Susie Carder – Profit Coach and Author of Power Your Profits
Episode 111

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Kara Goldin 00:00
Hi everyone, this is Kara Goldin from the Kara Goldin show. And I’m super excited to have my next guest here, Susie Carder, who is a friend and amazing business owner, and also author of the brand new book Power Your Profits, how to take your business from 10,000 to 10 million, I would say 10 million plus even. She is such a badass. And if you want to see more about Susie, you can also check her out on her website at But I’m super thrilled to have her just a little bit of background on her that I thought was kind of interesting. When she was growing up. She’s one of not eight, but nine kids. Wow. Amazing. And, and just we’ll talk a little bit more about that. I mean, that in and of itself is probably there’s there’s definitely a small percentage of the population that can actually say that about themselves. And she has, you know, built not one but a few companies over the years. And really, I think what she is so great at is really looking at how do you take small and grow it too big and bootstrapping to ultimately making big money out of it. So anyway, Susie, welcome.
Susie Carder 01:28
Thank you. I’m so excited to be here. Thank you for who you are. And congratulations on your new book.
Kara Goldin 01:34
Thank you.
Susie Carder 01:35
I purchased that as well. Thanks. I’m very excited to get it and dig into what you’re up to. And I love, love, love and adore you and what you’re up to in the world. You’re playing big as well. So I love hanging out with badass women.
Kara Goldin 01:47
Thank you. Thank you so much. So let’s just dive right in. Actually, I want to start it in your background. So let’s talk about the nine kids. So we’re we fall in that world.
Susie Carder 02:00
Well, there is Bobby, Ronnie, Stevie, Terry, Johnny, Shelley, Susie, Kelly, Debbie. So you have to say the names because that’s just hilarious, right?
Kara Goldin 02:08
I love it.
Susie Carder 02:09
And so there are two under me. Right? So not the youngest, not the oldest, not the middle, you’re just there right with all the rest of them. They’re random learned early on that if you wanted anything, you had to go go out and get it yourself. You know, with that many kids, you know, when people go, I grew up poor, but I didn’t know I was poor. Oh, girl. We knew we were poor. We’re very clear. Our school shopping was garage sales and goodwill. And I made a commitment to myself. I am never stepping foot in one of those places. Again. I know it’s trendy to do now. But I walk in there and that smell just creates something for me. So growing up, I’m like, how do I really create my own wealth? How do I create what I’m up to? And my dad said, you know, he had six girls, three boys. He’s like, Look, when you get 18 you move out, you get a husband and get a job. That’s your job and I’m done. So education wasn’t on the docket, right college wasn’t on the docket. I didn’t even know that was a possibility. You know, because the community we grew up in and what we were up to what we were doing. So my vocation Kara was I started out as a hairdresser. And I found myself because I’m very coachable. I went and got a husband. I didn’t know anything about a husband. I met him when I was 17. Right divorced by 25 with two little kids six months old and 18 months old. And I knew that I had to figure out with no alimony and child support. Look, I picked a winner winner chicken dinner.
Kara Goldin 03:35
So funny.
Susie Carder 03:36
I had to figure out how to make money so I could take care of my children, that started my “why” is like holy cow. No one’s gonna save me. I was waiting for the knight on shining horse, you know, like and all the Disney movies but they’re not real. I became my own knight in shining armor.
Kara Goldin 03:53
And so you go from hairdresser to Yeah, actually understanding really entrepreneurism understanding wealth, understanding how to ultimately do this, like what what do you think? Where did you learn this? Like? Did you read a lot? Did you? I mean, did you feel like you talk to customers a lot? Where are you kind of getting this not only education and knowledge, but also inspiration?
