilling for me.
Kara Goldin: Yeah, I bet that’s-
Sarah Dietschy: Probably 20% of my videos are more tutorial based or sharing my story and ranting on college a lot. And so I don’t think I would ever in high school I was like, “Oh, I can just be a high school teacher if all else fails.” But I don’t think I would ever teach in the traditional sense because I do not believe in the traditional sense of education.
Kara Goldin: Yeah-
Sarah Dietschy: Sorry.
Kara Goldin: I think that’s fine. And I think that there is definitely, there’s a lot of people that are listening to it may be questioning that themselves and/or may have a kid that’s actually questioning it too. And I think it’s really valuable for them to hear your story and sort of how you thought about it and found your passion too, which is huge. So where do people find you?
Sarah Dietschy: Yes. You can find me @sarahdietschy everywhere on Twitter and Instagram.
Kara Goldin: It’s S-A-R-A
Sarah Dietschy: S-A-R-A D-I-E-T, like diet, S-C-H-Y. And then you could probably just Google me. Yeah, Google my name. You’ll find my YouTube channel, Twitter, Instagram, and then my That Creative Life episode with Kara was really good. So you can check out the episode we did together, which is awesome.
Kara Goldin: I would love to do more of that. That’s great. So, this was awesome. So good. Well thanks for making time for us today, and everybody check out Sarah, and she’ll become your new favorite person.
Sarah Dietschy: Thanks for having me Kara.
Kara Goldin: Thanks so much.