Susie Carder 04:21
Yeah, so one was, my children were my inspiration, right and not not wanting to be broke. That truly was my inspiration, wanting to take care of having to take care of them. Not just wanting to but having to be fiscally responsible for them. There wasn’t an option of not making money and to figure it out and figure it out quick. I lived in a used bookstore and I lived in the bookstore. So if I could find a book on sale, because back in the day, education wasn’t as accessible as it is today. Right? So I’d go to the bookstore, bring my kids to the bookstore, go to the used bookstore, so I get a ton of books, and I would read what I needed to learn. So if I needed to learn marketing, I would buy all the marketing books. Read them. Implement slowly but surely 15% of everyone’s financial success is their technical ability. So for me, it was as a hairdresser. So pretty quickly, I made a quarter of a million dollars a year, working three days a week. And Paul Mitchell found me and they said, What are you doing? You’re always busy, you’re making a ton of money. Can you help our stylists or other clients? I’m like, Sure, I can help them. I didn’t start out to be a business consultant. I started out wanting to help my community very much like we’re doing with a podcast. But back in the day, we would do these cluster classes and salons and spas teaching just the business of business, right? Because 15% was their technical 85% of sales, marketing, operations and finance. Now, Kara, I used to be so bad at finances, and I have to share the story because people just think it’s, you know, I just am this way, you are just this way. You’ve been had bloody knees, buddy elbows. But there was a journey. I was so bad at business finance, that I literally was trying to balance my checkbook, I would have to close it, Kara and then open another account because it was so messed up. And I did this several times in my bankers, like, what are you doing? I’m like, I can’t balance it. They’re like, let’s get you on QuickBooks. I’m like, What is QuickBooks? So I got on QuickBooks that completely turned it around, I was able to really understand Business Finance, went back to the bookstore, and got all the books I could on business finance, so that I could really master this thing. I was great at making it but not good at keeping it, spending it faster than I was making it.
Kara Goldin 06:30
It’s so interesting that you talk about this, because one of the things that I talk about in my book is that I was tired of living with fear. And I still am tired of living with fear. Like, I think that that is the one thing that I always, you know, do every single year is try and figure out like what do I fear. And then I figure out whether or not I can actually tackle those things. And for me, I was a minor in finance in college, because I really, I was exactly what you were talking about. Like I would say, Oh, I don’t like finance. And then right. But the truth was, was that I actually just didn’t get it. And so I started taking classes in in school and and what I realized is that one day, it clicked for me. And I was like, Ah, okay, I understand what a business plan is. Now, I know how to balance a checkbook, like, as crazy as that may sound for people who, you know, just like their brain doesn’t sort of function that way, I really had to work hard to sort of teach my brain to kind of think that way. But then once I was able to do it, then I was actually really proud of myself. And, and I knew that I didn’t want to do it as my full time job. But I actually talk about, you know, in building the business that we have today that, you know, if you actually, like, don’t appreciate some aspect of the business, whether it’s finance or marketing or whatever, like go learn it, like whether or not you, you know, go on Google and start to search stuff out or, you know, go and get books on the topic or whatever. Because I think that it really boils down to kind of this fear. And I love to hear that you just, I mean, essentially, we’re like, I got to figure this stuff out. Like this is just debilitating in some way. So I anyway, I just I love that.
Susie Carder 08:20
So keep going, in a lot of ways, right debilitating in a lot of ways, because you weren’t meant I wasn’t mastering it. Yeah, you know, luckily, there’s always a gift that’s wrapped in sandpaper. So the divorce was horrible, raising two children by yourself and the babies being so young, six months and 18 months was horrible. But it made me Buck up, it made me be responsible, it made me realize that I can do this myself. And so if I look at 80% of small businesses aren’t profitable. So that means they’re having challenges with their finances, too. And so when you look at business, I’m a creative, you’re creative. That’s why we’re entrepreneurs. But if I look at business, math, money is creative. Right? I just realized that, wow, I could just be creative. But how much money do I want to make? And then what are the things activities? How many conversations Do I need to have in order to make that revenue goal? Paul Mitchell said early on, and then clients said, Do you have a book Suzy and Mike now I’m a hairdresser. I don’t have a book. I’m not a writer. I’m just trying to share the good news. So my whole speaking career started from clients saying, hey, do you have a book? So fine then I wrote a book then they’re like, I love the book, hate to read. You have an audio mic? No, I don’t have an audio. I’m a hairdresser. So I created this whole training and development company really by accident. Because I had a love for what I was doing wanted to empower my industry. No one was teaching that there was only one other business woman teaching business to a market that’s 90% women. And so I was like, I’m gonna be the difference maker in this industry. And so we ended up building the largest training and development company in Korea. Beauty industry. And we sold that to recurs publishing. And so we sold that for 10 million. That was like one of the best days in my career. And we were, you know, finally, I’ve thought in my life care, I didn’t, I never had to work again, right. I’m like, I’m set I’ve saved. I’ve done all the things, right. We had real estate investments, right? I had money on them in the market, and then the market crashed. And I don’t know if you remember 2007. But 2007 pulled the rug out from me, knocked me down, drug me. And what took me 20 years to build care was destroyed overnight. Like I literally, I’ve had a marriage of 17 years. That was my second husband. The stress, he couldn’t handle the stress. He felt like a failure, he moved to Singapore. So I found myself alone again, and I found myself not only alone, but broken, broken. Because everything I had built, I had over leveraged. I played too much in real estate and used, you know, did what my mentor said, but I was not conservative enough, I risk too much. And so I found myself with a non compete in that industry. And I don’t have 20 years of me, yeah, I don’t have 20 years to get myself back up. I’ll have 20 years to do this. Again, I don’t want to do that for 20 years. And one of my clients that I had was Lisa Nichols. And she’s been in the secret. She was one of the most sought after speakers in the secret. She had been my client for years. We took her business from 80,000 to 10 million. And so she said, Susie, if you could just do for me what you did for you, I think we’d have something amazing. So she was my one client, and John Ashcroft was my one client. So John asked us company, I did a turnaround in his organization, Lisa, we took it to 10 million. And it didn’t take me 20 years, because I spent 20 years learning from mistakes and learning from doing it wrong and getting it right. So it only took me about five years to recover from what it took 20 years to build, because now I know the system of money. And so in my book I share the story of business can be fun, right? Math is money. And money is fun. We all love what money provides for us. The freedom, the security that to providing for your family, traveling, you know, whatever it is that you choose, and whatever your dream is making a difference in your communities making a difference in the world, and it’s very creative. So I’ve taken this complicated thing called Business Finance, and tried to simplify it for my clients because I just felt stupid all the time. Like I don’t want anybody ever to feel stupid because they don’t understand this piece of it. Mm. Right. We talk about strategy. We talk about sales, we talk about marketing, but you know what it It starts with the financial projections, it starts with your relationship with money, right? your belief system around money, your limiting beliefs around money, your parents beliefs around money, right? That’s all what we call inherited beliefs that I inherited from my mother and my grandmother. I inherited there’s none. Don’t ask for any. Right? For me, money gives me security. Like I don’t ever want to feel that feeling of there’s none. Right? And so when I lost all my money, Lisa said to me, she goes, girl, I know you, you are frugal, you got some money stashed away. I’m like, I do, but I don’t have 10 million. Like, suck it up, cupcake. You have money stashed away. And I did, right, I had about $500,000 that really allowed me to that was in my savings, right? That saved me in that whole financial crisis when the market crashed, and the real estate market crashed. So that allowed me to restart who I was and to, you know, breathe and feel like, okay, I can do it. And so sometimes, you know, I call it God you call it whatever you want gives you that lesson. Mm hmm. Right, that lesson that’s wrapped in sandpaper, the lesson that’s not pretty. The lesson. That’s hard one, you need your ride or dies, like this community, right? Like the community we belong into, right? The rider die, that when you’re down there, willing to not only help you up, but help pick you up and support you not do it for you give you a hand up versus a handout, like opportunity. So they’re all around you. There’s money all around you, people all around you. You have to take the blinders off and go, who are those people? Now for me, I don’t know about you. But I have a hard time asking for help. Like, that doesn’t come natural for me being in a big family. You didn’t ask for help. You just did it.
Susie Carder 14:26
Right. So that’s been my learning lesson this season is raising my hand asking for help. And I don’t do it right all the time. But I’m asking, I’m trying.
Kara Goldin 14:37
You know, I think that that’s really, really important. So let’s go into that. So you have it method that you touch on a little bit here, but the predictable success method. So talk a little bit about that. And kind of you know, you obviously talk about in the book as well, but sort of talk to me about what that is.
Susie Carder 14:55
Yeah. So when you look at your business finance, right, so What I’ve learned over the years is people can either manage units, or they can manage dollars. Some people, if I say, let’s put two projections together for a million dollars, they freak out. But if I say Kara, just sell 10 of these a month, just sell 100 of these a month, then they’re okay with it. So I created this whole financial forecast that’s different than what your accountant gives you. It’s different than your p&l. This is all about playing with your numbers. So I’ve created all these, you know, little spreadsheets that help you put in a couple things like how many units I’m going to sell, what’s my price point, and then it shows me how much money I’ll make at the end of the year. Right? So again, looking at how can I make this fun for me, because most entrepreneurs don’t want to look at math, they don’t want to look at their p&l, their profit loss, they don’t, they don’t understand the difference between cash and accrual. Let’s just be creative. Right? So in every chapter of the book, I give you a tool, something that I’ve used in my own business and my clients business to help them make millions. Once you understand the systems, then you can just redo it over and over and over again. So every client, my clients gave me the term profit coach. They’re like Susie, you know what you do for us? And I’m like, strategy. And I’m like, No, you make us money. Like, I see money everywhere. Show me your profit loss. Show me what you’re doing. I guarantee you, I can double your sales, because I see money everywhere. And then my experience of working from with all kinds of businesses, doctors, attorneys, speakers, authors, writers, that marians, graphic designers to be able to look at different industries and go, Oh, let’s take the best practices from all those industries, and leverage it in your business. Like what is that? So making it fun, right? Because we love doing the vocational piece of our business. It’s the strategy piece that’s like poking evil in my eye. Well, let’s make that fun. Like, I love the minute, you know, this whole pandemic hit we all freaked out, I freaked out when the first thing I did is went to my financial projections and went, how am I going to hit this goal? Now that 30 events are off the books? What do I do different? How do I create that? What How can I be radical? How can I be unstoppable in still achieving this goal and dream? And yes, it’s been hard for all of us. But I just was unstoppable. I just was being radical I just was, let’s keep raising your hand, let’s keep tweaking the numbers. How do I get in front of more people? How do I make that happen? I love it. I want people to not only do grow sales, but I want them to do profit, right. But my first goal is let’s get your gross sales achieving for you. So you have that win. And then we start tweaking all the things to get some profitability in your business.
Kara Goldin 17:47
I love it. So obviously, we’re in the midst of a crazy year, unprecedented year, how do you think entrepreneurs should really be looking at their business at this time?
Susie Carder 17:58
What I know from working with 1000s of entrepreneurs is we get caught up and I need my ideal client. Right. And we’ve all we all have our ideal client avatar, we all know who that ideal client is. But the thing that they confuse, they confuse fans, with clients. So your social media following. Even in your database, there’s a bunch of fans, that doesn’t mean they’re qualified clients. So one of the things that I do is I look at how many qualified clients do you need? versus how many leads do you need? Because I can speak to a room of 100 people, but all those people aren’t qualified to work with me. Right? So maybe 25% of those people are qualified to work with me. So I would much rather figure out how do I get in front of those 25 people versus the 100 people. And especially if you do any kind of discovery call or doing any kind of, you know, something that you have to go one on one, one on one one on one. I think that’s why speaking and as a hairdresser, I started speaking not because I love to speak, but I figured I could get into in front of 50 qualified women, and close five women versus talking to 50 separate women. So looking at who’s that qualified client? And how many of those Do you need, because even a qualified client will close one in 10. So everything boils down to a formula. And you can’t resist math and small business. It’s part of what we do. So let’s figure out what the formula is so that you’re managing from the formula. It’s like cooking, Kara. We all either now you inherently know because a recipe has been handed down from generation to generation or you open a cookbook and you follow a recipe. Business is no different. Right? So when I look at power, your profit it’s the formula to creating a profitable business. Right profitability doesn’t come from one thing. It comes from all things that we do or sales or marketing or operations or finance. It’s one little tick off. Remember when we were in in school and you have that combination lock or maybe go to the gym now and you have a combination In law, you got three numbers. But one tick off that lock will not open businesses the same way. You could have a lot of things working right, but one tick off that sucker is not going to open. So instead of you trying to figure it out the hard way, find experts that can help you unlock your combination to your business. I’ve always had coaches in my business, right? I have three financial coaches. Now I have a business coach, I have a personal development coach, a therapist, right. I’ve got a fitness coach. Now I don’t use them all the time. I use them when I need to. So find someone that can really help you. Plan your year, especially 2021. Knowing that I don’t think it’s going to change anytime soon. So how do I pivot my business? How do I pivot the opportunity, and I’m here to tell you people are spending money. They’re right, they’re home, they’re spending money, they still they want connection. You know, we’re all I call COVID fatigue. We’re all in this, like, let me out. I just want to go see with my girls like, let me out, I need to go be with my friends. But the reality is the way we’re going to do it is like this, right? getting connected on podcast, getting connected on trainings, getting connected in networking groups, right? Getting involved in boards, so that you have that connection. And when you have that connection, you can grow quicker, faster. I think so many entrepreneurs are lonely printers, and we’re trying to figure it out on our own. I had to find someone who knew more than me because I had to feed my children. Mm hmm. Right. And maybe you’re not in that desperation. But I don’t know if you see this Kara. But a lot of entrepreneurs have this backdoor, like they don’t have to, they’ve got a husband, they got a savings account, they got a job, right? They might be a parallel printer where they’re working a job and building a business. If you don’t have a backdoor, you act differently. You get up earlier, stay later, you’re radical, you you call people, you put yourself out there because you don’t have a backdoor. So let’s close the back door. Close the back door for your future. And think about why am I doing what I’m doing? Yeah, why am I Why do I want to do this? I started because I want to make a difference. And now wanting to make a difference to go Quit making it too hard. Only 1.7% of businesses hit that million dollar mark 1.7%. That’s ridiculous. By look at 88% are doing 100 grand. Well, that’s just a couple more zeros. Let me show you how to get those zeros. Right and Quit making it so hard.
Kara Goldin 22:32
Yeah. And well, I think that what you said that’s also really interesting is I think now people are actually trying to figure out, do they really even want to be doing what they’re doing right now. So I think that that’s right, you know, that’s a whole other piece of this is like now’s the time to really start looking at partly what I think I was hearing out of you too, is when you have challenges along the way and sort of in thinking about your journey, you’re also you build resilience, and you build scrappiness, right, which, right? I 1,000% agree, that’s, that’s definitely what I’ve seen, being not the last of nine kids, but the last five kids growing up. So I feel like that definitely helped me versus giving me sort of these wings to kind of go and just go get a job, or just because everybody was doing it. I think that there’s that that. I don’t know, like, I feel like that is something even today where people are thinking about you know, nothing’s for sure. Your maybe your marriage isn’t for sure your your job isn’t for sure. And so why not do something that you’re ultimately going to be doing that is challenging in some way to and and is exciting, and ultimately brings you money as well, I think that that that is, is so key. And when we’re talking about a business, you know, obviously you’re talking about kind of coaching and more of like a service business. But I think those rules also apply to a business even like mine, where I always, you know, share with people that that we focus on our top customers, right, we want new customers. But I think during this time, you know, we have two sets of customers we have the grocery stores for example and sort of who we distribute to but then we also have the customer like you who buys our product whether it’s online or in the stores and so trying to figure out where you can kind of measure those customers and and really make sure that those people are happy because they’re ultimately going to buy more and more and more or And that applies not only to physical products but also to just a service business as well. So just want to make that super clear to people it can be in either direction. So what would you say is kind of the biggest lesson in growing and building a business has been for you I one of the things I taught about in my book is the doubts and kind of the doubters that I had along the way. And I’m a huge believer in, in just this whole idea of, of it’s not just about skill or education. It’s also about mindset and sort of like, you know, figuring out exactly that you are going to build a business. And I clearly think you’ve, you’ve done that over and over again. But what do you think what would you say is like the biggest lesson that you’ve learned in growing and building your businesses?
Susie Carder 25:30
I think what I’ve really come to terms with you know, I’ve been doing this for 25 years, I’ve built 10 companies and to $10 million companies. The biggest thing I’ve learned is, the bigger you play, the bigger the breakdown. And that’s not just a cliche, but I used to it used to devastate me, it used to crush me, you know, I remember my first employees, plural, quitting?
Mm hmm.
Susie Carder 25:57
Right. I’m like, I’m not I’m a sucky boss. I’m not good at this, right? I have this perfectionism that I have to do it right. And I have to be good at it. And, and there’s a double edged sword, right to wanting to be good enough, the double edged sword is I’m going to try harder than the next person. And so before the not good enough, would run me, right? Or if I failed in any way, I thought I was a failure labeled me like, you suck, you’re bad. You’re wrong. Even in 2007. When I lost all my assets, I’m like, Who’s gonna listen to me? Now? I’m a business coach, I talk about money, who? Who really? How do I have any credibility? And the interesting thing care, I started telling that story, and people started giving me a standing ovation. You know, and I was doing the ugly cry, because I was still in it right? And go, I lost it. But here’s what I’m doing. Right? I got back up. And you know, that that truly is, the bigger you play, the bigger the breakdown. And that’s just part of business. I don’t like it. I don’t, I don’t want it to occur. But if I’m risking, if you’re not having breakdowns, you’re not playing big enough. And, you know, when I say it, my team cracks me up. I had this big breakdown with one of these groups, right? And it kind of happened company wide. I’m like, I’m in trouble now. And they don’t like me. And I did this thing I’m not supposed to. And my team responded back. Well, Susie, the bigger you play, the bigger the breakdown. Like embrace the breakdown. I’m like, Don’t quote me back. Yeah, that is, so that was really helpful to just go, Okay, so just apologize, right for the breakdown, just apologize for the mistake. And if they don’t accept it, then it’s not your community. It’s not the right tribe. But own it fall on the sword quicker, faster. So I love that my team is like, so quick to just pull the mirror up for me, I love it and go, you’re running, you’re playing big, I don’t have all the answers. When you play a big you, you don’t have time to have all the answers. When I look at people that I’ve outgrown. In my business, I’ve had to either release them or let them go is I’ve outgrown them, they can’t do the job anymore. Right? We have a breakdown, they can’t handle it, then I have to find someone with another skill level. So I always tell my team if you don’t want to be replaced, work on your education doesn’t have to be a degree but just go get it. Like if you need communication skills, go get it, right. If you need to learn five Business Finance, go get that if you need to learn customer service, go get that I’ll help you find it. Right. But I can’t be the babysitter of that if you truly want to be a leader in an organization, any organization, right? Go figure out? What’s that thing that I need? I’m constantly in education, because I’m playing big and I’m gleaming from people like yourself, and I’m gleaming people that you know, are in this group that Karen I belong to. And it just helps me go, oh, when I’m there, I’m going to remember that I might not need it right now. But when I’m there, or if I’ve experienced that I know who I can call on. So finding that right community that can support you when you have a breakdown because you will. It’s inevitable. If you’re in business, there’s going to be a breakdown, you’re going to get sued, people are going to quit, you’re going to make mistakes, you’re going to lose money. Right? I used to say to my clients, if you haven’t been sued, you don’t have your you don’t have your stripes yet. It’s fair. Yeah, I want you to be sued. But once you go through it, you’re like, Okay, I got this. It’s just it’s another process. It’s another system. It’s part of business. I’m not a loser, because this happens. It just is. And what did I learn? How can I not do that? Again, whatever it is that I did?
Kara Goldin 29:22
Yeah, no, absolutely. I totally, totally agree with you. So. And I think it also speaks to something else that I frequently talk about, which is that people think that the CEOs of an organization or you know, coaches or whatever, that they don’t need help, they don’t, you know, they’re sort of like at the top of the heap, right, but it’s, it can get lonely, right, like so you need to learn and you need to have people call out your stuff and, and I think that that’s really, that really speaks to that situation where it’s, you know, really, really important to always be learning, always find Those people that really can, can challenge you and in ways and like you mentioned, we’re part of a group with a whole group of women that are super great at not only being supportive, business wise, but personal issues come up as well. And I think that that is, you know, it’s just a super valuable network to have. And, and I think today, there’s just so many ways to find groups like that whether, you know, you go and find groups that you’re interested in on Facebook or LinkedIn, as well, as, you know, just other ways of finding groups, I’m part of a group called C 200, as well. And that’s another group that I belong to where it’s kind of different, sort of different people at at sort of different types of industries, too. So I think there’s just so many ways to find that, but it makes life a lot more, or I should say, a lot less lonely, right, when you have damaging times. So that’s really, really great to hear. So Susie, where do people first of all, where’s the best place for people to find your book power your profits,
Susie Carder 31:09
so you can go to Amazon, Barnes and Noble. But if you go to power, your profits forward slash book, then I give you a bunch of bonuses like my secret secret spreadsheet, so I give you about six of those. I have a course called wisdom and wealth, which really looks at what are your money blocks, what conversations are holding you back around finances? So that’s power your profits Ford slash book. You can also go to our website at Susie Carter car d r, d isn’t dollar dinero. Delicious.
Kara Goldin 31:45
I love it. Love it. Love it. Love it. And where do people find Susie,
Susie Carder 31:50
you can find me on Facebook, Instagram just by my name. So that’s my handle on all the on all the places, right? So I would love to support anyone that’s listening to this just looking at let me just see how I can support you in your business. Right? Because there it is, like you said, I don’t it doesn’t have to be lonely. You don’t have to be a lonely printer. There’s amazing resources. And if I’m not the resource for you, I’m an amazing network of powerful business women and businessmen so that if I’m not the right person to support you, we’ve got a great network.
Kara Goldin 32:19
I love it. So thank you so much Susie for coming on and talking about you and your inspiring journey as well as power your profits and everybody if you’d liked this episode, definitely give it lots and lots of stars and subscribe to our podcast and come back and and listen every Monday and Wednesday for the next Kara golden show which brings super inspiring leaders and entrepreneurs and disruptors and authors on to really talk about the good stuff that they’re doing. So thanks so much, everybody. Have a great week.